Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thank you to Joseph Carrabis and RoundTable 360°

March 28th, I was invited to participate in a Roundtable 360° discussion about creativity and the imagination. Joseph Carrabis and other creative personalities from music, art, theater, and writing wanted to answer the question have you ever wondered what makes creative people creative? 

Each participant in the round had their own perspective about what makes creative people creative. 


Being with a group of talented people - regardless of their chosen media - and listening to them discuss their work, how their work choice has shaped their lives, their goals for their work, et cetera, has been a dream of mine since my college years.

Now that dream has a name and place - RoundTable 360°. We get together the last Thursday of each month, share how our disciplines have shaped and changed us, and explore how one discipline can inform another. For example: What can authors learn about setting scenes from photographers? What can dancers learn from painters about expression?

What do you think? Is everyone creative in their own special way? Left brain or right brain, it doesn't really make a difference? Architects are creative with specs and drawings of a building. Biologists are creative in developing new methods to research cells and diseases. Artists are creative in how they use color and geometry to create paintings. 

Humanity sets itself apart from the animal kingdom by being creative for entertainment and developing a culture.

Creative people have to learn to shut off the outside world and cultivate their inner stirrings. The present moment is the time that supports the creative function. 

It was a nice talk. I enjoyed the informal debate and dialogue between the Roundtable members. I even got to throw in my two cents worth. 

If you would like to be a participant, then please contact Joseph Carrabis

Thank you for inviting me!

Have a great and creative day.


Undawnted's DL Mullan, can be booked for your online Blog Tour, Book Event, Book Review (w/ARC), Interview, Writing Conference, or Genre Convention. Ms. Mullan has years of experience in public speaking, readings, presentations, events, and tours.

Book a quality author and presenter with Undawnted: Bookings online form

Sunday, December 3, 2023

December is a Winter Frost Wonderland

2023 is coming to a close. Even though next year brings changes to our content and lineup as we grow, Undawnted continues spreading the Yuletide spirit in the now.

A Novelist Idea will have another graduation for completers of our newsletter's creative program, Hint of the Divine, but this curriculum will move from the newsletter to a fee-based membership in 2024. Stay tuned as Undawnted's Member's Only area develops. 

This last month of the year will see more events arise. The cover reveal party for The Town Santa Forgot will be hosted by our publisher: Sonoran Dawn Studios: Yuletide Jingle: Cover Reveal Party. December 9th-11th, this party will bring our audience new authors to follow and read, as well as contests and prizes. Don't miss your chance to celebrate the holidays with DL Mullan, especially her upcoming Winter Solstice and The Town Santa Forgot release parties (via A Novelist Idea Newsletter). 

Join now and be ready for more publication and cover reveals in the coming weeks. Undawnted's Winter Frost Seasonal Reads program helps with gifting and getting into the spirit of the season. 

This year has been wonderful for creativity and the imagination! 

Thank you all for your continued support of independent creators.

Have a joyous and fulfilling holiday season.


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. 

 Keep up with her activities by subscribing to her monthly/quarterly A Novelist Idea Newsletter.


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Autumn Cider on Undawnted's YouTube Channel Expands the Imagination

How would you like to see Edgar Allan Poe recite his own poetry? Or, how about Emily Dickinson? 

Without a time machine, no one living now can go back to see our literary icons do so... until Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan found a way.  

Ms. Mullan has bridged the gap between the past and present with futuristic technology. With artificial intelligence (AI), the imagination has brought to life these Literary Masters (see the section of the same name) along with current poems by DL Mullan in Poetry Slam.

Throughout the Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads program, more guest appearances from the past, as well as their beloved poems, will grace the Undawnted YouTube channel.

For information about premieres, schedules, and book events be sure to Like, Comment, and especially, Subscribe to Undawnted's Channel, as well as Substack newsletter: A Novelist Idea.

With Undawnted, imagination is truly fearless. 


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Ms. Mullan showcases her literary talents by publishing her creative writing. She has short stories and poems published in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. In addition, she writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan produces her own book cover designs for herself and others. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet.

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series.

With her education and experience in writing, DL Mullan shares her knowledge via her newsletters. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to one of her newsletters on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.


Friday, July 7, 2023

Why Certain Creative Writes will not be Published on YouTube

Is this stupid or what? Creators of art, poetry, and prose are censored without a jury trial of our peers.

As I was making a list of poems that I wanted to create videos for, I had to strike out a few. One is Imaginary Suicide. Because we have not raised adults in this country and around the world, words are banned. 

People are terrified of words.

I'm sorry: what? 

Because adults are scared of the alphabet and dictionary, corporations are telling me what my rights are? Perhaps, it is time that we have the return of actual education, and in the process, "unalive" corporations. In legal terms, a corporation has personhood. Yet, I have never seen a corporation go to prison. Have you? So the definition of corporation needs to change, as well as to underline that to do business in our country (the United States) said entities (education and corporations) need to be neutral in all political and social matters.

I am tired of elites using their corporate power, wealth, and extreme belief systems to skew the electorate with disinformation and misinformation, on the right and the left. The first step is to disallow corporations from participating in our elections and culture. These entities are to sell goods and services, not tell me how to run my life. Under the Constitution, that is my right. 

Until voters understand how their rights are being stripped by foreign individuals, and the intelligence apparatus, through the flexing of corporate power, then the banning, shadow-banning, and censorship will continue. 

Censorship of poems like Imaginary Suicide:

2 Reader's Choice Nominations

"Beautifully expressed. It comes as no surprise that in a world structure as this one finds oneself in a complex emotional equation as this, until it runs its course and takes a turn at some point."

"So real to me, which is a sad reflection though true. I nailed this!" 

"Very imaginative. This is innovative, an interesting perspective and packed with emotion. Your use of language and word choices give this impact." 

"Imaginary suicide, what a subject matter for a great creative write, its full with real emotions as are great creative writes Well done and well wrote."

Shouldn't we be demanding the end of censorship? 

Have an imaginative day.


If you would like more information about this poem, then please see Turquoise.

The healing power of color comes the emotive, evocative, and provocative chapbook that will hit every note with ease and leave you wanting more.


"I love it. I can relate and "feel" the moment and the experience it brought on... thanks for sharing."

"That's...awesome!!! Wow... I love your work."

Get hooked on Turquoise today! 




Thursday, May 25, 2023

Press Release: The Jonah Collector has been Submitted to an Anthology

After writing this Rime of the Ancient Mariner/dark mermaid inspired short story for a writing prompt, The Jonah Collector was edited for a future release. 

Undawnted was set to publish this lyrical prose piece this summer until a publisher's call for submissions asked for a seafaring narrative. After formatting the document, the story was read through to see if further editing was necessary. Since the creative write received no corrections, it was deemed ready for another life.

Therefore, The Jonah Collector was removed from rotation and submitted to this new anthology. We wanted to update our readership about this change, especially for those readers who were excited about this imaginative piece. In the coming weeks, DL Mullan will be notified if The Jonah Collector was accepted, and Undawnted will let our audience know the future of this tale.

We hope no matter if The Jonah Collector is published by an anthology or by Ms. Mullan that Fearless Philes will share in our excitement.

Team Undawnted


The Jonah Collector has been published by Sonoran Dawn Studios. 

Check out the dedicate page for details.


Saturday, May 20, 2023

Step Out of the Norm and Take a Galactic Ride

This Long Form poem is the staycation everyone dreams about:

Take a trip into the universe. No need to pack. Your imagination is your passport to discover what lies beyond our telescopes.

"Awesome... just can't say enough about your poem." 

"A Sci-Fi/Fantasy poem. Unusual, to me anyway, and an interesting change of pace..."  
"...reminded me of the psychedelic era." 

Jump on board.

Join the consciousness revolution, and open your mind to the possibilities that await in the rhymes of these lines:

Want to take the ride? Buy your copy today: Galactic Ride



Like, comment/review, buy, subscribe if you like this vibe and become apart of Undawnted's Creative Tribe.


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Would you like to be a Blog Tourist? Or, Blog Tourateur?

Team Undawnted is looking for Blog Tourateurs, or Blog Tour Hosts. 

We like to review Indie Creators, and in turn receive a review or marketing time on your blog. Would you like to become part of our Blog Tours?  


It’s easy to become a host:

  • Do you have a blog or website for creative endeavors?

  • Do you like being a part of a team?

  • Do you enjoy art, poetry, and prose?

Then you qualify to become a Blog Tourateur for Team Undawnted. 

We supply all your needs with an Advance Review Copy (ARC in PDF form) for you to peruse, and/or our marketing materials such as:

  • Articles

  • Links

  • Reviews

  • Marketing Images

A Blog Tour Host just needs to put the items together on their blog/site and publish! It is that simple. 

Become a Creative Connoisseur!

For further information on how you can sign up as a Blog Tour Host, fill out and send your request in via our Contact Undawnted form.

Thank you for your interest,

Team Undawnted


Monday, September 26, 2022

Baptizing the Dead, the Literary Lyrical Long Form Poem, is Published!

Undawnted, and our Fearless Philes, had a wonderful time at the Baptizing the Dead release party last night. You didn't get the invite? Well, you can receive one for our next event by signing up with A Novelist Idea Newsletter...

Subscribers always get the goodie bag! 



What is this poem about? 

The Devil has come to town to baptize followers for the other team in order to steal their souls... do you know who your preacher is?

Even the Devil Can Quote Scripture


Critical Acclaim

What readers have to say about this poem?

"What happens when you give the Devil a run for his money!"

"Another great piece by our generation’s [Gen X] Genre Laureate."

"Ah such a talented woman I can only hope to be as good as you one day love your poems."

"Irreverent, but topical in our current cultural climate. Perfect."


Info Guide

Do you want to know more? Then visit Baptizing the Dead on Undawnted.  


Believe in Magic... Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads 



DL Mullan is an award-winning poet. With poems in numerous publications, including academic and commercial anthologies, Ms. Mullan is becoming Generation X's Genre Poet Laureate.

Want to read some free selections? Venture over to her page on My Poetry Forum.

The creative imagination stands the test of time. 

Learn. Grown. Master... with Undawnted.



Monday, September 5, 2022

Believe in Magic: Celebrate 6 Years of Publication

Six years ago this month, DL Mullan self-published her first chapbook and, the next month after, released her first novel through her Sonoran Dawn Studios publishing house. 

To celebrate 6 years of self-publishing, Undawnted is hosting a popup party on September 10th from 6pm to 11:59pm (PST). 
Team Undawnted has added the event to our Special Editions/Events page.


Join the party being host on A Novelist Idea Newsletter

We are celebrating by re-releasing the two publications that started it all!

Remember to subscribe to A Novelist Idea Newsletter for freebies, promotions, goodie bags, events, parties, and more

Have a safe and wonderful Labor Day, 

Team Undawnted


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Believe in Magic with Undawnted's Imaginative Poetry and Prose

Autumn is a magical time of the year. 

Our temperatures moderate from the summer heat waves. The evenings turn crisp as we reach for our sweaters and hot cocoa. Ghosts and goblins haunt our steps... for candy! 

And, our ancestors await our recognition. 

Nights grow longer. Do you add more to your DVR? Or, would you like to curl up with something new? A book, perhaps? 

Poetry and prose are great ways to spend time with yourself. Inside your imagination, let the characters and stories swirl around and create images in your mind. What do you see there in your mind's eye? 

Reading is another great mechanism to expand your creativity by living in someone else's world. That energy can be used to fuel your own innovations.

What are your fiction favorites? Genre topics like vampires and werewolves?

Or, how about rhymes that are sublime to elevate the uneasy factor?

How about some satire? 


Take the time to Believe in Magic along with Undawnted. Autumn Cider begins this magical time of year of holidays, celebrations, and parties. We have those get togethers scheduled throughout the rest of the year.

Join our community by bookmarking this site, commenting on our social media and video posts, follow us on Twitter and Youtube, liking our posts, as well as subscribe to Undawnted's A Novelist Idea newsletter

You, too, can experience the wonder of the changing seasons.

Have a wonderful and magical day, 

Team Undawnted


Saturday, August 27, 2022

Blog Tour Hosts Wanted

Team Undawnted is looking for Blog Tour Hosts for the 2023 New Year. We are content creators for Undawnted. Our articles and promotions will drive more traffic to your site.

It’s easy to become a host:

  • Do you have a blog or website for creative endeavors?

  • Do you like being a part of a team?

  • Do you enjoy art, poetry, and prose?

Then you qualify to become a Blog Tour Host for Team Undawnted. 

We supply all your needs:

  • Articles

  • Links

  • Reviews

  • Marketing Images

A Blog Tour Host just needs to put the items together on their blog/site and publish! It is that simple.

For further information on how you can sign up as a Blog Tour Host, fill out and send your request in via our Contact Undawnted form.

Thank you for your interest,

Team Undawnted


Monday, July 25, 2022

Celebrate 50 Years of Imagination Party

Undawnted's Founder, DL Mullan, turned the big five--oh! 

A Novelist Idea Newsletter hosted the live event on Wednesday evening: Celebrate 50 Years of Imagination Party

Ms. Mullan would like to thank everyone for joining in on her party. Music, trivia, nostalgia, movies, and giveaways took up the three hours of fun. 

Those participants who selected their freebies from the spring and summer choices of updated and newly released publications also received a special downloadable bookmark and postcard to commemorate the event. 

Want a peak? Then visit our Special Editions page, where Undawnted will list our special edition books, and other occasions like our Celebrate 50 Years of Imagination Party.

If you would like to be notified about special events, projects, and giveaways, then sign up for A Novelist Idea (learn more). It's easy. It's fun. It's... FREE.

Thank you,

Team Undawnted

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Say Goodbye to Spring Dreams on Undawnted

Seasons change.

Undawnted divides up the year into our seasonal reads program. Our program follows the meteorological transitions of our planet. With spring closing out and summer beginning, we are heading into the fun time of the year with outdoor activities and get togethers.

Here, if you would like one last look at our Spring Dreams collection.

June 1st, Summer Time kicks off the season with summer-themed creations until August 31st. Become your own hero with Undawnted’s Call to Adventure with our activities, publications, and parties. Our most active season is about to launch!

Are you ready?

We are, and we would love for you to join us and explore our world of imagination.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted’s Summer Time Seasonal Reads Program.

It’s your Call to Adventure!


Show your Undawnted spirit by becoming a member! 

Follow, like, share, subscribe to get the most out of Undawnted:






Sunday, May 1, 2022

A Novelist Idea Newsletter has been Published for May 2022

Have you signed up for Undawnted's Free Undawntable Newsletter yet? 

Why not? Information about upcoming events, blog tours, release parties, and more! Our monthly projects will give you a creative portfolio at the end of the year. 
What's not to like? 
Our May Day Review Project for 2022 is a new take on scrapbooking, collage, and navigation boards. Steer your way into a more inspired you.

The Substack is updated with posts and threads throughout the weeks, so you are never sucked down into an abyss.

If you would like to become an Undawntable, then subscribe! It's fast. It's easy. It's free.

Embrace the creator within... by becoming unleashed!


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. 

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series.

For news and updates, subscribe to the Undawntable Newsletter.

Monday, April 11, 2022

The Creative Mind in a World Gone Mad: How do We Take Back Our Imaginations?

Once I thought that the human imagination was boundless and beautiful overflowing with hope, in the years since, I have discovered that some of our mind's have ventured from the possible, probable, and poetic into a landscape of fear and dread. 

The creative mind's "what if" moment of variability had been intersected. When an elite few realized that their dystopian future would shrink the quantum possibilities into one narrow passage, a new era of manipulation began. Humans don't have informed consent; we have manufactured consent. 

The most steered aspects of our society have been the sciences and the arts. That cross-section of our culture has been handicapped, and our development stunted by this destructive agenda. Imagination? Creativity? ...where? 

Anyone can observe the unimaginative movies, predetermined book publications, and repetitive musical interludes. As a child of the 1980's, I am bored with this curated selection of negative, trash-filled redundancy.

In the past decade, I have become concerned by the lack of original thought in our society. Instead, I perceive a propagandist's point of view influencing us. Yes, even in the arts and sciences is this negative agenda pushing forward. Should I name the offenses, or, can you decipher these issues for yourself?

As an artist, poet, and writer, what should I make of this forced slant stepping on our abilities, skills, and lifestyles? Why am I not allowed to embrace my creative side and ask the questions that beg: What if? The moment that my imagination takes flight into the uncharted territories of the cosmos, I must censor myself. I must refrain from my innate calling as a creative spirit. 

Only when an agenda is corrupt and harmful must all other competition to it be silenced. No questions. No free-thought. No imagination. 

Why? Why do a few believe that they outweigh the many? What happened to the imagination? 

Here at Undawnted, imagination is fearless and will ask questions of the cultural captains: what happened that would allow you to believe you are more important in my creative life than I am? Why would you believe you are better than the rest of us? Why must we believe what you believe? Why must I attend, pray, and be a disciple at your church?

Are those not fair questions to ask? I feel that this elite mindset is of: do as you are told. Period. Another form of corporate toxicity demands more from me than it gives in return. 

That leads into: why is there a conservatorship being placed on the creative world? When did I sign that legal contract? Is it in the vague Terms of Service of the services you don't provide anymore when you turned your back on freedom of speech? Because I certainly have not been evaluated in a court of law as incompetent to stand trial.  

Why can I not tell people to research the findings of Dr. Naomi Wolf (Ph.D.), Dr. Robert Malone (M.D. and inventor of the MRNA technology), Dr. Peter McCullough (M.D.), VAERS reporting, or even Edward Dowd? Is the establishment afraid of real data?

When someone in a position of leadership be it government, corporate, education, or think tank does everything in his or her power to stifle creativity, shut down dissent, and make you censor yourself, then how can our culture have imagination? 

One way. One mind... sounds more like the Borg to me, than a democracy. 

When it comes down to it, we aren't being respected as adults. So if you are wondering why I speak out, this factor is high on the list. Are these governments, corporations, institutions, or think tanks respecting you if you have to censor yourself in order to appease their short-sided agenda? 

What is the Agenda? The World Economic Forums' Great Reset that plunges the world into an economic depression? Do we really want that nonsense? I for one did not elect Klaus Schwab into office. Did you?

So, creative community of artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians, do you need someone to make your decisions for you? Or, are you a capable, cogent adult that abides by the laws of the United States? 

Because "creative" does not have the word: we, in it; but the letters do spell: I. As well, "imagination" does not have the word: we, in it; but the letters do spell: I. Those words embody the artful presence of individuality. The arts cannot and should not be dictated by a collective. That is why imagination is fearless because this journey is for the courageous individual. 

Then why are we doing this? So, find your courage, individuate, and start asking questions. 

Creative courage is contagious!

Have a great and insightful day. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Additions and Updates to Our Poetry Sections

Undawnted has been doing some spring-cleaning, as it were, to our poetry line. 

We are in the process of adding chapbooks like Supernatural Archaeology, and some others whose titles are tentative, but soon to be released on this site. In the Long Form poetry section, we have some great ideas for each seasonal reads. We have begun the process with the release of our Long Form poem: Galactic Ride in March 2022, and the upcoming chapbook release of Eclipse in May 2022. More goodies will be uploaded soon to our Chapbook section. Our goal is to have a long-form poem and chapbook for every month of the year. 

After a large catalog of poetry has been published, then in November 2024, we will release: Oracle. This chapbook will celebrate 30 years of award- winning/level poetry from our own rhymer, DL Mullan.

She believes poetry is for everyone. Her poems are easy to read and digest. The meaning is what the reader brings to the words, but also Ms. Mullan conveys her own thoughts and feelings into the mix. 

In the coming weeks and months, you will see this section change with exciting and even more provocative writings. Ms. Mullan challenges herself on every level to bring her audience the best writing and culture of the age. From poetry, prose, and digital art, there is no comparison to her commitment to the tangible legacy she is creating before your very eyes.

You can have curated... or you can have creative. Undawnted- where the imagination is fearless


Have a great and wonderful day.



Thursday, January 6, 2022

A Novelist Idea: Fueling the Imagination is about the Center, Anchor, and Authentic Self

As a writer, I don't subscribe to the notion that I must write every day, let alone write X amount of words on a daily basis.  I do as I please. 

Because it is not the word count that counts; it is my imagination. If I cannot see, hear, and feel my characters and the story in my imagination, well, neither will my readers. So how is pushing writing as a daily activity going to fuel the very mechanism that is my creativity? 

It does not. 

Writing for the sake of writing is just writing... 

Undawnted is where the imagination is unpredictable, insatiable, and undeniably... unleashed. This statement is how I live my craft. Everyone should have a guiding principle, or vision, for their writing career.

What is yours? 

Ask yourself: 

  • What do you see in your writing that you would like others to enjoy?
  • What do you want to convey that is unique to you? 
  • How do you want your reader to feel when they are done reading what you have written? 
  • What is it that you want out of writing that would satisfy your audience and your compulsion to write? 

Another question to ask yourself is why do you write? I make this inquiry because I see many writers who have one-sided political views that they use to social engineer their audience. The psychological manipulation of your audience or writing for a small segment of the population will eventually sour people to your writing.

But... I want to be "inclusive!" Watch out for buzzwords. Those types of words usually resonate with fads and failures. I want to represent the underrepresented! If that segment of society is at 5%, then that is pretty much a forgone conclusion. A writer in this category is not interested in being inclusive but rather to the exclusion of 95% of the population, and thus creating a sect, or club. Maybe even a cult mindset in their writing. 

Writers need to be wary of such extreme behavior. 

If a writer writes exclusively for 15 million people who label themselves "Numerics", then that is all the readership you will hope to cultivate. And, writers must be aware of how their writing is accepted or rejected by this section of society. If you are seen as pandering, then you have pretty much excluded them too. 

So what does a writer do? No one wants to be seen as "Numer-phobic," but pandering, and social engineering are just as terrible behaviors to pursue as the former. 

How do writers become authentic? 

That center for which writers get their creative drive is individual to every writer. If you don't know or feel your writing center, there are a few exercises you can do to center yourself. A writer could go somewhere quiet. Sit under a tree, in a library, or in a bookstore. Watch people interact from all walks of life. Do you feel their energy? Do you feel the trees? books? people? buildings? 

With meditation or a creative exercise, find that feeling within yourself. What does that feel like? Can you delve deeper until all there is in the feeling is you? The original emotion that anchors you to a silent reverie of creativity and energy, do you feel that?

Does that center from your spiritual anchor spell out a one-side political or social agenda? Or, is being an authentic person more about all things under the sun, moon, and stars in the sky? Is being your authentic self about personal goals, integrity, and fulfillment? 

Then why do you believe that being exclusive and manipulative has anything to do with being a creative architect in the craft of writing? art? media? science? math? instruction? medicine?

If you are an authentic person, then there is no need to belittle your audience with ridiculous or even immature behavior. A creative person, or anyone, who is centered needs only to live their vision statement as a role model. Behavior that manipulates or panders is against that which centers our spirits and anchors our souls.

I take on the challenge of writing from this universal consciousness. There are no inclusive or exclusive energies. I am not beholden to any belief or feel that I must target society as a change agent. The natural course of change is slow over centuries, not quick in the span of two decades (as we have seen in several artificial mass hysteria events since Y2K). 

If you know who you are and what you are about, then the psychology and sociology of group dynamics does not affect you. Rather, you are driven by what is authentic, real, and tangible. An authentic person wants a centered sense to their world.

When you place yourself into your writing with the energy of authenticity, then your readers will respond in kind. In that center, you cannot look to others for guidance. That place is where you stand alone. It is you: raw, unfiltered, and unencumbered by outside forces. Since every person has this energy center, no matter their age, race, religion, politics, or orientation, your reader will have a deep connection with your writing, and your imagination.

Who do you want to be? Do you want to be your authentic self? Or, are you content with being a marionette in someone else's vision of you? 

I choose to be authentic. 

Have a great and wonderful day.


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet.

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series.

With her education and experience in writing, DL Mullan shares her knowledge via her newsletters. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to one of her newsletters on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

To Believe or not to Believe, Can a Polarized Writer be Believed?

So what makes up a writer?

I have been asking myself this question for a long time. Is a writer a product of their environment? Or, is the environment a product of the activities of a writer? 

It seems creative thinkers ebb and flow with the world around them but always just outside of the mainstream. Reporting, reacting, and responding to the political, social, and economic happenings for good or ill around him or her is the creator's way. Then infusing that vibration in the characters and story lines that are written.

I have come across creative thinkers over the years, and many in recent months, who have stopped being the outside observer and have become apart of the system.  I watch them. I watch how these artists and writers conduct themselves. Their behavior matches the extremes of current events and political talking points. I am aghast. 

A creative being is ineffectual when absorbed by the prevailing energies of the time. Either writers have joined the far right camp or the far left. That leaves me smack dab in the middle. 

With my formal education and my research activities, I have come to understand the many gears turning our world and how these mechanisms drive our world as a whole. To explain such machinations to the programmed mind is a perilous endeavor as I have discovered. 

You cannot say that researched fact, you must believe! Belief is for people who have stopped searching and just want to exist in the vibration of life. That is not me. 

I am in search of knowledge and wisdom. That imparts a duality of soul, inspiration of the heart. and path that cannot be walked in one lifetime, but on successive adventures in the energies of the universe. Who are we? Why are we here? Who sent us into this density? Dimension? To fulfill our individual destinies? 

Energy is felt yet intangible. It shapes our universe and creates reality. How we use that energy is how we realize our world. 

How does a wanderer bring the different aspects of reality together if everyone is so polarized that facts, figures, and sense don't exist as a common denominator? 

I ask because reality is adrift. People choose belief over everything else. Religion of gods or emotion is destroying the fabric of the space-time continuum. 

Can the imagination of one writer bring a cohesiveness to reality so people will stop tearing themselves and others apart? 

I do not know the answer to that and many other questions. I do know that the path of a creator is not to be sucked into the propaganda, but to deflect it and shine a light on the manipulation. 

If you are a writer, are you being the observer? Are you showing the hypocrisy of the right and the left? 

Or, are you too busy trying to be right in your beliefs that you have forgotten why we are here?  

I haven't forgotten my place as the observer. Belief has no sway here. Only knowledge and wisdom. 

What do you believe that keeps you from becoming the writer you have always wanted to be? 

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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019, Let the Creative Energy Flow

How do you feel today? 

It is 2019. The energy has changed and formed a new year. Creativity. Sociability. Boldness. Everything you have come to expect from Undawnted. 

While the weather has gotten cold, snow and sleet in the Sonoran Desert this past New Year's Eve, I have been reorganizing and redesigning some of the elements here on the site. Little did I know, the energies of the new year were already helping my creative spirit. 

2018 was tough on me. I feel like I did not grow enough as a creator as I would have liked. I did some extraordinary feats, that you would not believe me if I told you anyway, but you might read about when I write my Superfiction novels. Really fantastic adventures for a bed bound cripple. 

There was love and betrayal as well as out of this universe friendships. The ups and downs have left me a bit sea sick. Roller coaster rides were never for me. This set of 365, serenity and depth are the key players. I want a positive impact with positive outcomes.

Therefore I have reduced some sections so that I can concentrate on what I can do rather than the hopes and dreams of what I wish to do. When I get more accomplished, then I can start adding back my other projects. Still there is a lot on my plate, creatively speaking of course.

Is there something you would like to see Undawnted do in 2019? A novel? A sequel? Or, maybe it is poetry for you? 

Let me know on my social media accounts:
From me to you, Happy New Year! Let 2019 be the year to celebrate creativity! 


Monday, September 19, 2016

Minders, Notebooks, and Journals

The artist in me had to create a stylish look for 2017. 

Under the Sonoran Dawn Studios' Essentials brand, I have launched date minders, notebooks and journals. Users can write, draw, and create to their heart's desire. 

So far the cover art and coordinates have yielded sets named: Perfect Harmony and Modern Dance. Other artwork is on the way to make this collection beyond the imagination. 

Ring the New Year early and let 2017 be the best year ever! 

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