A Novelist Idea will have another graduation for completers of our newsletter's creative program, Hint of the Divine, but this curriculum will move from the newsletter to a fee-based membership in 2024. Stay tuned as Undawnted's Member's Only area develops.
This last month of the year will see more events arise. The cover reveal party for The Town Santa Forgot will be hosted by our publisher: Sonoran Dawn Studios: Yuletide Jingle: Cover Reveal Party. December 9th-11th, this party will bring our audience new authors to follow and read, as well as contests and prizes. Don't miss your chance to celebrate the holidays with DL Mullan, especially her upcoming Winter Solstice and The Town Santa Forgot release parties (via A Novelist Idea Newsletter).
Join now and be ready for more publication and cover reveals in the coming weeks. Undawnted's Winter Frost Seasonal Reads program helps with gifting and getting into the spirit of the season.
This year has been wonderful for creativity and the imagination!
Thank you all for your continued support of independent creators.
Have a joyous and fulfilling holiday season.
Keep up with her activities by subscribing to her monthly/quarterly A Novelist Idea Newsletter.