Unleashed Materials: Copyright & Trademark

No matter what is posted on this site from the logo, images, art, poetry and writing, or book covers, Dawn Leslie Mullan (e.g., DL Mullan, Sonoran Dawn Studios, Undawnted) owns ALL of these creative works.

DL Mullan is the creator and owner of these Trademarks and Copyrights.
So please save yourself the hassle and just do not steal. If you would like to license an image, have me produce an image for you, or do some other custom/commissioned work, I can do that.

I work with people from different walks of life with creative projects. It is far simpler to ask than to take.

So if you need assistance, please ask, by visiting our Contact Undawnted form page about your upcoming project.
Undawnted and Sonoran Dawn Studios are more than happy to help out with whatever creative idea you would like to see come to life.

The creative process creates so much positive energy that the feeling of satisfaction is so much more intoxicating than any theft or dishonesty could ever produce.

Thank you so much for your understanding!


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