Undawnted Premium Content

Do you want to grow as a person and writer? Do you want to bring forth your imagination and ride the creativity wave? 

Then subscribe to Undawnted's Creative Community of Fearless Philes via our newsletters, activities, and programs. Enjoy the process of unleashing your imagination!


Free Newsletters


Undawnted's website newsletter full of news and updates about publications, as well as monthly book events, release parties, contests/prizes and other activities for the creative mind. Monthly and quarterly. 


Legacy Universe

Join the adventure that is Undawnted's exclusive character-driven, multi-genre and multi-book stories. Monthly. 


Fearless Philes

DL Mullan's articles and essays about the wider world, because a writer continues to stretch their imaginations, expand their horizons, and understand the facts behind our perceptions. Sporadic.



Member's Only Content


Want to become a member of our Creative Tribe of Fearless Philes? 

Sign up for our paid subscriptions for access to our private Member's Only early access content, chats, contests, discounts, podcasts, programs, projects, and more!



Undawnted's poetry workshops. Learn the standard formats, as well as be encouraged to develop your own voice and creative rhymes. Weekly and monthly.



DL Mullan creates projects for professional writers program. This program expands the circumference that writers nestle themselves into and remain. Break out of the norm, and stain the universe with your words. Weekly and monthly.



DL Mullan discusses editing and publishing with an independent creator's perspective. Monthly.



About DL Mullan

Undawnted is the home of author, DL Mullan. Ms. Mullan has a varied and interesting background in the arts (Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning with Technology, also see Becoming Undawnted). From her award-winning poetry and science fiction/fantasy digital artwork to teaching honor's curriculum with her college's coordinator, participating in panel discussions at conventions, to directing her community poetry group, she has the innovative vision, creative passion, and hands-on experience that lends itself to success. 

Check out her growing Curriculum Vitae on her Undawnteum site for details on her extensive formal and self-procured education, real world experience, and application in the arts. 

Become a true Fearless Phile and join DL Mullan on the creative journey that is: Undawnted. 


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