Team Undawnted is looking for Blog Tourateurs, or Blog Tour Hosts.
We like to review Indie Creators, and in turn receive a review or marketing time on your blog. Would you like to become part of our Blog Tours?
It’s easy to become a host:
Do you have a blog or website for creative endeavors?
Do you like being a part of a team?
Do you enjoy art, poetry, and prose?
Then you qualify to become a Blog Tourateur for Team Undawnted.
We supply all your needs with an Advance Review Copy (ARC in PDF form) for you to peruse, and/or our marketing materials such as:
Marketing Images
A Blog Tour Host just needs to put the items together on their blog/site and publish! It is that simple.
Become a Creative Connoisseur!
For further information on how you can sign up as a Blog Tour Host, fill out and send your request in via our Contact Undawnted form.
Thank you for your interest,
Team Undawnted