Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Additions and Updates to Our Poetry Sections

Undawnted has been doing some spring-cleaning, as it were, to our poetry line. 

We are in the process of adding chapbooks like Supernatural Archaeology, and some others whose titles are tentative, but soon to be released on this site. In the Long Form poetry section, we have some great ideas for each seasonal reads. We have begun the process with the release of our Long Form poem: Galactic Ride in March 2022, and the upcoming chapbook release of Eclipse in May 2022. More goodies will be uploaded soon to our Chapbook section. Our goal is to have a long-form poem and chapbook for every month of the year. 

After a large catalog of poetry has been published, then in November 2024, we will release: Oracle. This chapbook will celebrate 30 years of award- winning/level poetry from our own rhymer, DL Mullan.

She believes poetry is for everyone. Her poems are easy to read and digest. The meaning is what the reader brings to the words, but also Ms. Mullan conveys her own thoughts and feelings into the mix. 

In the coming weeks and months, you will see this section change with exciting and even more provocative writings. Ms. Mullan challenges herself on every level to bring her audience the best writing and culture of the age. From poetry, prose, and digital art, there is no comparison to her commitment to the tangible legacy she is creating before your very eyes.

You can have curated... or you can have creative. Undawnted- where the imagination is fearless


Have a great and wonderful day.



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