Unleashed Materials: Dedication of the Legacy Universe

My writing may be fun and entertaining as well as at times serious and educational, but my writing is also geared toward a greater purpose.

I would like to leave an interesting and thought-provoking legacy. If we do not know the past, we are doomed to repeat others' mistakes. History and genealogy are the main aspects to a legacy of knowledge, introspection, and understanding.

To know one’s place in history is a fundamental source of perspective. We must embrace who we are and where we come from. Only from knowledge can we lead from a place of strength. Genealogy is that foundation in human evolution.
My Aunt Vonnie and I had many a conversation about how the history of one’s family should be honored, recorded, and preserved. Before I fell catastrophically ill with Biotoxin Illness that has now disabled me for life, I was her sounding board.

Unbeknownst to me, she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. During that time, my Aunt Vonacile Balle enumerated her dying wishes to me. She wanted me to use my gift as a writer to leave a legacy for our family. 

Even critically ill, I was determined to see her wishes through to fruition. I have -at great expense to myself- stabilized my symptoms, even though such measures seem temporary most days. I began writing and using my genealogical family names in my stories. 
As these narratives grew, legacy became more than wish fulfillment; it became its own universe. Legacy is now a multi- book, series self-contained universe unto itself.

For today, I dedicate the Legacy Universe to my aunt. If it were not for her, I would not have fought so hard to regain enough of my health to continue writing. Because when you are as sick as a cancer patient, but without the cancer diagnosis, people disappear from your life. There are no parades, walks, or rallies if you cannot be dependent on pharmaceuticals. So there is no reason to stick around someone sick with mold illness if you are healthy because there is no disability-porn to satisfy ego-gratification.

You know who loves you when the symbolic ship of your existence starts to sink. Whoever runs to the lifeboats first was never your friend, colleague, or relation. These people are fair-weather individuals, who are only in a relationship with you when you give more than you take. Once the tide turns and your ship takes on water, you are the lone deck hand left with a pail to bail yourself out. 

Funny how that works.
In the meantime, I do not know where you are, but I hope you will approve of the new direction created from the ashes of the old. I appreciate everything you have done for me and future generations of our clan. 
Vonnie circa 1950s


Rita Vonacile “Vonnie” [née Chisum] Balle
January 20, 1928 – November 4, 2009

Aunt Vonnie, here's to you!

Thanks again for having the foresight to help me bring the Legacy Universe into existence and keep our family alive in the imagination of others.

Your loving niece,



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