Showing posts with label generation x. Show all posts
Showing posts with label generation x. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2022

Baptizing the Dead, the Literary Lyrical Long Form Poem, is Published!

Undawnted, and our Fearless Philes, had a wonderful time at the Baptizing the Dead release party last night. You didn't get the invite? Well, you can receive one for our next event by signing up with A Novelist Idea Newsletter...

Subscribers always get the goodie bag! 



What is this poem about? 

The Devil has come to town to baptize followers for the other team in order to steal their souls... do you know who your preacher is?

Even the Devil Can Quote Scripture


Critical Acclaim

What readers have to say about this poem?

"What happens when you give the Devil a run for his money!"

"Another great piece by our generation’s [Gen X] Genre Laureate."

"Ah such a talented woman I can only hope to be as good as you one day love your poems."

"Irreverent, but topical in our current cultural climate. Perfect."


Info Guide

Do you want to know more? Then visit Baptizing the Dead on Undawnted.  


Believe in Magic... Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads 



DL Mullan is an award-winning poet. With poems in numerous publications, including academic and commercial anthologies, Ms. Mullan is becoming Generation X's Genre Poet Laureate.

Want to read some free selections? Venture over to her page on My Poetry Forum.

The creative imagination stands the test of time. 

Learn. Grown. Master... with Undawnted.



Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Entertainment Industry is So Woke that They've Become a Broke Joke

I am an artist and writer. I am publishing my own novels and chapbooks. My art is well received as book covers for a variety of authors. 

I love giving people a good story and a fresh perspective on today's issues through the allegories and metaphors of the paranormal and supernatural. I have debated on my site about: when is art imitating life considered a plot device versus social justice nonsense? Well, I believe I have figured it out. 

When entertainment becomes the agent of misinformation, disinformation, and downright conspiracy theory, that is when the line is crossed. I would expect some blurring of the lines on a show like the X Files, but even this show went straight into having a social justice tantrum from aliens building a wall around the Earth to a Russian committee secretly under the auspice of the Executive Branch of the United States government. Click! Turning the channel on this show. 

Other entertainment like award shows have gotten into the habit of promoting one point of view and culminating it into immaturity, disrespect, and falsities. These programs end up to be not worth watching at all. Click. Again.

If the Entertainment Industry took the time to actually research and educate themselves on the facts of the history of the USA, these people would see that there is more to the story than tit for tat. The USA has been corrupted at the highest levels and cannot be trusted until we get back to our founding documents. No more NSA spying. No more software back doors for hackers to steal our information so the government does not have to get a warrant. No more guilty before proven innocent. No more CIA propaganda within the borders of the United States. No more Fusion Centers. No more wars and profiteering. No more national security used to commit crimes. No more money laundering. No more Central Banking. 

You know... reality. 

However the Entertainment Industry is too much into kissing elite criminal asses, then doing the right thing. That is why programs and series are tanking in the ratings. Americans are tired of the incompetent, social justice warrior catastrophe. 

The CW Network is one of the worst programming agendas I have ever seen. If people are not gay, then people are in biracial relationships. If you happen to be a straight and/or white character on the CW Network, then you most likely have a horrible time with life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Talk about manipulative programming. 

On one program, a Muslim character was brought on and the Jewish one was killed off. Are we tackling the Israeli-Palestinian fight on my television set? And, did the CW just take sides? Click.

I am a Generation Xer. I don't care if you are gay. I really don't care if you date across party lines. I don't care if you are Muslim. I don't care if you are Jewish. I just don't. 

What I care about is balance. The Entertainment Industry has lost its way trying to tell me and everyone else what to think and how to live. That is not your job. The industry should be upholding American values of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Instead of reading the Federalist Papers, Hollywood in all its forms has been reading and implementing the Communist Manifesto. 


You may be able to trick the Millennials with that garbage but not this Gen Xer. My grandmother fled the Bolshevik Revolution. So, I am not playin'. 

I write about the factual and hidden history of the United States in my novels. Some would call me a Truther. Some would call me a Patriot. When all I am doing is using my education to research beyond the hype and hysteria seen on the news, online, and in the predictive programming of movies, sports, and television.

I don't have cable. I don't go to the movies. I don't subscribe if a streaming service sells social justice. I am about to cut off watching my programs like Supergirl, X Files, Arrow, Flash, and Black Lightning (or should I call the show: Black Lives Matter?). 

I don't watch entertainment to be preached to, sermonized at. You are not my parents. You are creating problems where none has existed for some sadistic chuckle. I am frankly tired of it. Take the politics out of my shows. Or the next step is throwing out my television set.

Because, I hate to tell you this fact, Entertainment Industry, but your fifteen minutes are up.



Original Content, Articles, and Reviews related to this topic:

As seen unedited on in the comments section.

Friday, December 26, 2014

The Day After Madness Speaks Volumes about Society

'Twas the Day After everyone's holiday of gift giving and filled bellies, and now what?


Hasn't everyone had enough already? Apparently not and that says volumes about our society. No moral or ethical wherewithal. Shop 'til you drop. Don't be engaged with reality. Just spend, spend, spend. 

What happened to the American Society of Truth, Justice, and the American Way? Have we really not taught our current younger generations about decency or respect? Black Friday, you say? Okay, never mind.

If Generation X cannot walk away from the sin of overspending, then how can their children learn the value of anything? Thanks to cheap foreign labor and corporate greed to give us less for more, we know the cost of things, but not the value.

For instance: if you work for $20 an hour, a $5 toy is 15 minutes worth of your time at work. Mowing someone's lawn for $20, which takes you two hours to do right... that toy now costs you 30 minutes of your sweat. Cost versus Value. Why do we not teach this concept anymore?

It appears we have allowed ourselves to be duped by cheap materialism. We have hoarders. We have people glued to their cellular phones. We have no one paying attention.

So we have Black Fridays. People harming others for trinkets. We have young people who do not take responsibility for their actions. These examples are crimes against the soul.

If our society does not begin to teach value of people, time, labor, paychecks, and things, then we are doomed to be hamsters on the retail shopping wheel for life.

And, condemn future generations with us.

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