Showing posts with label ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ideas. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Would you like to be a Blog Tourist? Or, Blog Tourateur?

Team Undawnted is looking for Blog Tourateurs, or Blog Tour Hosts. 

We like to review Indie Creators, and in turn receive a review or marketing time on your blog. Would you like to become part of our Blog Tours?  


It’s easy to become a host:

  • Do you have a blog or website for creative endeavors?

  • Do you like being a part of a team?

  • Do you enjoy art, poetry, and prose?

Then you qualify to become a Blog Tourateur for Team Undawnted. 

We supply all your needs with an Advance Review Copy (ARC in PDF form) for you to peruse, and/or our marketing materials such as:

  • Articles

  • Links

  • Reviews

  • Marketing Images

A Blog Tour Host just needs to put the items together on their blog/site and publish! It is that simple. 

Become a Creative Connoisseur!

For further information on how you can sign up as a Blog Tour Host, fill out and send your request in via our Contact Undawnted form.

Thank you for your interest,

Team Undawnted


Saturday, August 27, 2022

Blog Tour Hosts Wanted

Team Undawnted is looking for Blog Tour Hosts for the 2023 New Year. We are content creators for Undawnted. Our articles and promotions will drive more traffic to your site.

It’s easy to become a host:

  • Do you have a blog or website for creative endeavors?

  • Do you like being a part of a team?

  • Do you enjoy art, poetry, and prose?

Then you qualify to become a Blog Tour Host for Team Undawnted. 

We supply all your needs:

  • Articles

  • Links

  • Reviews

  • Marketing Images

A Blog Tour Host just needs to put the items together on their blog/site and publish! It is that simple.

For further information on how you can sign up as a Blog Tour Host, fill out and send your request in via our Contact Undawnted form.

Thank you for your interest,

Team Undawnted


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Two Nominations on My Poetry Forum for the poem: Pretend

Poetry allows the writer to expand on ideas and philosophies. Pretend is such a poem about Existentialism. The poem is a mirror with which to see ourselves and our current status in religion, politics, and our own personal embodiment.
Pretend seems to spark that same sentiment in others as the poem was nominated twice on a poetry site.

The poem has garnered accolades including: "It's the best poem I have ever read" on a forum that has since closed.  

Thank you so very much.

If you would like to read the poem for yourself and leave a review, then please head on over to Undawnted's YouTube Channel.

Have a great and wonderful day. 


Undawnted's YouTube Channel offers poetry shorts to full-fledged poetry feature films in our Poetry Slam section. This new playlist will give you more of the rhymes you crave.

Subscribe for more award-level poems written by DL Mullan.






Sunday, August 10, 2014

Brain Entrainment and Reprogramming

I am not religious.

As a spiritual person, l look at all sides but I never conform to dogma. Organized religion is man made. I don't follow the path of men, but of spirit. If you want to call that spirit god or not, I call it the source of all creation.

We can all tap into this powerful, healing, and loving connection to the universe.

I have spent much time learning the different perspectives. I am going to being publishing the research materials I find interesting. From David Icke to David Wilcock, I am sure there will be something for everyone.

I don't say believe in everything you hear, but to hear other author's for their take on the universe. I will post meditations and other information. I am writing a spiritual book along with my fiction.

I'm a busy writer!

So take everything in stride and take a listen. The way to open yourself and your writing is to hear ideas foreign to your own belief system. Don't shy way.

You never know what will trigger a new character or plot line.

And, have fun. I'll keep posting about writing, cats, cooking, and environmental illness too. What would be the fun without them?

Have a great and wonderful day!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

And That's the Word

When I edit works, other people's or my own, I am always looking for that perfect word.

Merriam Webster online really gets a workout when I am searching for words. Do I mean this or that? Is it spelt correctly? What's in the Thesaurus that might sound better?

And God forbid me to use the same descriptive word twice. 

I have got to find words that I can use without misuse and overuse. Bored readers are not what I want. I want people to enjoy as well as understand the pieces.

A tall order to say the least but that's what writing is. It's not just grammar and spell check. Writing is about conveying several ideas at once in a clear, concise, and albeit fun manner. 

Because who doesn't want to have fun?

The only secret to writing is making it look easy.

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