Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Histoires ou Contes du Temps Passé

Today marks a significant anniversary for fairy tales:
— perhaps better known as “Les Contes de ma Mère l’Oye,” or “Mother Goose’s Tales,” from the rough print which was inserted as a frontispiece to the first collected edition in 1697. He would not even publish them in his own name. They were declared to be by P. Darmancour, Perrault’s young son. In order that the secret might be well kept, Perrault abandoned his usual publisher, Coignard, and went to Barbin. The stories had previously appeared from time to time, anonymously, in Moetjens’ little magazine the “Recueil,” which was published from The Hague. “La Belle au Bois Dormant” (“Sleeping Beauty”) was the first: and in rapid succession followed “Le Petit Chaperon Rouge” (“Red Riding-Hood”), “Le Maistre Chat, ou le Chat Botté” (“Puss in Boots”), “Les Fées” (“The Fairy”), “Cendrillon, ou la Petite Pantoufle de Verre” (“Cinderella”), “Riquet à la Houppe” (“Riquet of the Tuft”), and “Le Petit Poucet” (“Tom Thumb”).
Thank you, Charles Perrault, for giving the world stories that invoke childhood imagination and creativity. 

In some way, our current storytelling ventures build on his works. 

Source:  Adelaide Books

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Logo for a New Year

A little science fiction and a little paranormal, the new logo really illustrates how imagination at Undawnted is truly fearless. 

Enjoy the New Year and visit often. 

Undawnted is becoming more fearless.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome, Again

This date is the official start to Undawnted.

I am a creative thinker: artist, poet, writer. I am set to publish original chapbooks, novels, and the lot. I hope you will join me on my quest to discover how imagination is fearless. 

"Undawnted is where imagination is unpredictable, insatiable, and undeniablely ...unleashed."

Let's start this adventure, again ;)

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Humans, We're Not so Human After All

So, you think you are human: Homo sapien sapien. 

You may not be so human after all. In the article: New Ancient “Mystery Human” Species Identified Shakes Up The Theory Of Evolution, humans discover that our DNA is not so human, but a collection of interbreeding species from long ago. 

Just face it: your ancestors were sluts. 
“What it begins to suggest is that we’re looking at a Lord of the Rings type world – that there were many hominid populations.” - (1) Mark Thomas, evolutionary geneticist at University College London.
According to DNA samples and cave excavations, more than one type of hominids exists along with our ancestral links. 

What information can be gleaned for today's writers?  Even humans are crossbreeds from different times and peoples. With science fiction, alien races would have the same impurities. In horror, zombies, vampires, and werewolves could harbor from a different sect of the human, or inhuman ancestry. What combinations could be exploited to develop new horrors and aliens for readers.

The Lord of the Rings could be reality. 

What can a writer, artist do to show how these influences have changed the way we look at ourselves in genres that reflect our own natures back onto us?

Source: Collective Evolution

Monday, December 29, 2014

You Reap What You Sow in Seeds

Plant a seed and begin a garden. "Seeds" represents all that we grow in our hearts, minds, and souls. The various colors of the seeds on this plant's branches are showing the different stages of development.

We make plans. Long term plans. Short terms plans. Plans that life throws at us. Each came from a different seed we planted. 

The next time you want something, plant a seed. If you water your intention enough, it will grow.

Thank you.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Life is Full of Suprises

I was searching the internet not to long ago and discovered I had been published in another book.

Hahahaha! It is now listed in the Bibliography section of the Press Paquet.  Three Line Poetry Issue #7 is the magazine/chapbook and it is on Amazon just like the other poetry book I was published in. It's funny how submitting for publication works!

That gem was the highlight of my day. Quite a discovery. I guess I better submit more poetry to publishers and see what gets accepted. 

Writing is always exciting, isn't it?

Have a great and wonderful day.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

By the Light of the Pale Moon

That's right, folks, it's that time of the month again. The moon is full in the heavens. All the crazies are out and the stars like to twinkle, twinkle. 

I cannot hide it any longer. I am in love. I love the night sky. 

I love Orion, the planets, nebulae, Milky Way... all of it!

I have these great binoculars that are just about as good as any telescope I have ever had but these binoculars are easier to position. Much more efficient. I do not have to fumble around with lens, or balance, or anything. I point and gaze.

And, I do gaze.... remember, I'm in love ;)

I may not be the best astronomer in the world, but I  am the happiest. Tonight, before I go to bed, I am going to head outside and look up at the near full moon and wonder. I will wonder why I am the only one outside gazing upward.

When you look at the marvels in our solar system, you can dream of worlds beyond our own. You can dream. You can see that we are but a small blue planet in an ever expanding red shift. 

Out there is where we come from. Out there is who we are. Out there is the undiscovered country of our own imaginations.

Won't you join me?

Have a great night!

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