Showing posts with label discussion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discussion. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thank you to Joseph Carrabis and RoundTable 360°

March 28th, I was invited to participate in a Roundtable 360° discussion about creativity and the imagination. Joseph Carrabis and other creative personalities from music, art, theater, and writing wanted to answer the question have you ever wondered what makes creative people creative? 

Each participant in the round had their own perspective about what makes creative people creative. 


Being with a group of talented people - regardless of their chosen media - and listening to them discuss their work, how their work choice has shaped their lives, their goals for their work, et cetera, has been a dream of mine since my college years.

Now that dream has a name and place - RoundTable 360°. We get together the last Thursday of each month, share how our disciplines have shaped and changed us, and explore how one discipline can inform another. For example: What can authors learn about setting scenes from photographers? What can dancers learn from painters about expression?

What do you think? Is everyone creative in their own special way? Left brain or right brain, it doesn't really make a difference? Architects are creative with specs and drawings of a building. Biologists are creative in developing new methods to research cells and diseases. Artists are creative in how they use color and geometry to create paintings. 

Humanity sets itself apart from the animal kingdom by being creative for entertainment and developing a culture.

Creative people have to learn to shut off the outside world and cultivate their inner stirrings. The present moment is the time that supports the creative function. 

It was a nice talk. I enjoyed the informal debate and dialogue between the Roundtable members. I even got to throw in my two cents worth. 

If you would like to be a participant, then please contact Joseph Carrabis

Thank you for inviting me!

Have a great and creative day.


Undawnted's DL Mullan, can be booked for your online Blog Tour, Book Event, Book Review (w/ARC), Interview, Writing Conference, or Genre Convention. Ms. Mullan has years of experience in public speaking, readings, presentations, events, and tours.

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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Busy Little Bee

Well I don't know how I am going to top yesterday's blog post: marijuana is a hot topic! Smoking hot topic? 

I was busy again... building a new website: Visual Studios Productions. Now you can see the artistic arm of this organization as I plow ahead. Nothing lost here. 

Also we have all our book/booklet projects green lighted. That is very exciting. I have to finish up two different books this month. One for a June 20 publication date and one for July 19. (see our Schedule page.)

It is nice to finally get some writing into the public sphere again. I am as eager to open a dialogue on fronts that are taboo and/or button pushers. I believe that if we get passed talking points and religion, we can sit down and make calm, rational decisions about the topics of the day. 

So I hope my take on subjects helps move our individual and national conversation forward. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Miscommunication or Misdirection

I had an informative conversation of late.

Someone believed that bullying me and acting as a martyr would somehow convince me of something that was not reality. I had the empirical data. I had done the research. What was I missing?

In the course of that evening, I learned a valuable lesson in what people will do to get their way.

I ended the conversation with we'll agree to disagree. The other person decided to act like I threw unfounded accusations at him. Yeah, good luck with that. I can deduce quite nicely by myself, thank you.

When these types of situations arise, I like to walk away the best that I can and give myself time. Heated discussions never end well. So I just end them.

Even in adversity, a writer can learn from human interactions. Just like the article: Immersion Reading is Good for the Soul, delving into the human psyche as one or more characters can also help you understand real humans. Plus you can create three dimensional characters in your stories.

So this conversation went south, but there are ways to glean positives from the negative.

Have a great and wonderful day.

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