Showing posts with label illness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illness. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Eclipse: Cloaked by Totality Publication Date Moved to June 5

With everything going on: injury, illness, and quarantine, my chapbook Eclipse was sidelined until I reached a better and more energetic center. 

June 5, 2020 seems like the perfect publication date as that is a Full Moon with, you guessed it: an eclipse!

That is poetry. 

If you would like to read more about this upcoming chapbook, visit its dedicated page here on Undawnted, Eclipse: Cloaked by Totality

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

On the Road... Again, Maybe...

I used to travel. ComicCon this time of year, I would jaunt over to San Diego. I would go here and I would go there. Every place was a new adventure. 

Now disabled with a collapsed immune system, everyday has become the adventure.

It is days like this one I wish the adventure would stop and I could get off the ride for a breather. If I need a day off every once and awhile, then my characters might feel thus inclined as well. Characters are supposed to be people too.

Our imaginary friends, the characters in our stories, must be treated as though their lives were real in order to maintain continuity within the scope of our world building scheme. If we have a personal life, then our characters have a personal life. If we go to work, then our characters should have some sort of career. If we go on vacation, well, shouldn't our characters too get a day off? 

I may be sick in bed with food poisoning from an onion I ate, but I can still use this situation as a character driven application. Because if we are using the schema that characters are people too, then someone is going to be reading about food poisoning in the near future in a story that I will write. 

But for today, I am going to rest. I am not well enough for the tilt-a-whirl.  Maybe tomorrow I will feel like riding around again.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year... Let's Make 2018 Memorable!

What have you always wanted to do? Write a book? Have a poem published? 

Well... what are you waiting for? 

Here at Undawnted, I believe that imagination is Fearless. So I would like to keep on that journey with all of you. 

I am grateful for the support this year. I have had my health and life challenges. Some downright scary, but knowing my readers were out there rooting for me helped keep my outlook positive and bright. 

So I wanted to say a big: Thank you! to everyone and have a Happy New Year! 

 I love you all dearly.

Keep those positive vibes coming this way. 

Have a great and wonderful 2018!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Glenn Frye

I was out ill when I heard the news of Glenn Frye's passing. 

The one song I have always loved that Glenn Frye wrote and sang was Desperado. So here's to you: 

I hope you and David Bowie are having one epic jam session.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Death and Other Expectations

The last 24 hours have been rough.

A friend who battled against breast cancer passed away yesterday afternoon when her tumor ruptured. What a shock.  I knew her time was near but she was not letting on about it. 

A year prior I helped translate her medical scan review. I knew what she was up against. I knew. 

We had also discussed a DNR, do not resuscitate. 

On the way to the hospital her heart stopped in the ambulance and she closed her eyes in peace. She had lost too much blood, probably from internal bleeding. She was not resuscitated.

Even though I have environmental illness, heavy metal poisoning and black mold infection, which the latter is akin to cancer, I can relate to the shock of an ill person's death. The hours wind down. You can see the failings, the set backs. You see them, but can say nothing. 

Then their impending death becomes a natural part of your landscape. Almost how yours has faded into the back of your friend's minds as well. Death will come. Death becomes an unexpected expectation. 

For some, death comes earlier than others. 

So thank you for being my friend. I will always cherish our time together arguing over politics. Who will I argue with now?

And, I will see you, when I see you.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Year's Resolution... cough, cough

During the first of the year the air quality in Phoenix, AZ was so bad, I not only got one but two sinus infections.


I am recovering soon with the hopes of fundraising for my ISBN needs. So stay tuned. More poetry and art is on the way!

Have a great and wonderful day!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dreaming while Awake is Life's Gift

I have fallen asleep several times today. 

I would write or research then catch myself nestling into my covers for a nap. Even mental work can exhaust me. That is what happens with chronic illness. 

Still winter has set in early in the desert southwest and I have settled into my writing mode. 

Yule will be here on Monday. Winter solstice arrives and the death of the year commences. The only option is to descend into the belly of the beast to be reborn into mythical heroes in the awakening of spring. 

Read your Joseph Campbell. 

Even though there will be no Yule tree or presents, I feel so blessed this year. I am grateful for my little fur family, friends, and neighbors. Although the year has been challenging and I am still very ill, I see a bright future at hand. 

Writing is my first love. My personal joy. Now that I have goals to attain and be in love while accomplishing those goals seems to be a dream come true. 

I wish all my days are filled with awakening dreams of these special gifts.

I hope everybody has a great and wonderful day. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Recovery, It's Not Just for Addicts

I am trying to recover from biotoxin illness. 

My immune system collapse due to employer negligence with industrial chemicals including the misuse and overuse of pesticides.

As I was getting back on my feet, my family allowed a leaky sink to cause my second collapse with toxic black mold.

...but my real medical, clinical symptoms and skeletal condition were just in my head. That is what I was told repeatedly.

Now that my family disowned me, I am recovering inch by inch with miles to go. Every inch is sweet. Of course, every set back is frustrating too. 

When you have a chronic and debilitating illness and people like your family make fun of you, it is really difficult to want to have camaraderie again. I have noticed that when someone is at a distance, I feel better. Our relationship is good.

But when someone is in touching distance of me, well, I am uncomfortable. I guess when someone is abused as I have been that being shy of close connection is not unusual. It's a survival mechanism. 

And, I am a survivor. 

If you do not understand the illness, then support the person the best you can. Be positive but not harassing. Believe me, the ill person will be grateful you care, but do not be disappointed that the ill person remains ill. 

My family thought that I should be able to run around and do chores for them. Or, do all my chores. So when I did not get better from their constant hounding and negativity, my family told others I was an addict and psychotic, which no one with an M.D. or Ph.D. could ever prove even with blood tests. Many terrible things were done to me as a result.  

But recovery from a prolonged illness has many of the hallmarks of recovering from an addiction. First, all your friends are not your friends anymore. Most, if not all, your family ignores you. Your requests for help and support go largely unanswered except for people who are paid to help and support you.

The only difference between being ill and being an addict is understanding from society. Addicts get support groups and therapists. I don't. Addicts receive adequate medical care. I don't. Addicts get legal services and protection under the law. I don't. Addicts have people who they can turn to... well, you get the picture. 

I am not ill by choice. Others chose this path for me. I hope one day people with invisible disabilities like chronic, lifelong illnesses will receive the same societal understanding and respect as others do already. 

It's not a crime to be ill, but it sure does feel like it. I had to go through a Disability Review recently, which I passed because I am truly ill, but the treatment I received placed my health and life in jeopardy. The situation was not fun and I nearly died. 

I am not okay with what happened to me especially since my family tortured and imprisoned me. 

Like Kermit the Frog said: It's not easy being green."

So, what will you do to help your elderly or sick neighbor? They could really use your helping hand at least once a month. If your whole neighborhood assisted others who cannot help themselves, America would be a much brighter place.

Thank you!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Geek Supply Run

Someday when I defeat brain inflammation, injury, and damage, I will again need geek supplies.

Oh, who am I kidding? I always need geek supplies. Someone had this link: on their facebook page and I snatched it! So now I pass on the website to you.

Everyone needs a little geekiness in their life.

Have a great evening!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Herding Cats

That is what my week has felt like.

I know you cannot herd cats. I have some. Herding is not an option.

Humans however... I had to write a person's lawyer about their negative albeit criminal behaviors. Why can't some people act like adults? You're guess is as good as mine. Then there's going to the store. When you are ill and disabled, a store a mile away seems like a continent away. I feel that I need to find an online solution to grocery shopping. 

Of course the Disneyland measles outbreak. Everyone is panicking. You and your unvaccinated kids are going to make us sick? That's logic. I swear people do not listen to themselves speak or write. If you are vaccinated, what's the worry? Or do people leaving the sham that is vaccinations actually know something you are too afraid to admit to yourself?

Research Linus Pauling Institute, research done on megadoses of IV Vitamin C. The cure for measles and West Nile Virus already exists, but that would take too much money away from large corporations. 

 Well, we are supposed to receive some type of rain here in the desert. The amounts keeps changing, lower and lower, as the planes are seen spreading something above the clouds. Great another toxin to detox. Like I don't have enough illness to go around. 

Okay, I am exhausted again. 

Time for some rest. Nothing on television tonight so I might fall to sleep with Youtube on. 

How about you?

Have a great and wonderful night!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Are Essential Oils Essential to the Recovery Process?

In the next stage of my recovery from a debilitating, chronic illness, I have ventured into the realm of essential oils. 

Essential oils have garnered quite the resume in healing circles. 

With my sensitive sense of smell, I have to be careful. My brain is on the look out for anything to attack, including me. So the slow process of retraining my brain has commenced.

I have decided to try peppermint first to cool down and repair my digestive system.  i can add it to cocoa. I can eat it straight in emergencies. I can also place some in carrier oils like olive and coconut to put on my skin. 

So far the effects are better than my peppermint filled mocha from Starbucks without the added sugar or fat... don't even get me started on the transgenic additives as well. 

Have you had your peppermint today?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Mean People Make the Best Stories

I have a difficult life.

Disabled because of a terrible illness, that is pretty difficult, but every where I turn someone wants to take advantage of it. The world is sad. People are mean. 

That is how society has turned these last several decades. I take mean people and I see character potential. I can mesh several of these meanies together and create a truly horrible bad guy. Of course, you need a hero or heroine to block their evil intentions. That is how storytelling can be.

You can take the good and the bad of life and create something wonderful. 

It is not easy being green, I mean: me! Ha, ha, ha. Even though I face challenges every which way but loose, I can keep my sense of humor. In the end, the mean people will never have a good life. 

And, I intend to have a fantastic one!

Have a great and wonderful day!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Writing Resolutions

Finishing up.... that is my 2015. 

My Resolution for this year to get some things done. Some writing things. Some art things. 


With an disabling illness, everything is tentative. I can have energy one day to do some task and then the rest of the week be unable to get out of bed because I used up all my energy on that previous day. 

Right now, I am recovering yet again from something my body is deciding to go through.

These days I relax and build up enough in my energy bank to do some tasks on another day. 

So as the days are getting longer, warmth returns and so will my imitative... well, that is the hope. What is your hope?

Have a great and wonderful day!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Time Passes When You're Ain't Having a Good Time


Spin you round and round and you haven't gone anywhere. Awesome! I have been having dizzy spells for a while but today was a full on vertigo episode. 

I guess that is my Yule present this year! 

All I wish for the holidays is to gain some measure of health. Being ill is not fun or a vacation, it is hard work. Plus with everyone burning in their fireplaces... really, in Phoenix? Yeah, it's sooo cold to be smoking the rest of us out of our lungs.

I am in bed like i have been most of this year. I need a new mattress. That's not going to happen either. 

Hmmm... something needs to go right here. What can I think of? Sleep. I can sleep the night and day away. Maybe I will gain enough sleep credits to be well enough to do some writing. 

I think I found my New Year's Resolution. 


Have a Safe and Wonderful Holiday Season!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sleeping the Day Away

Well my body has decided to take epic naps.

I set my alarm for a two hour nap and I wake several hours after that. Even when I rouse to turn off the alarm, my body just says: no way. So it is sleep time. 

With the agriculture, cotton spraying and moldy soil drudging, my body is overwhelmed. Too many airborne toxins, so little time. Plus the geoengineering rampant in the skies above, I am not all psyched about going outside these days.

At least my black and white cats likes to play fetch. He brings me his toy, I throw it, he chases and returns with it. Such smart kitties I have. 

I know totally off the subject of being ill but I am apart of a cat colony. When I don't feel well, toys are brought to me. I either play with them or toys pile up where I usually get out of bed. And I do mean pile. It is not one toy; it is the whole toy box. 

I guess she does not like that toy to play with, we'll bring her the other one, and the other one... oh, and this one too! 

It is hilarious. 

Cat logic. Cat naps. Well, those subjects did go together.

Have a halloweeny kind of day!

Friday, October 3, 2014

My Favorite Time of the Year

It is October. 

I must confess: I never imagined that I would live this long. Not more than four years ago, I was bedridden on oxygen and unable to care for myself.

Instead of proper medical care, my former family and friends sought to abuse me in a manner that is criminal. Now I am having to deal with their immature and criminal acts once again. The stress takes its toll.

Well, you have seen from my non-posts. Sorry about that. I am still dealing with the situation, but I am hoping the family works out the details and no longer is apt to dragging me into the situation.

As for writing, well, none of that has happened. Sorry again.

I hate being of delicate in nature and I hope my constitution bounces back one of these years, for I would love to finish all of my books in a timely manner as well as meet any of my readership in actual person.

I have lofty goals, I know, but there is not one goal I have set that I have not attained in one manner or another. 

Which brings us to Halloween! October is my favorite month. I would like to return to giving out candy, dressing up, and decorating the yard, but alas that will not be this year. I did it once two years or so ago, and I did not fair well. 

I shall return to my former activities, slow and slow, but I shall.

Right now, I must get back to writing for myself, the Gazette, and my readership because nothing says entertainment like a chick with brain inflammation, knowledge, internet access, and an axe to grind.  

And, this is the time of year for axes. 

Have a scary and unpredictable day! 
A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. In 2022, DL Mullan begun sharing her knowledge via A Novelist Idea Newsletter. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to her newsletter at her Substack.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Down for the Count

Serious illness is unpredictable.

I guess it's back to writing! The cats don't care; they're asleep all over. Some on the bed. Some of the dresser... Some are missing.

What a great life a house cat has.

Maybe, I should start writing about them!

Have a great and wonderful day.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

What's Cookin'?

Cooking... it's what's for dinner.

I like to cook a large pot of brown rice. I just have to boil water, clean the rice, add some seasoning and let it cook for 45 minutes. No fuss, no muss. 

After the rice cools, I can freeze it in portions. Now I don't have to cook until I run out of rice. So when I have reactions, have bad days, have no energy to get out of bed, or just hate the world, well at least I don't have to cook. 

When I have to fix a meal, I make more than I am going to eat so I have enough to freeze. 

That makes life so much easier. 

So what's cokin'?

Friday, April 18, 2014

Something About Anniversaries

On this day, one year ago, my adopted cat Irene had four cute little wigglebutts.

Thus the house was never the same again. The End... just kidding!

I have four little furry people who think I am their world. Riley, my Bombay, is playing fetch with me. I throw her toy and she brings it back for me to throw again. She is self taught. 

My calicoes, one is a bday girl and one is a year older from another litter, are both best friends. Those cats understand and nurture each other. Very cute.

The siamese screams and yells around the house with his bankie (a small, decorative wool blanket the size of a large index card for display items) in his mouth. I wake up in the mornings usually with one next to me. The other times, I yell back that I am in here (whatever room that tends to be). I explain to him with seven creatures in this house, there is no way he could ever be alone.

My black and white kitten is full grown and acts like his feral father. Boy, what a boy! He likes to be dominate especially over an older white male in the house, but I don't allow that. 

For creatures who are supposed to be dumber than dogs, these cats are really smart. They listen to what I have to say and do my commands when I talk loud enough. Cats are not stupid. You have to train them just like a dog. I associate words with actions and treats. 

Neighbors have even complimented me on how the outdoor cats listen to me.

Well, in the babies case, I fed Irene really well, took care of her, and trained her babies. These one year olds are very smart because I took the time and energy to raise them right. Doesn't mean they still don't act up and out like cats. They're cats! Of course, they do, but they also think and evaluate situations like how annoying can we be until the human gets the squirt bottle out and how fast can we run to avoid getting wet. 

Kitty logic.

Their presence has really helped me. My family abandoned me. A friend suggested: left me for dead three years ago. That leaves a lot of healing to do. 

With my new-found family, I don't have to worry about being alone in my house now. I have love and companionship. It may be unconventional but I don't see any human giving up their materialistic lifestyle to spend a life of isolation with me. 

Hell, I would be the greatest candidate to go to Mars, or some other colony. As long as I have a cat, the internet, and entertainment, I'm good. I wish I wasn't so ill. 

So off I go to get the office back in shape. I cleaned, organized, and am getting everything set up still. I am going to get back into writing novels and books again, not just do the periphery actions. If I start now, I should be done in about five to ten years! Isn't illness fun?! 

Have a great and wonderful day. 
Novelist, DL Mullan, has Biotoxin Illness from industrial chemicals, black mold, and pesticides from her former employer. Her office was in the same building as the water treatment plant. Years later after receiving no recompense, she uses natural supplementation, sugarless diet, and detox methods to regain a small quality of life. She may never be whole, or able to work in an office ever again, but with perseverance, Ms. Mullan is beating the odds against a low functioning/collapsed immune system. 

Support her efforts by purchasing her apparel, art, and books.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Not Another Sick Day with Sick Skies

I'm home. I'm in and out of bed. I am sore.

I did way too much yesterday, but hey, the house looks pretty good! I don't. 

That's okay with all the chemical lines in the skies and smelly clouds, I don't belong outside or doing any type of exercise. I'm better off taking it easy today. Tomorrow, we'll see. 

Being so sick that it has disabled me for life makes me fluent in many areas of study: medicine, chemistry, naturopathy, homeopathy, and environmentalism. Obviously, I am not licensed because I am unable to go to school, but I know enough to understand what is happening to me and in the world around me. 

That, and I'm just smart... on the days I can be. ;) 

So when I say I am concerned about something, it's usually more than that. I am really scared and I'm not sure what I can do about it. If I run around screaming the sky is falling, the sky is falling... well, no one is going to listen to me, are they?

I know some people have already rolled their eyes about my lines in the sky topic, which are toxic chemicals eating away at our ozone and releasing methane gas from the Antarctic ice sheets creating a real life doomsday scenario.

But you can't say anything or you are a crazy person. 

I am part science and part art. I understand well enough that Earth is in trouble and no one seems to be doing anything about it but making the problem worse. Spraying chemicals in the atmosphere is making whatever the government is afraid of much, much worse.

This direct assault on the world impacts me. Since Phoenix has been under a non-stop spraying directive for the past 6 to 8 weeks, I haven't been breathing too well. I'm not alone in this reaction. Normal people in all of the western world are dying of heart failure, respiratory diseases, immune reactions, and liver/renal failure. So, it's just not me.

What to do? Stand up. When you see the lines in the sky, say something, to anyone. I do. I ask what the hell that's for and what I found out when I looked it up on the internet, which is all true. It's not safe anywhere on the planet because somewhere in our government someone though this spraying was a good idea. 

Not by a long shot.

I may not have all these degrees, but I have common sense. Messing with Mother Earth is not smart, and it's not any government's right. 

So if you get a chance to read some of my articles on the VDP Gazette, make sure you watch the lecture by Dane Wigington. Then you will understand why I am so concerned... i.e., frightened as hell.

Because if the government is trying everything to lock us down, create a police state, and build bunkers and underground shelters for themselves... it would be because they know it's coming down, it's their fault, and we're going to start after the culprits.

So have a great Valentine's Day and remember knowledge is power and positivity. You can't be an awesome person without the facts.

Have a great and wonderful day.

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