Showing posts with label brown rice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brown rice. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

New Sweet and Sour Chicken Recipe Published

Sonoran Dawn Studios has published another Undawnted creation! 

Sweet and Sour Chicken with Savory Brown Rice is now available for download on the Author Spotlight, Nonfiction, for Sonoran Dawn on Lulu. 

Check it out and give a positive review! 

Thank you and have a great and wonderful day! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

What's Cookin'?

Cooking... it's what's for dinner.

I like to cook a large pot of brown rice. I just have to boil water, clean the rice, add some seasoning and let it cook for 45 minutes. No fuss, no muss. 

After the rice cools, I can freeze it in portions. Now I don't have to cook until I run out of rice. So when I have reactions, have bad days, have no energy to get out of bed, or just hate the world, well at least I don't have to cook. 

When I have to fix a meal, I make more than I am going to eat so I have enough to freeze. 

That makes life so much easier. 

So what's cokin'?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Baked Chicken and Brown Rice

Is there anything better than chicken and rice swimming in chicken broth, butter, salt and pepper?

I don't think so. I bake a chicken a couple times a month like I do a roast. Meatloaf, I don't have to get my hands dirty. I discovered my local health food grocery store makes a meatloaf that is so good that it does not last a day in this house.

I buy the meatloaf raw and bake it when I get home. Lord, have mercy! With mash potatoes and some vegetables, I am in heaven!

So baked chicken, roast, meatloaf... omg, now you've made me hungry again! 

Even though I cannot eat at restaurants, I have discovered that I can bring home some already prepared meals. PF Chang's has spring rolls and sweet and sour chicken when I need a Chinese food fix. When this brand is on sale, watch out! I will mow you down for it!

I hope you realize I am kidding about the mowing down of people. ;) 

I also can have a Starbucks when necessary, but not too often because it has too much sugar in it, and Papa John's pizza. 

Sometimes when the immune system behaves, I can be a normal person. Well except for my keyboard's missing "p". I have to copy and paste the letter over and over again. Thank you, kitties for dumping my keyboard on the floor. 

One day I will find that letter "p". 

I only hope it is not with vacuum sweeper. 

Have a great and wonderful night! 

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