Showing posts with label store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label store. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Undawnted's Special Editions Store is Officially Open

During the release of The Reality Hackers novelette, May 23, 2023, Undawnted opened our Special Editions Store

This store will allow DL Mullan's audience to purchase PDF e-Books that were created for a visual book experience, not an e-Reader one. In the future, this form will be used to order autographed copies of Undawnted publications.

First things first, Undawnted will provide our Special Edition electronic copies of our releases. 

Sales and discount codes will be offered, especially through our exclusive memberships, such as newsletters and release parties. If you would like these offerings, then join Undawnted's Creative Tribe of Fearless Philes. 

Thank you for supporting this independent creator. 

Team Undawnted 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Melted Chocolate Dreams

Chocolate, how could you do it?

You broke my heart. I loved you. I worshiped you. I enjoyed you. 

How did you repay me? You repaid me with GMO crappy, store bought cocoa. How could you? 

So in my efforts to make sure my diet is clean and healthy, I am switching anything I find that is not healthy over to the better quality version. Chocolate is no different.

GMO free chocolate that I buy is through an online source. So of course, I had to have some shipped with my regular items on one of the hottest weeks of the summer. By the time I opened my package, the chocolate was liquid. 

I could swish the chocolate back and forth in its little baggie. I laid the bag flat on the highest shelf in the refrigerator to see if I could make a chocolate bar out of the melted chips. A few hours later and I have a candy bar. Yay, me! 

Even though you broke my heart with your corrupted DNA, I still love you, chocolate. I am hooked. Now I have a new version to love you by. A version that will not lead to illness or inflammation.

Love me, leave me... or just buy GMO free!

Have a great and wonderful day!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Herding Cats

That is what my week has felt like.

I know you cannot herd cats. I have some. Herding is not an option.

Humans however... I had to write a person's lawyer about their negative albeit criminal behaviors. Why can't some people act like adults? You're guess is as good as mine. Then there's going to the store. When you are ill and disabled, a store a mile away seems like a continent away. I feel that I need to find an online solution to grocery shopping. 

Of course the Disneyland measles outbreak. Everyone is panicking. You and your unvaccinated kids are going to make us sick? That's logic. I swear people do not listen to themselves speak or write. If you are vaccinated, what's the worry? Or do people leaving the sham that is vaccinations actually know something you are too afraid to admit to yourself?

Research Linus Pauling Institute, research done on megadoses of IV Vitamin C. The cure for measles and West Nile Virus already exists, but that would take too much money away from large corporations. 

 Well, we are supposed to receive some type of rain here in the desert. The amounts keeps changing, lower and lower, as the planes are seen spreading something above the clouds. Great another toxin to detox. Like I don't have enough illness to go around. 

Okay, I am exhausted again. 

Time for some rest. Nothing on television tonight so I might fall to sleep with Youtube on. 

How about you?

Have a great and wonderful night!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

More Creativity On The Way

I am going to take some time and research the likes of lulu, amazon, create a space, and cafepress.

It has been a while since I have ventured out onto the internet looking at what can and cannot be done. What can be bought and sold. Hell, I might even look into ebay.

Keep your fingers crossed. 

I might be adding to my Store links very soon! 

Have a great and wonderful day.

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