Showing posts with label cat colony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat colony. Show all posts

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sleeping the Day Away

Well my body has decided to take epic naps.

I set my alarm for a two hour nap and I wake several hours after that. Even when I rouse to turn off the alarm, my body just says: no way. So it is sleep time. 

With the agriculture, cotton spraying and moldy soil drudging, my body is overwhelmed. Too many airborne toxins, so little time. Plus the geoengineering rampant in the skies above, I am not all psyched about going outside these days.

At least my black and white cats likes to play fetch. He brings me his toy, I throw it, he chases and returns with it. Such smart kitties I have. 

I know totally off the subject of being ill but I am apart of a cat colony. When I don't feel well, toys are brought to me. I either play with them or toys pile up where I usually get out of bed. And I do mean pile. It is not one toy; it is the whole toy box. 

I guess she does not like that toy to play with, we'll bring her the other one, and the other one... oh, and this one too! 

It is hilarious. 

Cat logic. Cat naps. Well, those subjects did go together.

Have a halloweeny kind of day!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Migraines, the Gift that Keeps on Giving

It is nice to see some things never change.

Another day, another migraine. This one took me out for several days. Since I suffer from Environmental Illness, I do not get the luxury of pain relief. No medications for me, I am on my own. 

It is great when you add in the skull splitting pain. 

So how was your weekend? My cats were so worried that a shrine of toys was left at my bedside. I get up to get a drink of water and there are cat toys lining the floor. 

At least my kitties are considerate. I am officially apart of their cat colony and when I go down, they take notice. 

Awww, kitty love. 

I hope your day is full of love from your fur friends too. 

Have a scary, fright filled day!

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