Showing posts with label original. Show all posts
Showing posts with label original. Show all posts

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Deck the Halls with Yuletide Celebration!

As a gifted singer and musician, writing my own music for an album has been a dream of mine. 

My disabling illness has kept me from what I love to do, but no longer. Technology has caught up to me, finally. In so, I have added Albums and Singles to my repertoire on the right-hand menu, as well as Undawnted's seasonal reads program.

The first album is called Yuletide Celebrations (playlist). Many classic and traditional songs are geared toward religions, but for those of us who are spiritual and revere the natural processes, there is little music for us during the holiday season. This album bridges that gap. 

But the original music is for everybody

For example, one single off the album has already been released: Deck the Halls. I will be working on actual music videos in the near future. For now, enjoy a representative song for the album: fun, upbeat, and toe-tapper! 

You won't be able to sit still with these re-imaged renditions, new lyrics, and positive vibe!

Have a great and safe holiday season!


DL Mullan has been a musical wonder and performer for decades. 

A teacher noticed her abilities on her dynamic, and technically perfect, first use of the violin at age ten during class. She was rushed into Competitive Orchestra the next school year. 

After switching schools, her junior high music teacher discerned her aptitude in class. As Ms. Mullan played the violin and the school only offered band and choir, she believed her musical calling would go unanswered. Fortunately, the band instructor loved the idea of having a string instrumentalist. DL Mullan was the first violinist invited into the group and seated in the flute section. She spent two years in band, which she became a magnet for other string-playing students, as well as succeeding to second chair. 

High school was a different matter. A violin in a Marching Band was not a match made. Without any background in singing, Ms. Mullan entered the world of choir. During her time in Concert Choir, she taught herself the piano, some drums, and took guitar lessons to expand her aspirations. Upon developing her voice, she discovered that she was an operatic lyric soprano with at least eight octaves at her disposal. She sang in theater productions, graduations, and other activities from high school and throughout college. 

DL Mullan has written music for competitions, competed in talent shows, won an award for her solo singing, as well as maintained her lyricist skills as an award-winning poet. 

Her grandfather was a jazz pianist, and that legacy is also reflected in her pieces. 

Visit Undawnted's top menu tabs for her Poetry publications and Music repertoire, as well the right-hand menu for her latest albums and singles.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Reality Hackers Novelette Set for Release

On May 23rd, 2023, the extended version of The Reality Hackers will be published through Sonoran Dawn Studios, via Lulu. 

What if the quantum universe resides in our minds? That our consciousness is the means for reality? ...then what would happen if someone toyed with the multiverse, universe of your mind? Justin Chisum finds out, doesn't like what he sees, and tries to correct the paradox, but will his actions cost him his existence?  

Critical Acclaim includes: 

"...Reality Hackers is a great story." 

"...Quite original."

"'The Reality Hackers' sounds truly frightening!" 

"Definitely thought-provoking."  

"[DL Mullan]’s story sounds frightening...! I enjoyed learning about its inspiration. Scary and weird facts mixed in there."

"This story struck me as being very scary cutting edge science fiction, the kind that makes one ponder the 'what ifs'. I'm sure readers will enjoy it immensely."  

For more information about this scifi classic in the making, be sure to visit: The Reality Hackers.

Like, subscribe, and comment on Undawnted's social media pages to see more of what you love.


Want an invitation to Undawnted special events? Then sign up for: A Novelist Idea today!


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet.

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series

With her education and experience in writing, DL Mullan shares her knowledge via her newsletters. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to her newsletter on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Fearless Workshop: The Craft of Writing Effectively

How do you write in a manner that conveys your ideas, characters, and themes?

LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively

Do you worry about the effectiveness of your writing style? As emerging scholars, perfecting the craft of writing is an essential component of developing as graduate students, and yet resources for honing these skills are largely under utilized. Larry McEnerney, Director of the University of Chicago's Writing Program, led this session in an effort to communicate helpful rules, skills, and resources that are available to graduate students interested in further developing their writing style.


*Update: all workshops and special engagements have now been concluded, and new projects are now under Undawnted's Substack.

A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. This year, DL Mullan has begun sharing her knowledge via A Novelist Idea Newsletter. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to her newsletter on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.


Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Classics Never Get Old

As a disabled American, I cannot afford much on a fixed income. Internet is a medical necessity but overpriced as a luxury service. Not when I would pay sixty-five dollars in town for the same supplement bottle I buy online for under thirty. The internet ends up paying for itself. 

A tight budget means no cable. I cannot watch any of my favorite shows. The current fodder plastered on the small screen is chalk full of psychological manipulations and political pageantry. None of it is very satisfying and definitely more psyop than entertainment. I turned my set off for the summer. 

That was until Antenna TV began airing the Johnny Carson Show. First the network had the show on at 10:30pm. Great, I don't have to listen to the unfunny people of the other current late night talk shows. Then Johnny got switched to an hour later. 

All the shows I did not get to see because I was too young to watch; I had school the next day are now available to me. Well, every day except Fridays when I would catch a view from time to time. 

This old show from the sixties to the nineties was insightful, informative, and entertaining. The combination that is lacking in entertainment nowadays. From film to television, to reality shows, Hollywood is too geared toward teaching me how to sit and beg like a dog instead of having a real dog do the tricks. 

I surf by show after show that has gays, lesbians, or interracial couples. That's fine to see a mixture of people. We are the United States. The line I see entertainment crossing is social engineering us to think or feel one way or another.

Everything is about balance and our entertainment should represent our cultural wealth, not just a few segments of society. I'm still trying to find that richness, which is not celebrated on the screen.

I am a crazy person. I believe people should marry out of love and not because a film or show made it cool. A couple will not last long if they don't have anything in common. Love sometimes is just not enough. 

Even though in my stories, love is rewarded. I write in the Jane Austen school of thought where every woman should marry for love and always marry up. That is what makes a good story. Will s/he find their match in [insert character name here]? 

We are innately attracted to the romantic archetype. We also have other structures we love to watch. Performers performing to make us laugh or cry. Sometimes performers perform for the sake of a smile on another person's face.

Vaudville antics with interviews and comedians is a wonderful combination. I wish I could find more of that type of goodwill today. I turn on the television and receive a guttural dose of social justice warriors gone wild. 

And mad. These people seem very angry over every little damn thing. Everything is a personal mission. A boycott. A vendetta. 

Bored now. 

I like entertainment. 

How can I order that to be played instead of all the divisiveness?

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Poetry Book Debut in September

The Descent will be released by Sonoran Dawn Studios on September 16th. 

I am really excited about publishing my poetry. I hope you enjoy my creativity as much as I enjoyed created the book and its contents.

Some acclaim from readers of my poetry:
"Not usually a poetry fan but someone here recommended I check this book out and I am so glad I did! Wow you are very good - the poems are intelligent, understandable and yet fanatstic! Truly - you are gifted in this arena! My favorites so far... "Upon Reading Edgar Allen Poe and Revenge."
Both the mentioned poems are in this collection. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Glenn Frye

I was out ill when I heard the news of Glenn Frye's passing. 

The one song I have always loved that Glenn Frye wrote and sang was Desperado. So here's to you: 

I hope you and David Bowie are having one epic jam session.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

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