Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

One of those Days

I hate being chronically ill.

It is like breathing through a straw with bubble gum stuck on the end. There is no way around it. You've been served by mother nature. In my case, work and family added to the complications. 

Still there are some advantages to being dog sick: sleep, more sleep... and well, sleep. 

That also means putting my hopes and aspirations on the back burner. I have to do business first like cooking, cleaning, bills. If I have enough energy at the end of the day, I might get in a television show on my rabbit ears or write a few pages over a weekend.

Right now, I have a headache that wishes to be a migraine. 


Well,  I am off to nurse my poor head.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Rainy Days for Lazy Cats

I confess: I am a lazy cat.

In human form, but in the spirit of a rainy, cloudy evening, I turned into a lazy cat. And, why not? It was a great day to be lazy. 

I like to watch a cat sleep. Cats are such peaceful sleepers in peaceful homes. They stretch. They blink. They go back to sleep.

Ah to be a cat and today I got to stretch and blink and go back to sleep.

Try it sometime. It is a wonderful experience.

Have a great week! 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sleeping the Day Away

Well my body has decided to take epic naps.

I set my alarm for a two hour nap and I wake several hours after that. Even when I rouse to turn off the alarm, my body just says: no way. So it is sleep time. 

With the agriculture, cotton spraying and moldy soil drudging, my body is overwhelmed. Too many airborne toxins, so little time. Plus the geoengineering rampant in the skies above, I am not all psyched about going outside these days.

At least my black and white cats likes to play fetch. He brings me his toy, I throw it, he chases and returns with it. Such smart kitties I have. 

I know totally off the subject of being ill but I am apart of a cat colony. When I don't feel well, toys are brought to me. I either play with them or toys pile up where I usually get out of bed. And I do mean pile. It is not one toy; it is the whole toy box. 

I guess she does not like that toy to play with, we'll bring her the other one, and the other one... oh, and this one too! 

It is hilarious. 

Cat logic. Cat naps. Well, those subjects did go together.

Have a halloweeny kind of day!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Down for the Count

Serious illness is unpredictable.

I guess it's back to writing! The cats don't care; they're asleep all over. Some on the bed. Some of the dresser... Some are missing.

What a great life a house cat has.

Maybe, I should start writing about them!

Have a great and wonderful day.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Patient, Heal Thyself With Some Rest

Lazy weekends, it is what we all deserve.

I spent mine going to the store and collapsing from exhaustion. When someone stresses me out to that point, I cannot do anything else until I get my strength back. I had an incident with a cabbie.

Well the next day, I still had to go out for groceries. As I was carted around in more taxi cabs, I asked a whole bunch of questions. Come to find out, the cabbie that threw a fit was in the wrong. He was so in the wrong. 

So now I have to write up a complaint about him. Oh, joy, another tax on my strength. 

But today is going to be lovely, about 90 degrees. I have to change my air filter and air out my a/c unit. We're supposed to hit near 100 degrees this week and I don't want to be caught with my pants down. I want to be able to cool down the house for a restful sleep.

Not that sleep every really helps my energy level but it is part of the healing process. 

So sleep, rest and help your body do it's job. 

Now, off to do my job: clean, clear, and add more positivity to my healing process.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bedtime Boredom

Ever feel like going to bed is the most boring thing you could possibly do?

I completely understand. It's not like this diva is getting any action. My bed is full of great and soft cuddly blankets, flannel sheets, and a stack of pillows. 

My decor is nice but when you have to see it 18 hours a day, it reeks hospital room real quick like. 

I guess I should vacuum and dust so it doesn't look like lazy denizen. I haven't been feeling well. A few nights I could not breathe in a relaxed manner so I ended up turning my time schedule around. Now going to sleep at 3 and 4am is natural.

I am a night owl, especially when I write. The body however needs to adhere to specific time frames. The liver heals itself at night while you sleep. It can start it's cycle as early at 11pm. Well, I've blown that out of the water of late.

So, I need to get a few hours sleep, wake up at an acceptable time, and make up for the sleeplessness with a few extra naps. 

Which brings me back to boredom in bed, is there a cure for the chronic illness blues? 

Have a great and wonderful day!

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