Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2016

Menu Updates

Well I have been at it again with updates. 

Today, I am stuck inside because of the windy conditions outside with some blowing dust and haze. So to make sure Undawnted compliments my repository site: Sonoan Dawn Studios, I am making upgrades, updates, and links. 

The other sister sites are next! 

Soon all the sites will be uniform and I can go back to my repository building.  I hope all will be done by the end of this summer. I have paperwork to go through and make sure I have my data and dates correctly done.

So have fun mulling around the new features. More creativity to come. I have loads of neat ideas planned. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thank you!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dreaming while Awake is Life's Gift

I have fallen asleep several times today. 

I would write or research then catch myself nestling into my covers for a nap. Even mental work can exhaust me. That is what happens with chronic illness. 

Still winter has set in early in the desert southwest and I have settled into my writing mode. 

Yule will be here on Monday. Winter solstice arrives and the death of the year commences. The only option is to descend into the belly of the beast to be reborn into mythical heroes in the awakening of spring. 

Read your Joseph Campbell. 

Even though there will be no Yule tree or presents, I feel so blessed this year. I am grateful for my little fur family, friends, and neighbors. Although the year has been challenging and I am still very ill, I see a bright future at hand. 

Writing is my first love. My personal joy. Now that I have goals to attain and be in love while accomplishing those goals seems to be a dream come true. 

I wish all my days are filled with awakening dreams of these special gifts.

I hope everybody has a great and wonderful day. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

I spend a fair amount of my time reading, listening to internet radio, and thinking. I think about the future and what it means to me. What can the future hold for a cripple unable to tolerate the outside world?

Then again, who would want to?

Humans have allowed corporations, banks, and government to steal the wealth, prosperity, and health of our race and planet. 

Maybe it's a good thing I am stuck at home or I would be protesting everyday the stupidity of the human condition that has created such corruption. 

It's all humanity's fault too. 

Socioeconomic despair and terrorism has been done on purpose. The poison in the air, water, food, and everything else is also on purpose. Where have we been while this idiocy has transpired? While our children have been uneducated about freedom and their bodies fed toxins?

I wander.

I wander around the internet. I read what is going on in the world. I wonder why 6 billion people are aimless with all the connections being thrown at us on a daily basis.

Are sports and television shows really more important than fixing the broken mechanism of politics in this country? 

I wonder.

I wonder what it is going to take for those who are lost to finally ponder the future and how they can change it for the better? 

Not all who wander are lost...

But it seems all that is lost is because no one bothered to wander out of the fixed opinions, not facts, they are spoonfed on the television by talking heads. People actually believe what they are told from the alphabet news stations is real. The idiotic box repeats only what idiots know. It's a box of deception, for entertainment purposes only... Humanity has forgotten this golden rule.

When are you going to decide to wander outside the box?

The rest of us are waiting for you.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Proof, Placebo, and the Earth Effect

My brain is fried. I did too much watching of scientific research videos online. Oopsy!

From quantum physics to comparative mythology to Earthing, I have done it all and boy, am I tired. I didn't realize all these disciplines had opened up and now are talking to each other. I wish there had been more cross collaboration when I was in college.

Well, I did take a lot of classes. I felt that I had broached nearly every subject that was offered until I had to specialize. I remember taking a year off community college in order to take classes I didn't need for my associate degrees before I moved onto my bachelor's degree. 

Before I was made ill by my former employer, I was in the middle of attaining three associates and two (at least) certificates. Learning for me is no more difficult than breathing... until my body collapsed under the weight of heavy metal poisoning.

There is nothing fun about gasping to breathe for years.

So when I get excited that I had a good brain day, now you know why. I have spent too many days not having a well functioning brain because of the constant inflammation my body produces because of the toxic overload it possesses. 

One thing I did find information about is Earthing. I like energy work. Grounding oneself metaphysically as well as other energy healing modalities are interesting and produce results for me.

I don't want to be broken anymore. I don't have millions of dollars to get me well again, so I have to do it the slow, old fashion way.

With Earthing, all I have to do is find some grass or earth, stand there in my bare feet, and soak up the energy from the ground and sun. That, I can do. That is easy.

This afternoon I went out and stood in some grass coming up in my decorative river rock. I stood.   One of my outdoor cats came to see what I was doing.  James just lounged around as I felt the Earth under my feet. 

Funny thing was the inflammation I have been experiencing subsided for all the time I was outside and a half hour after I returned inside. I will keep seeing if this procedure works or not. I am a scientist at heart. I want proof, not placebo. 

One thing when I started this journey of self healing is that I wanted to see real results. Results I could pass onto others with MCS/EI/Mold. Knowledge is good. Healing is better. Free is the best, but results are king.

I can't wait for my brain to heal good enough for me to start writing books on my experiences.

Wouldn't success fly in the convention of serious illness? I hope so. I have a lot of people to show that you can hit me, kick me, and beat me down... but I will ALWAYS get back up again...

Don't you feel that way some days too?

Have a great and wonderful night!

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