Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024

12 Angry Dead Accepted into The Hanging Tree Anthology

Great news! 

Undawnted received word that DL Mullan's short story, 12 Angry Dead, has been accepted into WordCrafter's The Hanging Tree anthology. Due out this September 2024, this publication will be the home to several authors' rendition of the hanging tree motif. 

Imagine if you were hung unjustly...

12 Angry Dead explores such a travesty of justice: 

When souls come to avenge their wrongful deaths, is there anyone who can stand in their way?

Marilla Gibbs is an heiress, museum director, and descendant of Aida Worthington, a murder victim. The mid-1800s was a difficult era to live through, even harder when men like Josiah King killed at will. In the afterlife, his prey banded together for form a jury. 

On All Hallows Eve, when the veil between worlds is the thinnest, Aida and eleven other spirits possessed their kin in a showdown between them and the reincarnated soul of a seven-year-old. 

Marilla, with the help of her assistant, Shaun, and Justin, the father of the boy, turn the tables on the jurors, but will it be enough to steer away from vengeance and into true justice?

The trio soon learns that you can't outrun a past life.

Join this collection of writers in sharing their nightmare scenario with you... not all of them have happy endings. 


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. 

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series.

For news and updates, subscribe to the Undawntable Newsletter.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Works in Progress

So many projects... so little time!

Ever feel that way?  The summer seems to be the worst to pile on commitments but I rather be doing something else. School kids refer to such angst as: Spring Fever. Well, I guess I have Summer Fever. I just have caught the bug last season and now the disease has taken hold of me!

My works in progress are numerous. Mostly, my work has to do with getting promotional materials ready for each season and my websites. When my mind is focused, I like to work on what feels the best: art, poetry, or writing. 

Art has won out these many weeks. I am making sure what I have written has a nice, professional package to go with it. All writers should take a few courses on how to create a professional image. It is vital to our field.

I hope soon I will get back into writing. I want to have some more fiction and poetry publications done. I am way behind my intended goals. 

That is okay. Sometimes we need a break from the chores of life to see what truly matters to us. So go ahead and take your shoes off. As long as you know the to-do list still waiting for you at the end. 

It's summer for goodness sakes! 

Why not enjoy a little time in the sun?

Have a great and wonderful day.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Dreams as Inspiration

As a writer, when I have a strange dream, I like to mull it over for awhile to see what inspiration I can glean from it. 

Have you ever been chased in your dreams? Have you walked through a park? Benn to a haunted house? Or, befriended a vampire, werewolf, or other supernatural creature? 

Dreams are so fun to work with. They give us a window in which to peer into our subconscious hopes and fears. So dreams, even nightmares, have the ability to inspire us to create art, or write poetry. 

I like to keep notebooks by my bed in order for me to take notes when needs be.

Has one of your dreams ever inspired you? 

Have a great and wonderful day.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dreaming while Awake is Life's Gift

I have fallen asleep several times today. 

I would write or research then catch myself nestling into my covers for a nap. Even mental work can exhaust me. That is what happens with chronic illness. 

Still winter has set in early in the desert southwest and I have settled into my writing mode. 

Yule will be here on Monday. Winter solstice arrives and the death of the year commences. The only option is to descend into the belly of the beast to be reborn into mythical heroes in the awakening of spring. 

Read your Joseph Campbell. 

Even though there will be no Yule tree or presents, I feel so blessed this year. I am grateful for my little fur family, friends, and neighbors. Although the year has been challenging and I am still very ill, I see a bright future at hand. 

Writing is my first love. My personal joy. Now that I have goals to attain and be in love while accomplishing those goals seems to be a dream come true. 

I wish all my days are filled with awakening dreams of these special gifts.

I hope everybody has a great and wonderful day. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sneak Peak: Apples to Oranges

I have been working on art as well as content these past few weeks.

Here is the book cover I created for my recipe, artistic, storytelling, educational cookbook: Apples to Oranges: Whole Foods for Whole Bodies. 

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, while an orange has more Vitamin C. Since apples to oranges imply comparison and contrast, this book will compare and contrast many different food topics while still entertaining you with art, poems, and recipes.

Here is an excerpt I have so far:
"And, cooking just like life is all about balance. In my years, I have spent more time in the kitchen than most teens and young adults. I have baked cookies, breads, bundts, cakes, and candy. I have cooked stews, chilis, ethnic foods, and American classics. I may not be a chef, but I am a down home cook."  

Thank you!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Melted Chocolate Dreams

Chocolate, how could you do it?

You broke my heart. I loved you. I worshiped you. I enjoyed you. 

How did you repay me? You repaid me with GMO crappy, store bought cocoa. How could you? 

So in my efforts to make sure my diet is clean and healthy, I am switching anything I find that is not healthy over to the better quality version. Chocolate is no different.

GMO free chocolate that I buy is through an online source. So of course, I had to have some shipped with my regular items on one of the hottest weeks of the summer. By the time I opened my package, the chocolate was liquid. 

I could swish the chocolate back and forth in its little baggie. I laid the bag flat on the highest shelf in the refrigerator to see if I could make a chocolate bar out of the melted chips. A few hours later and I have a candy bar. Yay, me! 

Even though you broke my heart with your corrupted DNA, I still love you, chocolate. I am hooked. Now I have a new version to love you by. A version that will not lead to illness or inflammation.

Love me, leave me... or just buy GMO free!

Have a great and wonderful day!!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Wants, Dreams, and Precious Stones

Most of this weekend I spent in bed. 

I guess I really did too much housework the other day. Hopefully, I can do dishes and vacuum tomorrow. I want to try and keep a schedule on cleaning tasks. 

I'm trying to stay inside when the geoengineering planes are out. They were again today. They flew in the clouds. I could see how the clouds collapsed after a while. 

It makes me so sad. I love weather. I love watching the fat clouds jaunt by in search of other clouds. I like watching storms form and how the rain splatters before it deluges. I miss the natural makings of my desert sky and climate. 

The sunset colors have changed. Orange is more pronounced instead of the delicate rose tints infused with citrines, sapphires, and rubies. How the imagination swirled with the coming of the stars. 

I wish to dream again. Dream in the colors I grew up with. Dream of sunsets and sunrises that shined and awoke the birds. 

I want to be outside, free and fully. I don't want to be afraid of uvc light. I don't want a sunburn at 74 degrees. I want to play. 

Shouldn't we all want to dream in the colors of precious stones? To see how the Earth wears hers at dusk and dawn? I do. Mother Earth should be able to wear her crown jewels any time she likes... 

One day, I hope that she can trade in the laboratory created gems of chemical death for those precious dreams in colors that feed our imaginations.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Lazy Saturdays and Kitty Cat Dreams

The kittens as well as Ivanka and Ray have decided that if I am not up after my second alarm then it's time to bomb me out of bed.

We'll see about that.

The kittens and Ivanka began playing with one of my vitamin c packet wrappers underneath my bed. There's mostly cement there so the noise echoes. Ray was somewhere else at the time. I told them to get out. The noise would stop. Two minutes later, the playing began again. So this time armed with a flashlight and squirt bottle... hehehe!

Revenge was mine!

I had a headache from all the aerial spraying of toxic heavy metals and I just wanted to sleep it off. Too much to ask apparently as the kitties I came to realize a few hours later were almost out of hard food in their play room. 

Oh poor babies! They're going to starve to death... NOT! 

Right now as I type, my Lynx Colorpoint Shorthair is all stretched out on the desk by the keyboard. His kitty cat dream was fulfilled. I was out of bed and did my human duty to make them happy kitties.

One day... one day, the tables will be turned. I'm still waiting for that day to happen. When the kitties will have to bring me breakfast in bed. Although seeing how scant the bug population is in my house, I can say with some certainty that I will not be grossed out of bed any time soon.

Well, my Bombay likes to bring me her toy. Freshly soaked in her water bowl, which is gross by the way, for me to throw to her. 

I guess the skies are clear enough, although not blue enough, for me to venture outside for a few minutes. I hope the air is clean enough of most chemical particulates so I won't get a sinus headache again every time I return from the outside. It's getting outrageous. I guess it's time Americans started complaining about this toxic fallout. 

Be safe!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

When You Wish and Hope

I had a fantastic evening last night stargazing. 

I even saw a shooting star. What made the experience that much more special is when I looked online and discovered the remnants of Comet Ison could have made the meteorite particles 

I'm going to go out again and see if another shooting star crosses my path. I have wishes to make. I wish I could get well. I wish I could help others like I used to do. I wish I could be a lecturer and exhibiting artist again. I wish... I wish.. I wish.

It seems like when I lay in bed on lethargic days like this one looking up at the ceiling that I do a lot of wishing. I wish people would know what pesticides do and stop using them. I wish others would try to understand how living in a bubble is not fun. How I wish I knew the right words to convince people not to be so callous.

But that is what shooting stars are for: hope. I hope that one day others will see the damage poisons do and no longer accept them as part of society. 

Wishes and hopes... those ideas are better than anger and bitterness. 

I lived there once. Never again. No one is going to interfere with my dreams. 

When's the last time you wished upon a star? Come out and enjoy the night with me...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

OMG, The Sky is Falling... NOT!

Today was kind of sluggish. The blue sky turned lined and hazy thanks to the chemtrails. So sad. My city is maligned with poisons and no one does anything to stop it.

All the dew is gone from my grass and plants. That is how I know our atmosphere is being messed with, the natural order is out of order. I wish someone would halt this brainless activity.

When the lines of chemicals start penetrating the lower levels of the atmosphere, all of a sudden, I cannot breathe. So I end up inside watching a beautiful day turn into a planet dimming, engineered nightmare. Thanks, global-warming/climate change liars. You are ruining a perfectly good planet, and my days, over nothing. Idiots!

Before the day was lost, I did clean around the house. So at least I got something accomplished. My cracked and bleeding hands will attest that I did in fact clean.

Ray, my old white cat, was sleeping on the couch covering his nose like his face was cold. He ventured into bed with me. He must be cold. He is resting on my legs where he usually sleeps at the end of the bed on a pillow or cover.

Oh, Ray just left me. Obviously some pertinent kitty cat business especially since some of the kittens awoke when I placed my dinner dishes in the sink. Then curiosity was peaked and tails emerged from the darkness... the land sharks moved around the living room as if their prey was not alerted to their presence.

Sounds like a book in the making to me! 

If only I would keep from falling asleep during prime time hours on the television. Granted most of my shows are on hiatus, but beginning next week, my shows are new again. I guess I should try nap time a few hours earlier so I can stay up to watch my shows.

Then I can start finding a few hours to start writing fiction again. 

Well once my medical condition allows for better brain concentration. I still cannot write or think with music or television on, so I have to work in complete silence.  Now that's annoying as all get out. 

So here's to rock'n'roll dreams and hazy nightmares. 

Have a great and wonderful night!

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