Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads for 2022

This fall season has many exciting updates. Autumn Cider begins with an expansion of Undawnted's reading program. There is more to love while drinking and eating your pumpkin spice everything

We still have our cult classics like In the Name of Blood, which turned the vampire genre on its head.

Additions will include new cover designs, re-releases, and publishing new poetry for your collection. 

 What isn't there to enjoy about Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads 2022?

 Team Undawnted has been working overtime to bring you more of what you love


“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.

~Albert Einstein

Details coming soon!
While you are at it, browse Undawnted's Substack offerings. The holidays begin with the Autumnal Equinox in less than 20 days.  Isn't it time to take stock of your goals and devote time to your own personal and professional growth as a creator? 

A Novelist Idea and WordWalker programs are perfect segues to start personal growth and professional enhancement activities. Join A Novelist Idea now for our free year-end activities, and then WordWalker during Winter Frost Seasonal Reads programming, when our schedule of projects and courses will be published for the New Year. 

Make 2023 a time for: studying, planning, resting, recuperating, introspecting, and meditating. A slower energy will manifest next year, but that does not mean we rest on our laurels! We can do much more with ease than we do with exertion. 

Just look at what A Novelist Idea and WordWalker have in store for our program participants: creative projects, entertainment, growth, and camaraderie.

More details coming soon!

Become a part of Undawnted's growing communities and develop your creative spirit through imagination, purposeful projects, and the Hero's Journey.

Learn. Grow. Master... with Undawnted.



Monday, August 29, 2022

Review of Summer Time Seasonal Reads Program 2022 and a Look into the Future for Undawnted

This Summer Time season has been a productive one to say the least!

Undawnted has outdone ourselves with new features, customization of projects, expanding our programming, and enjoying these moments together.

We are grateful for the time you have shared with us as we have learned and grown along with you.


Our six publication releases have been epic as well. We finished the Saint trilogy that added to our Legacy Universe. We polished up The Rain, and published a Long Form poem.  

Saint in the Big Easy -Re-released
What happens when you discover the only person who can save you is you?   

Saint in Communion -Published
Communion is more than a destination: it's a Saint's only refuge. 

Saint in the Devil You Know -Published
When clergy and demons work for the same team, it's always the devil you know.

Short Stories 
The Story of Excalibur -Published
Where did the sword come from?  

Long Form Poetry
The Rain: Monsoon in the Desert  -Re-released
Immerse yourself in the desert southwest in this folk narrative. 

Undisclosed  -Published
Are you being deceived about UFOs?  


We didn't stop there. 

Next, Undawnted celebrated our founder's 50th birthday with a party and giveaways.

A Novelist Idea Newsletter has kept our community updated with news and events as well as entertained with art, movies, and music. The projects this year have been inventive, innovative, and imaginative. 

With summer coming to an end, astronomically speaking, of course, we are gathering what we have harvested and placing those fruits of our labor into a basket. 

What do you have stacked there? Poetry? Prose? Art? A Novelist Idea projects?

Winter is coming in a few months. What did you do during the spring and summer that will carry you through those longer and darker, cold nights? 

Team Undawnted and DL Mullan have many blessings: a great spokesperson avatar, new marketing materials and concepts, upgraded book cover designs, additional publications to add to our seasonal reads programming, and our awesome audience! 

Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads will round out the productive part of the year, as we head into the holiday season. 

What are you grateful for? What do you still want to do? 


Details coming soon!
Check out Undawnted's Substack offerings. The New Year will be here in less than 125 days. Thanksgiving in less than 90 days. Isn't it time to evaluate your goals and devote time to your own personal and professional growth as a creator? 

A Novelist Idea and WordWalker programs are perfect segues to start personal growth and professional enhancement activities. Join A Novelist Idea and WordWalker during Winter Frost Seasonal Reads programming, when our schedule of projects and courses will be published. 

Make 2023 a year for: studying, planning, resting, recuperating, introspecting, and meditating. A slower energy will manifest next year, but that does not mean we rest on our laurels! We can do much more with ease than we do with exertion. 

Just look at what A Novelist Idea and WordWalker have in store for our program participants: creative projects, entertainment, growth, and camaraderie.

More details coming soon!

Become a part of Undawnted's growing communities and develop your creative spirit through imagination, purposeful projects, and the Hero's Journey.

Learn. Grow. Master... with Undawnted.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Planning Undawnted's 2022 Calendar: What Do You Want to See More Of?

Plan, to plan, planning... sounds like an excuse for colored pens and an array of stickers.

And, you would be correct. 

2022 is going to be high energy for Undawnted. More writing, publishing, and publications. Nothing says dedication like exhaustion. 

Click for Chapbook Here
Undawnted has: 

  • Social media interactions
  • Original, award-level poetry 
  • Designer apparel
  • Authentic storytelling
  • Book and Movie Reviews
  • Fine Art print productions
  • Seasonal Reads
  • Events & Parties
  • Blog Tour & other Bookings
  • Special Engagements
  • Writer's Workshops 
  • an Upcoming Newsletter

So there is much that can be cataloged onto a calendar. 

Undawnted likes all that is happening in our little corner of the internet, but what makes Undawnted stand out from the crowd? 

What would you like to see? 

A psychotic painting elephant? Done! 


Have a great and wonderful day!


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Works in Progress

So many projects... so little time!

Ever feel that way?  The summer seems to be the worst to pile on commitments but I rather be doing something else. School kids refer to such angst as: Spring Fever. Well, I guess I have Summer Fever. I just have caught the bug last season and now the disease has taken hold of me!

My works in progress are numerous. Mostly, my work has to do with getting promotional materials ready for each season and my websites. When my mind is focused, I like to work on what feels the best: art, poetry, or writing. 

Art has won out these many weeks. I am making sure what I have written has a nice, professional package to go with it. All writers should take a few courses on how to create a professional image. It is vital to our field.

I hope soon I will get back into writing. I want to have some more fiction and poetry publications done. I am way behind my intended goals. 

That is okay. Sometimes we need a break from the chores of life to see what truly matters to us. So go ahead and take your shoes off. As long as you know the to-do list still waiting for you at the end. 

It's summer for goodness sakes! 

Why not enjoy a little time in the sun?

Have a great and wonderful day.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Last Weekend Before the New Year

Now that most holidays have ended or about to end for the year, we come upon the last weekend before 2016.

It is a time to reflect, set goals, and make wishes.

A life less ordinary is a path unpaved by feet or innovation. Humans struggle with nature, nurture, and inner contemplation. How can the human race make the world a better place in 2016?

How can you make yourself in to a better person? Develop your gifts and aptitude? What do you want to share with the world? 

Is it art or poetry? Do you want to write a book? 

The world awaits people to learn, practice, and endeavor. Nothing ever worth doing is easy. So pick yourself up join a writing group or go back to college. 

In ten years, you will be ten years older. In ten years, will you be showing your talents to the world? Why not? The world will still be there and you will have aged. It is better to begin, then to never begin at all.

What is your 2016 goal?

Have a great and wonderful day!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dreaming while Awake is Life's Gift

I have fallen asleep several times today. 

I would write or research then catch myself nestling into my covers for a nap. Even mental work can exhaust me. That is what happens with chronic illness. 

Still winter has set in early in the desert southwest and I have settled into my writing mode. 

Yule will be here on Monday. Winter solstice arrives and the death of the year commences. The only option is to descend into the belly of the beast to be reborn into mythical heroes in the awakening of spring. 

Read your Joseph Campbell. 

Even though there will be no Yule tree or presents, I feel so blessed this year. I am grateful for my little fur family, friends, and neighbors. Although the year has been challenging and I am still very ill, I see a bright future at hand. 

Writing is my first love. My personal joy. Now that I have goals to attain and be in love while accomplishing those goals seems to be a dream come true. 

I wish all my days are filled with awakening dreams of these special gifts.

I hope everybody has a great and wonderful day. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

You Reap What You Sow in Seeds

Plant a seed and begin a garden. "Seeds" represents all that we grow in our hearts, minds, and souls. The various colors of the seeds on this plant's branches are showing the different stages of development.

We make plans. Long term plans. Short terms plans. Plans that life throws at us. Each came from a different seed we planted. 

The next time you want something, plant a seed. If you water your intention enough, it will grow.

Thank you.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Happiness in a Corrupt System

I had a lovely afternoon talking with neighbors. One was having a garage sale and a couple of others filtered through looking at things. I bought a couple of items. 

I needed some wire to hang a picture correctly and boom, there some was!

i discovered another person who has had employer trouble. It seems that the more neighbors I talk to the more I discover that employers do not understand or appreciate their workers. You wonder why we have problems in this country...

Don't treat your workers like dirt. When I worked I never saw in my job responsibilities that I must surrender my pride, self-esteem, and thought processes to accommodate management's ineptitude.

I am not a servant and I am not stupid. I get paid to do certain tasks, not wipe your ass. So if you hate your employees, that is your personal problem and never should become a retaliatory agenda in the office.

Going along to get along, an employee should never be put in this position. If you expect an employee to be under your boot, then guess what? The problem isn't the employee: it;s YOU. 

There are troubled employees. That's with any general population but most employees want to do a good job,. If you screw with an employee, then you are showing that you are the one that is unprofessional and should be fired. 

I dealt with discrimination at my former employer and I am so glad I am disabled now. The stress of working for incompetent people is over. I just wish more employees would start standing up against corrupt managers. 

It degrades the organization. It kills productivity. All in all, politics and discrimination in the workplace by management to create a culture of dominance and fear is just bad business. 

As tax payers and consumers, we can chose to support businesses that are fair to workers. Perhaps that would be a good way to change the business of being inept toward employees if we began voting with our dollars, instead of being slaves to the corrupt business model. 

And, start your own business. Screw employers who cannot appreciate what they have. Be the leader and example you would like to set for the world. 

If someone is taking away your happiness, remember to not take responsibility for their negativity. It's on them, not you. Keep the energy vampires at bay with white light, your own goals, and of course, happiness. 

Happy trails;) to you!

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