Showing posts with label geoengineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label geoengineering. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Holiday Poetry with a Political Twist

The 12 Days of Geoengineering
By: DL Mullan

On the first day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
scratchy itchy skin and
full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the second day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the third day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
A Depleted Ozone Layer
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the fourth day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
Aluminum induced Alzheimer’s
A Depleted Ozone Layer
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the fifth day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
Rickets from Solar Radiation Management 
Aluminum induced Alzheimer’s
A Depleted Ozone Layer
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the sixth day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
More Lies about Global Warming
Rickets from Solar Radiation Management 
Aluminum induced Alzheimer’s
A Depleted Ozone Layer
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the seventh day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
Now it’s called: Climate Change
More Lies about Global Warming
Rickets from Solar Radiation Management  
Aluminum induced Alzheimer’s
A Depleted Ozone Layer
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the eighth day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
Barium caused Renal Failure  
Now it’s called: Climate Change
More Lies about Global Warming
Rickets from Solar Radiation Management 
Aluminum induced Alzheimer’s
A Depleted Ozone Layer
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the ninth day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
Tree Fungal Infections
Barium caused Renal Failure 
Now it’s called: Climate Change
More Lies about Global Warming
Rickets from Solar Radiation Management 
Aluminum induced Alzheimer’s
A Depleted Ozone layer
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the tenth day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
UVC that Disinfected My Skin Right Off
Tree Fungal Infections
Barium caused Renal Failure 
Now it’s called: Climate Change
More Lies about Global Warming
Rickets from Solar Radiation Management 
Aluminum induced Alzheimer’s
A Depleted Ozone Layer
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the eleventh day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
Dying Oceans and Beached Whales
UVC that Disinfected My Skin Right Off
Tree Fungal Infections
Barium caused Renal Failure 
Now it’s called: Climate Change
More Lies about Global Warming
Rickets from Solar Radiation Management 
Aluminum induced Alzheimer’s
A Depleted Ozone Layer
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease

On the twelfth day of spraying the atmosphere,
the geoengineers gave to me:
Tic Tac Toe Lines in the Sky
Dying Oceans and Beached Whales
UVC that Disinfected My Skin Right Off
Tree Fungal Infections
Barium caused Renal Failure 
Now it’s called: Climate Change
More Lies about Global Warming
Rickets from Solar Radiation Management  
Aluminum induced Alzheimer’s
A Depleted Ozone Layer
Strontium Burnt Lungs
And full-fledged Morgellons Disease


Have a safe and wonderful Holiday Season!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Full Book Jacket Cover for Effloresce

I created a promo piece for the nature poetry book for Effloresce.

A creative start for the aspirations of print in the future.

Have a great and wonderful day! 
This chapbook cover has been updated!  

The art reflects the desert, southwestern flavor to the poems. Read about how weather in all its forms is reflected in the words and rhymes. 

Be sure to purchase your copy of this exciting chapbook.

Visit Effloresce on Undawnted's dedicated page, or buy a Special Edition (PDF) through our store.

Ignite Your Imagination... with Undawnted. 
A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. 

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series.

With her education and experience in writing, DL Mullan shares her knowledge via her newsletters. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to one of her newsletters on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted. 

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Effloresce This Holiday Weekend

Poems like Earth Changes I, II, III, IV, and V as well as Arsonist, Perfect Storm, and Midnight in the Auditorium are all featured.

This chapbook is being updated into five sections, for more information visit Effloresce's dedicated page here on Undawnted

Escape into Poetry!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Supermoon Fading for Now

The night sky is wonderful this time of the year. 

Orion is out in the early morning hours and the moon phases across the star studded darkness. October's Hunter's Moon is waxing. A New Moon is on the way. November and December will also see their own Supermoons this year. Orion and his nebulae star cluster will watch the moon go by from new, crescent, waning, full, waxing into the nights. 

I am up to watch it all unfold. 

The mornings are cool until noon. That is when I am doing chores and coordinating my activities. Then it's off to sleep in the heat of the day.

It won't last long. Autumn beacons. The man made high pressure systems are about to fall. Mother Nature will get her way because she is about to move in.

I hope she packed some rain.

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Up 'n at 'em

This morning was really pretty in the Sonoran Desert. 

In the summer after staying up all night to avoid the extreme heat, I welcome the sun and all her glory. A few years back Venus and Jupiter were high in the eastern sky from 3am until the sun rose. My traveling companions. 

Now the rotations have shifted. Venus comes up later about 5am in the east. Don't fret. Jupiter and Mars are not far behind and when cool October mornings come around, all three will be very, very close together in our sky. I cannot wait!

I have been updating my blogs, publishing some poems. I have been doing the bored to death thing. I get like this during summers. Summer is just not that exciting to me. I know we have the monsoon storms, but those only happen when the geoengineers are being stupid or generous. I cannot figure out which. ;) 

I really do hate the toxic chemical laden, ecoterrorism being played out in our skies and no one seems to notice. I notice. I was raised with blue skies. I do not know what those lines are doing up there but to damage our ice caps and ozone lawyer. Yeah, and they say it is us. Nope! It is "them." 

So if you can wake up extra early, especially at the end of October, the alignment of those three planets should be spectacular. 

I for one cannot wait to fill up my camera's memory with the memory of a life lived. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Harmonious Crickets and Desert Heat

My house is full of cricket song.

I have been hoping for the kitties to eat them all, but I guess the babies are full of other things instead.  In the early morning hours, if I am able to see Orion, I can hear the locusts too. The desert is alive and well. 

Even though it is hot and muggy with a chance of geoengineering, I still love my home.  Still I cannot wait for the autumn storm track to swoop down and cool the desert off.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

GeoEngineering Does Not Exist

My home was rocked by two sets of violent thunderstorms today.

We got hit by lightning, thunder, dangerous winds, and rain this morning around 9am. Twelve hours later, we got slammed again. 

When the newscasters and weather personnel use terms like "unusual," well that happens in Mother Nature. But when these people start using words like "freakish," you sit up and take notice.  

That is what happened today. We had Freakish storms. Paging Dr. Frankenstein...

Yeah, sure, geoengineering does not exist. That is why there are lines in the sky. Tic Tack Toe formations drawn neatly above me. X's that mark the spot or curve patterns not associated with the nearby airports are probably hallucination as well. 

 I think as adults we are to put away childish things like peer pressure and conspiracy theories. 

We need to look at the facts. 

We have strange weather patterns, toxic chemicals in the soils, and lines in the sky that are only of recent development. 

GeoEngineering does not exist, sounds very childish indeed. 

Next, are people going to say Global Warming is real when the Earth's temperature is directly influenced by solar activity?  Oh, wait, they already do.

Put down your toys, everyone. It is time to realize adult concepts of secrecy and treachery. 

GeoEngineering is real and is messing up our weather. Any more questions? 

Have a great and wonderful day.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sleeping the Day Away

Well my body has decided to take epic naps.

I set my alarm for a two hour nap and I wake several hours after that. Even when I rouse to turn off the alarm, my body just says: no way. So it is sleep time. 

With the agriculture, cotton spraying and moldy soil drudging, my body is overwhelmed. Too many airborne toxins, so little time. Plus the geoengineering rampant in the skies above, I am not all psyched about going outside these days.

At least my black and white cats likes to play fetch. He brings me his toy, I throw it, he chases and returns with it. Such smart kitties I have. 

I know totally off the subject of being ill but I am apart of a cat colony. When I don't feel well, toys are brought to me. I either play with them or toys pile up where I usually get out of bed. And I do mean pile. It is not one toy; it is the whole toy box. 

I guess she does not like that toy to play with, we'll bring her the other one, and the other one... oh, and this one too! 

It is hilarious. 

Cat logic. Cat naps. Well, those subjects did go together.

Have a halloweeny kind of day!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How Lines in the Sky Hurt the Disabled

The second day of GeoEngineering over Phoenix, AZ and my lungs cannot take it anymore.

I feel like getting out my oxygen and sucking on it.... and we're not too far from that now. I hate that corporations and governments are allowing the destruction of our atmosphere. GeoEngineering, Climate Engineering, or Weather Modification, no matter how you spell it; it is poisoning the Earth for nothing. 

Global Warming does not exist, and I have actual facts to back that statement up. The spraying of the entire population like rats and cockroaches has got to end. 

But if you want real information, here is an interview with Dane Wigington about the subject: Investigating Chemtrails and Climate Engineering Cover-Up with Dane Wigington.

Then buzz over to Skyder Alert and become actively involved in creating a better world. 

Have a happy respiratory illness day!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dawn in the Sky with Diamonds

I'm switching my time again.

Up at night, down by noonish. It's summer in the desert and I don't want to be caught trapped in the house all day because it's too hot to go outside. Or, in fact, do anything even inside. 

I'm on a time of use plan with my electric company. (Thanks to the lies of Sustainability and Agenda 21, I can barely afford air conditioning.)

In the summers, the higher electrical use is during the afternoons. So if I turn the thermostat up during the day, I can sleep through the heat. At night, I can be out in 90 to 70 degree weather for a few more months. Then the monsoon will arrive and bring in the humidity. 

No one is safe from the heat after that until Halloween.

Don't worry, I usually turn myself around in August and September. It's a slow transition. So I make it as smoothly as possible. 

Since I was imprisoned in my home and bedroom for so long thanks to my illness and abusive caretakers, I don't like going one day without standing outside, or seeing the moon, stars, or planets.

I guess that is why I am so set against geoengineering, except for the basic ludicrousness of it, I am trapped inside while non-elected entities poison the sky and hide the sapphire blue sky, the twinkle of diamonds from far away galaxies. It's just not their right. It's mine to live a good life.

Another reason to report and document what is happening to our lovely Earth: Geoengineering Daily Report, April 24.

I hope you join me in posting pictures to Skyder Alert and writing government officials to stop the madness. 

The Earth is not a military laboratory. It's our home. Shouldn't we be more diligent than poisoning everything and everyone?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Wants, Dreams, and Precious Stones

Most of this weekend I spent in bed. 

I guess I really did too much housework the other day. Hopefully, I can do dishes and vacuum tomorrow. I want to try and keep a schedule on cleaning tasks. 

I'm trying to stay inside when the geoengineering planes are out. They were again today. They flew in the clouds. I could see how the clouds collapsed after a while. 

It makes me so sad. I love weather. I love watching the fat clouds jaunt by in search of other clouds. I like watching storms form and how the rain splatters before it deluges. I miss the natural makings of my desert sky and climate. 

The sunset colors have changed. Orange is more pronounced instead of the delicate rose tints infused with citrines, sapphires, and rubies. How the imagination swirled with the coming of the stars. 

I wish to dream again. Dream in the colors I grew up with. Dream of sunsets and sunrises that shined and awoke the birds. 

I want to be outside, free and fully. I don't want to be afraid of uvc light. I don't want a sunburn at 74 degrees. I want to play. 

Shouldn't we all want to dream in the colors of precious stones? To see how the Earth wears hers at dusk and dawn? I do. Mother Earth should be able to wear her crown jewels any time she likes... 

One day, I hope that she can trade in the laboratory created gems of chemical death for those precious dreams in colors that feed our imaginations.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Over Exposed and No Date to Blame It On

You know when you take a picture and the lighting is all off. You are either too white, too yellow, or too orange? I kind of feel that way today.

I noticed that I needed to let off some steam. 

I can't really do it here or at the Gazette, so I began another blog: Radio Active Dawn. I might even do a few podcasts with my strange sense of humor about the coming apocalypse. Now I feel like Buffy the Vampire Slayer remixed. 

I was in bed with a headache most of the morning. I've had too much pinned up energy and angst. I really freaked myself out with the geoengineering information. I hate when that happens.

With my broken central nervous system it is easy to do. I have to remember to remain calm and bring people the news. I am human and I tend to get absorbed by the bad news. I've got to remember that I am doing positive and good in the world by reporting on this information and not allowing it to remain hidden where nefarious deeds are more easily accomplished. 

Now, if I could only send the elite the bill for my emotional turmoil. It is after all their fault the world is going to hell. Psychos. Here my family thought I was one. hahaha! 

Nope. A critical medical condition that makes you weak and disoriented isn't a psychotic break. Using everyone in the world as a lab rat while you systematically destroy the world is psychotic. 

I'm so glad I can tell the difference. 

Have a great weekend and be sure to visit my other links! 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Not Another Sick Day with Sick Skies

I'm home. I'm in and out of bed. I am sore.

I did way too much yesterday, but hey, the house looks pretty good! I don't. 

That's okay with all the chemical lines in the skies and smelly clouds, I don't belong outside or doing any type of exercise. I'm better off taking it easy today. Tomorrow, we'll see. 

Being so sick that it has disabled me for life makes me fluent in many areas of study: medicine, chemistry, naturopathy, homeopathy, and environmentalism. Obviously, I am not licensed because I am unable to go to school, but I know enough to understand what is happening to me and in the world around me. 

That, and I'm just smart... on the days I can be. ;) 

So when I say I am concerned about something, it's usually more than that. I am really scared and I'm not sure what I can do about it. If I run around screaming the sky is falling, the sky is falling... well, no one is going to listen to me, are they?

I know some people have already rolled their eyes about my lines in the sky topic, which are toxic chemicals eating away at our ozone and releasing methane gas from the Antarctic ice sheets creating a real life doomsday scenario.

But you can't say anything or you are a crazy person. 

I am part science and part art. I understand well enough that Earth is in trouble and no one seems to be doing anything about it but making the problem worse. Spraying chemicals in the atmosphere is making whatever the government is afraid of much, much worse.

This direct assault on the world impacts me. Since Phoenix has been under a non-stop spraying directive for the past 6 to 8 weeks, I haven't been breathing too well. I'm not alone in this reaction. Normal people in all of the western world are dying of heart failure, respiratory diseases, immune reactions, and liver/renal failure. So, it's just not me.

What to do? Stand up. When you see the lines in the sky, say something, to anyone. I do. I ask what the hell that's for and what I found out when I looked it up on the internet, which is all true. It's not safe anywhere on the planet because somewhere in our government someone though this spraying was a good idea. 

Not by a long shot.

I may not have all these degrees, but I have common sense. Messing with Mother Earth is not smart, and it's not any government's right. 

So if you get a chance to read some of my articles on the VDP Gazette, make sure you watch the lecture by Dane Wigington. Then you will understand why I am so concerned... i.e., frightened as hell.

Because if the government is trying everything to lock us down, create a police state, and build bunkers and underground shelters for themselves... it would be because they know it's coming down, it's their fault, and we're going to start after the culprits.

So have a great Valentine's Day and remember knowledge is power and positivity. You can't be an awesome person without the facts.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Time to Clean House, Pt 44

It seems like every day I want to clean my house.

I like a nice, neat house, but I have kids. Right now, those kids are running through the house chasing each other and jumping onto the furniture.

Good thing, my kids are cats.

Luckily, it's going to be warm this week until the beginning of next. The only complaint I have is the lines in the sky. Damn, geoengineering chemicals! Ruins my fun every single time.

I have to keep my house closed and the air cleaners on. When those trails get to the lower atmosphere, I start having respiratory and other problems.

I'm not the only person in Arizona upset by these chemical lines. I just did a story for the Gazette about a man in Mohave County: Geoengineeing: One Arizonan's Battle Against Being Poisoned.

I couldn't make this shit up if I wanted to. 

So I have got to get everything done so it can go out into the recycling and trash bins for pick up tomorrow morning.

Then hide again, I must, until someone stops the planes from poisoning all of us.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

OMG, The Sky is Falling... NOT!

Today was kind of sluggish. The blue sky turned lined and hazy thanks to the chemtrails. So sad. My city is maligned with poisons and no one does anything to stop it.

All the dew is gone from my grass and plants. That is how I know our atmosphere is being messed with, the natural order is out of order. I wish someone would halt this brainless activity.

When the lines of chemicals start penetrating the lower levels of the atmosphere, all of a sudden, I cannot breathe. So I end up inside watching a beautiful day turn into a planet dimming, engineered nightmare. Thanks, global-warming/climate change liars. You are ruining a perfectly good planet, and my days, over nothing. Idiots!

Before the day was lost, I did clean around the house. So at least I got something accomplished. My cracked and bleeding hands will attest that I did in fact clean.

Ray, my old white cat, was sleeping on the couch covering his nose like his face was cold. He ventured into bed with me. He must be cold. He is resting on my legs where he usually sleeps at the end of the bed on a pillow or cover.

Oh, Ray just left me. Obviously some pertinent kitty cat business especially since some of the kittens awoke when I placed my dinner dishes in the sink. Then curiosity was peaked and tails emerged from the darkness... the land sharks moved around the living room as if their prey was not alerted to their presence.

Sounds like a book in the making to me! 

If only I would keep from falling asleep during prime time hours on the television. Granted most of my shows are on hiatus, but beginning next week, my shows are new again. I guess I should try nap time a few hours earlier so I can stay up to watch my shows.

Then I can start finding a few hours to start writing fiction again. 

Well once my medical condition allows for better brain concentration. I still cannot write or think with music or television on, so I have to work in complete silence.  Now that's annoying as all get out. 

So here's to rock'n'roll dreams and hazy nightmares. 

Have a great and wonderful night!

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