Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year... Let's Make 2018 Memorable!

What have you always wanted to do? Write a book? Have a poem published? 

Well... what are you waiting for? 

Here at Undawnted, I believe that imagination is Fearless. So I would like to keep on that journey with all of you. 

I am grateful for the support this year. I have had my health and life challenges. Some downright scary, but knowing my readers were out there rooting for me helped keep my outlook positive and bright. 

So I wanted to say a big: Thank you! to everyone and have a Happy New Year! 

 I love you all dearly.

Keep those positive vibes coming this way. 

Have a great and wonderful 2018!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Articles and Essays Summer Selections

I have gone through my old articles and essays on the VDP Gazette to see if any of my journalistic writings had relevance a few years later. 

Boy do they! 

From Freedom of Speech and Expression to Law, History, Religion, Women's Issues, Culture and Society, I have many great written pieces. So I am revising some. I am reformatting others. The selection is varied so there is a publication for everyone.

I am updating Undawted's Nonfiction section to include these releases and more that are in the works!

Visit Sonoran Dawn Studios' Authors Spotlight in Articles and Essays to download your PDF copy.

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

War on Women is Now a Topic for Discussion

I have been at it again! 

With current attitudes and recent commentary about women's rights, health, and safety, I am now working on a research essay called: War on Women. I take a look at the different arguments and angles about women's rights in our society. 

The war on women has been a religious and societal attack for over 100 years. Probably closer to 4 to 5 thousand years have women had to submit to patriarchal misinformation and disinformation about what is and is not "feminine." 

When feminism brought women's issues to the forefront of cultural discussion, politics hijacked the message. Wouldn't you like to get back to what being a woman is really about? 

See more about my published and upcoming critical essays in the Nonfiction section. For more about topics like War on Women, please see our Social Constructs page. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Heat is On in the Sonoran Desert

120 this coming week. 

For good measure, I am getting all my chores done this week. I am going to be hiding out writing in the darkness of my room. 

It only seems fair. We had a beautiful and cool month of May. Now the Monsoon needs to be pulled into our deserts for July and August. In order for that to be done, the desert floor needs to be hot, hot, hot! So a small period of extreme heat followed by humidity and rain. 

I will see you in October... I am crawling under my rock until then! 

Just kidding. Immobility will give me a chance to catch up on some of my upcoming publications: Manufactured Consent and Haunted Arizona: Travelogue of a Paranormal Enthusiast. 

To name a few, I hope you return to read more about these topics, and even some poetry and fiction. 

So buckle up... and get into the air conditioning! It's going to be hot this summer on the writing front.

Have a great and wonderful day!!! 


Friday, October 3, 2014

My Favorite Time of the Year

It is October. 

I must confess: I never imagined that I would live this long. Not more than four years ago, I was bedridden on oxygen and unable to care for myself.

Instead of proper medical care, my former family and friends sought to abuse me in a manner that is criminal. Now I am having to deal with their immature and criminal acts once again. The stress takes its toll.

Well, you have seen from my non-posts. Sorry about that. I am still dealing with the situation, but I am hoping the family works out the details and no longer is apt to dragging me into the situation.

As for writing, well, none of that has happened. Sorry again.

I hate being of delicate in nature and I hope my constitution bounces back one of these years, for I would love to finish all of my books in a timely manner as well as meet any of my readership in actual person.

I have lofty goals, I know, but there is not one goal I have set that I have not attained in one manner or another. 

Which brings us to Halloween! October is my favorite month. I would like to return to giving out candy, dressing up, and decorating the yard, but alas that will not be this year. I did it once two years or so ago, and I did not fair well. 

I shall return to my former activities, slow and slow, but I shall.

Right now, I must get back to writing for myself, the Gazette, and my readership because nothing says entertainment like a chick with brain inflammation, knowledge, internet access, and an axe to grind.  

And, this is the time of year for axes. 

Have a scary and unpredictable day! 
A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. In 2022, DL Mullan begun sharing her knowledge via A Novelist Idea Newsletter. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to her newsletter at her Substack.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I Did It To Myself

So I got a new modem from my cable/internet company. 

I had the windows open. It was a beautiful day. As soon as the air turned cool, I shut the house up and with it the fumes from the new modem.

I wondered why I couldn't breathe, my stomach swelled, my nasal passages hurt, and my hands broke out, cracked and bled. 

When I went into the front part of the house, I smelled that damn modem's "new car" smell. I immediately unplugged the sucker. Still even with two air cleaners, I could not breathe until at least 3am.

The night air is hard on me so I tried airing out the house, but pollen is here and it just made my breathing that much worse. 

The next day I went into my cable stash and good thing I have lots of cables because I used my extensions to put my modem outside the nearest window. I have it on a tv tray stand so the cats cannot do horrible things to it but at least the toxic odor is outside. 

See, I did it to myself.

Still everyone even if they are not sick like me should take note. Toxins and poisons can be in the most innocuous of items. Shampoos, conditioners, soaps, laundry products, air fresheners, perfumes, colognes, personal care products do nothing but add toxins to an already extreme body burden. 

One product may not have a lot of toxins and you shrug off what I'm telling you, but if you were to add up all your products together, you would understand that toxins are accumulative. 

I now use only organic or natural products including my make up. Poisoning yourself is no longer en vogue. Health is.

Oh and store bought cosmetics age the skin, another great reason to go healthy. Organic and natural products rejuvenate the skin. In the long run, you'll end up looking younger. 

Isn't it time you switched over to the winning team?

Have a great and wonderful day! 
Novelist, DL Mullan, has Biotoxin Illness from industrial chemicals, black mold, and pesticides from her former employer. Her office was in the same building as the water treatment plant. Years later after receiving no recompense, she uses natural supplementation, sugarless diet, and detox methods to regain a small quality of life. She may never be whole, or able to work in an office ever again, but with perseverance, Ms. Mullan is beating the odds against a low functioning/collapsed immune system. 

Support her efforts by purchasing her apparel, art, and books.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Voice for Your Generation

I've been writing for my local newspaper and my own blog for a little while now. 

I have learned to balance the needs of the community with my own. What I cannot cover, I make sure to link to independent news episodes in order to keep everyone current. Or, if I need some time off because my brain is fried or I am: a video it is!

On a personal blog, it's not that easy. I have to write something, right? Something!

I got to thinking: where are the voices of my generation? Where the hell are all the Gen Xers anyway? Did they all succumb to corporate and family life? What happened to our rebellious spirit?

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one out here. That thought led me to the epiphany: I have become the voice I've been searching for. An odd statement for sure, but a true one.

It's not an ego statement. I am doing that job here and with the Gazette. I finally found my voice. 

It shouldn't be a voice for a generation; it should be voices. Where is your voice on the current state of affairs in politics, government, medicine, health, food/water/air safety? Where are you?

You don't have to be Generation X to get a blog, website, youtube channel or the like. 

Just start saying something. Anything. Be the voice you have been waiting for. It feels good to make a difference in the world.

So what topic makes you verbal? Speak out. Live out loud. It's not too late to become that person your teenage self always wanted you to be. An idealist. A commentator. A rebel. 

A role model.

Be the change you want to see in the world and the world will change to meet you. I've had it happen to me. Stories gravitate to me. When you are on your right path, everything falls into place.

Now to finish my fiction and nonfiction books... then we'll be getting somewhere there too!

Sick, well, or in between, you can make this world a better place. Trust me. The universe is on your side when your heart is pure and you love what you're doing. 

So go out and be: A Voice for Your Generation.

Have a great and wonderful weekend!

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