Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Saint Trilogy Book Cover Art Revealed

The Saint trilogy had a makeover!

The Saint trilogy chronicles the journey of Eavenlee Lewis as she navigates the streets of New Orleans in search of self-discovery. Along the way, she encounters Girard Algernon, who introduces her to the world of Saints and the depths of true evil.

Eavenlee's compassionate acts and heroism catches the eye of Cardinal Randolph, a member of the ancient, blasphemous sect known as the Order of the Pure. As Eavenlee grapples with her new-found powers, she is faced with pivotal moments at her plantation, the Saintuary. There, she and Girard confront the forces of heaven and hell in an epic showdown between good versus evil.

In the final climatic battle, Eavenlee's abilities are pitted against the combined forces of a religious faction and demonic legion.

Will Eavenlee and Girard be able to save Saintuary and the world, let alone survive?

Discover this action-adventure-romantic book series in our Summer Time Seasonal Reads

Join Undawnted in celebrating the hero within.


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet.

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series.

For news and updates, subscribe to the Undawntable Newsletter

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Summer Time is Alive with the Sound of Seasonal Reads

There are less than fifty-three days until Undawnted switches from summer to autumn seasonal reads. 

Undawnted is releasing the Saint trilogy wide in epub and mobi formats. So, if PDF did not work for your eReader, check out the new versions this summer. 

Join us for the expansion into bookstores and other fine retailers. 

Team Undawnted


About Saint in the Big Easy

After a relationship breakup, Eavanlee Zilpha Lewis finds herself wandering in the Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans. In the evening, she makes a wish on Marie Laveau's tomb. Will she, will she not... find love?

Little did Eavanlee (ˈē-vən-lē) know that her answer lies in the adventure of the heart and soul. A dark, mysterious stranger leads her on a journey past her preconceived notions and straight into the heart of the matter.

Eavanlee did not need the help of spirits, she was born a Saint.

What happens when you discover the only person who can save you is you?


Sunday, November 7, 2021

Seasonal Outlook for New Opportunities

I wanted something more for Undawnted as to the change of seasons. 

Therefore, I created four different book covers: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. I wanted to jot down how the seasons reflected my inner dialogue. These books will be an amalgamation of art, prose, and poetry. 

If others would like to join this e-book, then I can make an anthology series. I would publish the books under the Sonoran Dawn Studios (my publishing house) banner. If no one joins this unique series, then I will write it off as C'est la vie, such as life. 

Here are the book covers so far. 

If you would like to participate, please drop me a line using the Contact Form.

Have a great and seasonal day!

Monday, May 7, 2018

DL Mullan will Now Be Available through Library and Subscription Services

Are you a library card holder or a subscriber to a book service?

Then you have access to Hode: The Legend Lives Again, if you are a participant of these services:

So next time you want to relax and read search for DL Mullan.

More titles are on their way throughout the rest of this year!

Have a great and wonderful day.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Summer, Interrupted

This summer appears to be the nonstop roller coaster ride type.

All I want to do is get in some writing time! It appears that my focus is on too many pans in the fire. Ugh! The sad thing is: those aren't my pans. 

Yet here I am cooking meals I have no idea what I am doing for each one. So I stopped myself and figured out a game plan. I will fry up that order at this time. The next order will come after, and so on. Then I can free up my evenings to do some writing. 

Much better. 

I have a few projects I would like to get off the ground this autumn. So it's back to the keyboard for me!

How has your summer been?

Have a great and wonderful day. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Plotting My Stargate

Every time I sit down to write, another project pops out of the woodwork.

I am busy with an external source's clothing line, book cover art events, as well as my own creative ideas. 

I didn't know summers could be this eventful!

Since I am disabled by illness, my time to be creative everyday is limited. So once I run out of juice, I am done until I can recharge my batteries again. I wish I had solar energy! 

Even with the handful of projects swirling around me, I am still outlining and mapping out a future for myself. You cannot move forward in a vacuum, even thought I try. The universe constantly reminds me that plot points have to be set into motion even in our own lives. The stargate of creativity works when you have all the coordinates.

I know my timeline has changed several times especially now that I am permanently disabled. I have to go with the flow. I am in uncharted territory and my stargate malfunctions all the time. 

So am I accustomed to having a map that goes in several directions at once. "Scotty, beam me up!" Does that work? Can I change scifi series in the middle of an essay? 

No matter your stargate, life does not have to be an endless series of stops and goes. You can decide for yourself where you will want to end up. Follow your stars to change your stars. 

You may feel worn or cursed, but I assure you there is light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to know how to program your stargate. Brainstorming, goal setting, and some patience goes a long way. 

I have always wanted to be a writer and artist. Disability now gives me that focus. I just wish had a lot more time to be creative. 

Life is a set of coordinators. If you are headed in the wrong direction, well, then set a new course.
I'll be waiting in the Café at the End of the Universe. 

Oh, I did it again!

Have a great and wonderful day. 
A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. This year, DL Mullan has begun sharing her knowledge via A Novelist Idea Newsletter. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to her newsletter at her Substack.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Refreshing Hard Lemon Squeeze Drink, Nonalcoholic Released

For a special occasion, this drink is being released today!

Refreshing Hard Lemon Squeeze is a drink that accomplishes many tasks. First, the drink tastes like a drink with a bite at the end thanks to some apple cider vinegar. Second, the drink helps quench your thirst like a sports drink, but in this case you can pronounce the ingredients! Third, there is no guilt. 

Isn't that what we are all looking for?

We are in the first half of the summer season. Anything that refreshes is at the top of our lists! Enjoy!

Have a great and wonderful day!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Works in Progress

So many projects... so little time!

Ever feel that way?  The summer seems to be the worst to pile on commitments but I rather be doing something else. School kids refer to such angst as: Spring Fever. Well, I guess I have Summer Fever. I just have caught the bug last season and now the disease has taken hold of me!

My works in progress are numerous. Mostly, my work has to do with getting promotional materials ready for each season and my websites. When my mind is focused, I like to work on what feels the best: art, poetry, or writing. 

Art has won out these many weeks. I am making sure what I have written has a nice, professional package to go with it. All writers should take a few courses on how to create a professional image. It is vital to our field.

I hope soon I will get back into writing. I want to have some more fiction and poetry publications done. I am way behind my intended goals. 

That is okay. Sometimes we need a break from the chores of life to see what truly matters to us. So go ahead and take your shoes off. As long as you know the to-do list still waiting for you at the end. 

It's summer for goodness sakes! 

Why not enjoy a little time in the sun?

Have a great and wonderful day.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Delilah is a Winner!

The book cover art I did for the novel. Delilah by Kaye Lynne Booth did not make it into the Final Round of the Summer Loving Book Cover Event, however...

...that does not mean, the book cover art I created was a bust. Delilah still walked away with the most votes in the Western category. 

What a feat! 

I am very proud of this cover. It's art. It encompasses the theme of the novel. The cover art does not rely on cheap marketing tricks to be a winner. 

THANK YOU to the person who nominated my cover for this event, the author Kaye Lynne Booth for the support, and ALL the Voters! 

You made the book cover art a success!

If you would like to peruse my other digital creations, please stop by the Art, Cover, & Prints page on Sonoran Dawn Studios for examples. 

Thank you! I cannot wait for more opportunities like this one in the future.

Have a great and wonderful summer!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Short Stories Section Update: Season Side Up! Series

I had this idea pop into my head. A brilliant idea, I may add. This idea was to fashion a series of books about the seasons. 

Now that concept is nothing new, so I have to put a twist on the idea to make it mine. I will combine poetry, maybe some original digital art, and of course package the books up for entertainment. 

Kind of like a diary but without the teenage angst! 

When I get more into writing these little gems, I will let you know what direction I am heading in for sure. 

Right now, I am just so excited about these books, especially the book cover art. Isn't this one fabulous? You can view the rest of the book series on the Short Stories section.

Divine inspiration. The muse descended and she brought chocolate! Good, Muse. Keep the creativity flowing! 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

All Beginnings Begin with Another Chapter's End

Autumn is right around the corner but summer still lingers on. 

The cooler mornings have arrived. The gentle breezes summon the desert's occupants to awaken from their heat comas and rise to meet the world.The desert is alive once more at the stroke of midnight.

Summer cannot hold out much longer. Mother Nature will have her way. Autumn is coming... 

Less than three weeks away from the autumnal solstice and Halloween already calls. What spooky nights lie ahead is anyone's guess. The night is ready for her close-up. 

How about you? Are you ready to end the summer and begin the third chapter of a four season year?

Have a great and wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Heat is On in the Sonoran Desert

120 this coming week. 

For good measure, I am getting all my chores done this week. I am going to be hiding out writing in the darkness of my room. 

It only seems fair. We had a beautiful and cool month of May. Now the Monsoon needs to be pulled into our deserts for July and August. In order for that to be done, the desert floor needs to be hot, hot, hot! So a small period of extreme heat followed by humidity and rain. 

I will see you in October... I am crawling under my rock until then! 

Just kidding. Immobility will give me a chance to catch up on some of my upcoming publications: Manufactured Consent and Haunted Arizona: Travelogue of a Paranormal Enthusiast. 

To name a few, I hope you return to read more about these topics, and even some poetry and fiction. 

So buckle up... and get into the air conditioning! It's going to be hot this summer on the writing front.

Have a great and wonderful day!!! 


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Summer's Here

You wouldn't know it from the windy and rainy conditions that have made themselves known the last six months. 

The sun is going to sleep and so is the Earth's hot temperatures with it. Will we see the hot, arid climate of the southwest return before the monsoon? I believe so. Maybe we will catch a hurricane or two from the Pacific Ocean just in time to see our monsoon season close early like in the past two cycles.

I rather have the temperate weather pattern. Not excessively hot, but not subfreezing either. I want to experience the Sonoran Desert the way it was meant to be lived: engaging. 

So I may not live the dream of beaches and cool breezes, but the desert has a charm all its own. What a great way to write about where you live. How do you feel about your weather?

Have a great and wonderful day!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Up 'n at 'em

This morning was really pretty in the Sonoran Desert. 

In the summer after staying up all night to avoid the extreme heat, I welcome the sun and all her glory. A few years back Venus and Jupiter were high in the eastern sky from 3am until the sun rose. My traveling companions. 

Now the rotations have shifted. Venus comes up later about 5am in the east. Don't fret. Jupiter and Mars are not far behind and when cool October mornings come around, all three will be very, very close together in our sky. I cannot wait!

I have been updating my blogs, publishing some poems. I have been doing the bored to death thing. I get like this during summers. Summer is just not that exciting to me. I know we have the monsoon storms, but those only happen when the geoengineers are being stupid or generous. I cannot figure out which. ;) 

I really do hate the toxic chemical laden, ecoterrorism being played out in our skies and no one seems to notice. I notice. I was raised with blue skies. I do not know what those lines are doing up there but to damage our ice caps and ozone lawyer. Yeah, and they say it is us. Nope! It is "them." 

So if you can wake up extra early, especially at the end of October, the alignment of those three planets should be spectacular. 

I for one cannot wait to fill up my camera's memory with the memory of a life lived. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Dog Days of Summer

Tomorrow will be 1m45s shorter.

 Yeah, yeah, yeah... promises, promises.

Summer cannot end soon enough. I live in a hot and arid location. It is great to live here most of the year, except June through September. 

Before I was taken ill, I loved the heat. Now, my body cannot regulate itself as well to extremes in temperature be it hot or cold. The heat of the desert creates more lethargic days and days filled with migraines. Some headache cycles can last for ten or more days. 

So I am regulated to the indoors, only to venture out into the night. That means I try to sleep days and only do chores in the early morning hours with the rising sun. 

Winters are a little different. I am up by mid morning and back in bed by mid afternoon as I cannot get warm without the direct sunlight. So somewhere in the middle I do my one hour of chores, grab a shower, and hunker down until the sun warms my home again.

What a life! 

I feel like I live on a bed life preserver. 

I hope this coming winter I can get some creativity flowing again. This spring and summer have been harsh on me. Mean people, especially, have reared their ugly heads and my body cannot take the stress. Migraines, sleepathons are amongst the notables. 

But I am ready to start getting my art and writing out there again. I do not know exactly where as of yet. I am working on it. 

I am making a plan and checking it twice. 

Maybe this time the planets will align to come to my aid and not to my determent. 

How do you cope with life interfering with your plans? 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Patient, Heal Thyself With Some Rest

Lazy weekends, it is what we all deserve.

I spent mine going to the store and collapsing from exhaustion. When someone stresses me out to that point, I cannot do anything else until I get my strength back. I had an incident with a cabbie.

Well the next day, I still had to go out for groceries. As I was carted around in more taxi cabs, I asked a whole bunch of questions. Come to find out, the cabbie that threw a fit was in the wrong. He was so in the wrong. 

So now I have to write up a complaint about him. Oh, joy, another tax on my strength. 

But today is going to be lovely, about 90 degrees. I have to change my air filter and air out my a/c unit. We're supposed to hit near 100 degrees this week and I don't want to be caught with my pants down. I want to be able to cool down the house for a restful sleep.

Not that sleep every really helps my energy level but it is part of the healing process. 

So sleep, rest and help your body do it's job. 

Now, off to do my job: clean, clear, and add more positivity to my healing process.

Have a great and wonderful day.

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