Since social media is unreliable due to censorship, Undawnted has removed those avenues of communication for a simple Contact Form.
Thank you!
Have a great and wonderful day.
Since social media is unreliable due to censorship, Undawnted has removed those avenues of communication for a simple Contact Form.
Thank you!
Have a great and wonderful day.
Undawnted focuses on mythology, legend, folklore, literature, history, and the hero's journey, and incorporates these fields into genres like horror, scifi, supernatural/paranormal, steampunk, crime-drama, and the literary.
DL Mullan participates in projects, programming, and events on a first come, first served bases.
DL Mullan offers review and critique services free of charge. Ms. Mullan asks that Advanced Review Copies (ACRs) to be in PDF form for easy access and emailing.
Please see the link in the menu section to the right for more information to see when your tour, event, discussion, critique or review can be scheduled.
Schedule Blog Tours, Book Events, Panels, Critiques, & Reviews
Contact Undawnted using the our online form.
Thank you.