The day grows longer towards summer time. Spring fever has set your senses to wild.
How do you return from cloud nine? Why, read, of course!
Join our Spring Dreams!
Join our Spring Dreams!
It's summer time.
The Threshold to Adventure is right before you. What will you choose? A vacation to a destination you have never been before? To serve your country? Take a position at another company? Or, to begin college for the first time?
Humanity is on a constant quest in the hero's journey of our lives. Each step is as personal and unique as the last. Since the individual is the ultimate minority, we face our challenges in this life as a species as interlocking singular modules connecting into the next one and future generations.So what is your Call to Adventure? What Threshold to do you stand before?
It's summer... take that first step.
Just as Undawnted's Seasonal Reads Program changes from season to season, we have added our Special Engagements to this rotation.
It's that time of year to bring in some cheer!
Undawnted keeps the cold and dark nights warm with novels and poetry.
We hope this navigation is a lot more fluid than before. We know people are more visual on their devices so items like our images will be easier to find for those looking to read, write, or learn with us!
Creative writing is more than a movie script or image, writing is about taking the world around you, ingesting the nuances, and repackaging the real into the surreal.
We hope you have fun with our creative writing, readings, and special engagements.
Have a great and wonderful day!
*Update: all workshops and special engagements have now been concluded, and new projects are now under Undawnted's Substack.