Showing posts with label search. Show all posts
Showing posts with label search. Show all posts

Monday, May 7, 2018

DL Mullan will Now Be Available through Library and Subscription Services

Are you a library card holder or a subscriber to a book service?

Then you have access to Hode: The Legend Lives Again, if you are a participant of these services:

So next time you want to relax and read search for DL Mullan.

More titles are on their way throughout the rest of this year!

Have a great and wonderful day.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

And That's the Word

When I edit works, other people's or my own, I am always looking for that perfect word.

Merriam Webster online really gets a workout when I am searching for words. Do I mean this or that? Is it spelt correctly? What's in the Thesaurus that might sound better?

And God forbid me to use the same descriptive word twice. 

I have got to find words that I can use without misuse and overuse. Bored readers are not what I want. I want people to enjoy as well as understand the pieces.

A tall order to say the least but that's what writing is. It's not just grammar and spell check. Writing is about conveying several ideas at once in a clear, concise, and albeit fun manner. 

Because who doesn't want to have fun?

The only secret to writing is making it look easy.

Monday, February 17, 2014

I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

It seems now when I actively pursue the truth, the truth in the form of facts finds me.

A very strange occurrence, but I have seen this happen before with other people. Ever since I have been on the loose looking for information, I have been amazed at what I have found. 

Before I collapsed with pesticide poisoning, I was on the search for truth and facts. Many details came to me then. However, now it seems that more people have gotten websites and blogs to link ideas together. 

For a knowledge seeker and journalist, I am so grateful. It's like getting your cake and eating it too. 

I am excited every time I do a search to see what will come to me.

It's like being psychic/medium all over again. Yeah, that's been happening too. I have been writing and searching things to see if I could put something together and make it happen. Then I find out, someone else had the same idea and is doing it. 

Absolutely amazing. 

I hope that what I am referring to comes out soon. I'm hoping by mid-March so I don't have to play word games anymore. All I will give you is the title of a book I wanted to write with presented facts about the last thirteen years in America called: The Case for Hague. 

I'll let you do your own intuiting from there.

I can't wait to see what happens in the meantime. I really hope this plan comes together.

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