Showing posts with label library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Undawnted's Special Editions Now Boasts a Vault

Undawnted's Special Edition Books page has grown. 

As more poetry and short fiction are created, Undawnted will be producing creative writing collections for our readership. 
From our Seasonal Reads program to poetry and short fiction, these creative pieces are curated into assembled publications for anyone's growing library of literature. 

We have added:

We hope that all of them become your favorite! 

Team Undawnted 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Merlin was Discovered Recently in a Library

Really? Merlin has been wandering the library all this time?

Well, sort of. Several hand-written fragments were found in the University of Bristol's special collections. Many recognizable names were seen in the written pages. As an added bonus, the texts were from South Wales, where the legend is said to have been born:
"These fragments of the story of Merlin are a wonderfully exciting find, which may have implications for the study not just of this text but also of other related and later texts that have shaped our modern understanding of the Arthurian legend," said Dr Tether.

The books in which the fragments were found were all printed in Strasbourg between 1494 and 1502.
Could there be a retelling or additional theatrical editions to the Arthurian Legend coming to a move theater near you soon?

"Time and research will reveal what further secrets about the legends of Arthur, Merlin and the Holy Grail these fragments might hold."
Then Undawnted can add another myth to her repertoire.

Read the full article here: Middle Ages Merlin manuscript found in Bristol University library.

 Have a great and wonderful day.

Support a Disabled Woman's Creative Spirit

Monday, May 7, 2018

DL Mullan will Now Be Available through Library and Subscription Services

Are you a library card holder or a subscriber to a book service?

Then you have access to Hode: The Legend Lives Again, if you are a participant of these services:

So next time you want to relax and read search for DL Mullan.

More titles are on their way throughout the rest of this year!

Have a great and wonderful day.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Darker Breed of Poetry

Have you downloaded your copy of The Descent yet? 

The Halloween season is here.  Ghosts and goblins. Longer nights... and, haunted poetry.

Classics like Upon Reading Edgar Allan Poe and Death Replies to Emily Dickinson are among a collection of other fine poems. 

Have yourself a haunted day! 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Public Domain from the New York Public Library

Artist and history buffs rejoice 180,000 new exhibits are now available in the public domain.

That means everyone has the freedom to enjoy and reuse these materials in almost limitless ways. The Library now makes it possible to download such items in the highest resolution available directly from the Digital Collections website.

No permission required. No restrictions on use.

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