Showing posts with label rest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rest. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2014

Patient, Heal Thyself With Some Rest

Lazy weekends, it is what we all deserve.

I spent mine going to the store and collapsing from exhaustion. When someone stresses me out to that point, I cannot do anything else until I get my strength back. I had an incident with a cabbie.

Well the next day, I still had to go out for groceries. As I was carted around in more taxi cabs, I asked a whole bunch of questions. Come to find out, the cabbie that threw a fit was in the wrong. He was so in the wrong. 

So now I have to write up a complaint about him. Oh, joy, another tax on my strength. 

But today is going to be lovely, about 90 degrees. I have to change my air filter and air out my a/c unit. We're supposed to hit near 100 degrees this week and I don't want to be caught with my pants down. I want to be able to cool down the house for a restful sleep.

Not that sleep every really helps my energy level but it is part of the healing process. 

So sleep, rest and help your body do it's job. 

Now, off to do my job: clean, clear, and add more positivity to my healing process.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Living the Vida Kitty

I never thought in all my life that I would be sleeping as much as my cats. 

I have so much to do and not enough money to do it... or any energy even if I was flush.

There is a virus going around that knocks you down, then a bacteria gets into your chest, and then the virus comes back to finish you off. That is literal. I have heard of others dying of this so-called flu, but I don't think it's the regular flu.

I know I have it. I have mucous  in my throat and chest; post nasal drip, chills, over sleeping... the works!

The illness began back in December, I fought it back with vitamin C packets and raw organic garlic but it came back this month. Well, I went out grocery shopping and that will get you every time! 

So I'm back on the vitamin C and garlic.

I' beat a similar infection/virus last year. It's just that if you don't take care of yourself and increase your supplements, and garlic, you can put yourself at undue risk.

This afternoon, I fell asleep listening to an online newscast I like to watch every week. I got onto myself, then I realized: if you are falling asleep for little reason then you are probably a lot sicker than you think you are.

For this weekend then I am going to live the Vida Kitty. I'll go get warm in the sun in the afternoons but for the rest of the time: it's bed rest, liquids, online television shows, supplements and garlic as far as the eye can see. 

I hope by next week this chapter of fuzzy mittens and luluabies is over. I have bulk trash to get out by the curb and I can't annoy the neighbors with a trash heap if I'm coughing up a lung.

Stay safe and be well!

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