Showing posts with label sonoran desert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sonoran desert. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2023

Have You Ever Danced in The Rain?

Summer Time Seasonal Reads is proud to introduce, The Rain, to new readers. 

This Long Form Poem describes life in the desert southwest during monsoon season. As the Sonoran Desert braces for another season of torrential rains, blowing dust, and microbursts, humans and creatures alike do anything to find shelter.

"A long meditative poem
that soothes the soul."

"You can hear the rain as you read along."

The Rain is an epic poem that follows the friendship of a woman and a grasshopper, who lives in her yard. 


Long Form Poetry

There are times when one page cannot express the creative thought with enough precision that a poet needs to explore the idea further. Poets are then obliged to write until the story is complete, while adhering to their rhyme-scheme. Long Form Poems like the Iliad have been a favorite for centuries, and here are Undawnted's versions to entice the mind and tickle the senses.
Find your favorite in Undawnted's Long Form poetry section.  


Monday, February 15, 2021

Reach for Your Flower Power

The Flower Within is a late winter/early spring poem that will lift your spirits.

This poem is one of a handful of poems being released for the spring season on Undawnted's YouTube Channel for review. Read it for yourself and leave a comment. 

If you would like to read other nature poems, try Effloresce.

Have a great and wonderful day. 


Undawnted's YouTube Channel offers poetry shorts to full-fledged poetry feature films in our Poetry Slam section. This new playlist will give you more of the rhymes you crave.

Subscribe for more award-level poems written by DL Mullan.



Friday, July 17, 2020

Summer Time Reads: Effloresce, the Sonoran Desert Poetry Book

Summer is winding up! Sit back and relax with a poetry chapbook that will blow your mind. Join Mother Nature as she expresses herself in the sky, on the ground, and through the air.
You will not find a more emotive, compelling, or substantive list of poems anywhere else.
Purchase Effloresce today: 
Download your copy of Effloresce (PDF).  

To burst forth; bloom- everything in nature from flowers, fires, and ferocity.

"The two first lines drew me in, ..I think this brings me to the ponderous moments while watching the magnificent sky..when you almost feel you are shifting along with the changes."

"I enjoy reading your work & find this a wonderful image spurring thought or is it a thought spurring image... A delightful senryu to please those ancient Japanese while pleasing modern interpreters of this form as well. "

The Contents include: 
Earth Changes I
Earth Changes II
Earth Changes III

Featuring the award-winning: Weather. 

Read the rest of the content on Undawnted's Effloresce page.

Get hooked on nature this summer season.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Cover Art Update for The Rain Long Poem Publication

The monsoon season may be behind us, but never forgotten.

The Rain is a long form poem about the Sonoran Desert's monsoon. Instead of the original raindrops  abstract cover art piece, Undawnted changed to a more identifiable weather related image, cacti and all.

What do you think? 

If you have not read this piece yet, what are you waiting for? Poetry makes a great gift. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Rain Added to Chapbooks

A long, singular poem about the Sonoran monsoon has been added to the Chapbooks section of Undawnted. 

This poem is meditative in quality but interesting in concept . The Rain details the relationship between a rain soaked grasshopper and the human who helps him.

The chapbook will be published under the Undawnted brand.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Hot in the City Tonight

The last Friday in July is a cooker. 

Pressure cooker? The heat feels like it. In the pull of Mother Nature to bring in the Monsoon to the Sonoran Desert, she has been really cooking our biscuits. Fry me, isle five.

I mean, I am a desert rat, but from mid-June on the heat has been ridiculous. Then add the geoengineering on top of our already drought ridden region and bam! instant wildfire season. Just insane. 

So I am inside during the day and star gazing in the middle of the night. 

It's hot in the city on a Friday night. Nothing to watch on the television so I will again be without entertainment for the entire weekend. I will have to entertain myself. 

That means: more poetry and fiction novels on the way! First I will be sure to write up some nonfiction booklets and research essays. Got to keep the variety up. 

If I get bored, then I know my audience is too. We cannot have that! So I am dialing up the fearless imagination to the next level. 

Then I am going to take a nap... speaking of which. Off I go until this evening! 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Full Moons and Rain Showers

The Sonoran Desert has come alive with thunder and lightning. The monsoon has returned. Rain drops here and there. Gusty winds flatten the landscape with dust and dirt. The arid landscape rages once again.

The full moon rises without mark of time. Clouds inundate the sky and make visualizing that much more difficult. All is hidden under a blanket of grey. Planets, stars, and the full moon fight to be seen between storm clusters.

The rain has come to the city. Sparse. Needed. The moisture comes as it pleases. Mother Nature has cried out her tears over the lower deserts and cannot make it passed the rugged terrain of mountains.

The lightning and thunder recede. No shows tonight. The city is safe again.

Safe from the wind, bright lights, clapping sound, and precipitation.  Where is my rain? What spell was cast to deprive me of what is mine? Release your hold and let life bloom.

The monsoon is here. Although, I cannot touch or feel the intensity of the heat and humidity merge, I can watch from afar. The ranis will come. I am certain.

All we have to do it pray. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Summer's Here

You wouldn't know it from the windy and rainy conditions that have made themselves known the last six months. 

The sun is going to sleep and so is the Earth's hot temperatures with it. Will we see the hot, arid climate of the southwest return before the monsoon? I believe so. Maybe we will catch a hurricane or two from the Pacific Ocean just in time to see our monsoon season close early like in the past two cycles.

I rather have the temperate weather pattern. Not excessively hot, but not subfreezing either. I want to experience the Sonoran Desert the way it was meant to be lived: engaging. 

So I may not live the dream of beaches and cool breezes, but the desert has a charm all its own. What a great way to write about where you live. How do you feel about your weather?

Have a great and wonderful day!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Countdown to Yule

The UK's Telegraph has a countdown application and Winter Solstice is about 2 hours away.

Not everyone in the world celebrates Christmas. There are a number of different celebrations during this time of year. One of which is Yule.

Yule harkens back to Odin and Norse mythology. It is a time to butcher livestock for their meat, the mead/ale was ready in their casks, and the freezing weather was the death cycle of nature. 

The Winter Solstice became a celebration of life, and the upcoming renewal of spring. 

So this night of the longest darkness and shortest light, be thankful that tomorrow begins the cycle of renewal. 

For the Sonoran Desert: 
9h 55m
Tomorrow will be 0m0s shorter.

Enjoy the legends, the history, and the holiday spirit.

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