Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nutrition. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Heat is On in the Sonoran Desert

120 this coming week. 

For good measure, I am getting all my chores done this week. I am going to be hiding out writing in the darkness of my room. 

It only seems fair. We had a beautiful and cool month of May. Now the Monsoon needs to be pulled into our deserts for July and August. In order for that to be done, the desert floor needs to be hot, hot, hot! So a small period of extreme heat followed by humidity and rain. 

I will see you in October... I am crawling under my rock until then! 

Just kidding. Immobility will give me a chance to catch up on some of my upcoming publications: Manufactured Consent and Haunted Arizona: Travelogue of a Paranormal Enthusiast. 

To name a few, I hope you return to read more about these topics, and even some poetry and fiction. 

So buckle up... and get into the air conditioning! It's going to be hot this summer on the writing front.

Have a great and wonderful day!!! 


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Added a New Book to Social Constructs

Society is a complex human creation. 

Sometimes society is positive. Sometimes it is negative. Most of the time society exists between these two dichotomies. 

In our new booklet: Marijuana Legalization, Rights of Others, and Solving Health Issues with Nutrition, we discuss the issues of rights, health, and nutrition.  

When it comes down to it, is marijuana a cure-all, or a symptom helper?  Does getting high mask nutritional deficiencies that could be corrected if the user would take responsibility instead of wasting time being intoxicated?

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Gaslighting and the Environmental Illness Patient Published

Today, Undawnted in conjunction with Sonoran Dawn Studios published our first book in the series: Environmental Illness

Our synopsis:
The first book in the series sheds light on the psychology of friends, family, and the medical community at large when it comes to treating the Environmental Illness patient. 
Too often Environmental Illness patients are abandoned by the people that are supposed to care about them. Here is how and why situations like abandonment and name calling occur. 
When you understand what is happening to you, then you are able to deal with the emotional and mental impacts with a more mature perspective. 
How do you know if you have fallen victim to gaslighting?
The PDF's in this series will always be FREE because we know information needed by patients should be available to them without putting their safety or security at risk because of money issues.

Undawnted has a special page for our Environmental Illness Book Series, if you would like to see what other books are on the way.

If you like our booklets, please remember to Google+ and Facebook us as well as leave positive feedback.

Thank you!!!

Have a great and wonderful day! 

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