Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2022

Another Successful Release Party! Wild West and the Pueblo Diablo is Published

 Welcome to Undawnted on this fine autumn day!

In the old west, when Arizona was still a territory, a devil began killing with impunity. A lone sheriff tracked this evil to a pueblo in the Sonoran Desert.

Would he and the villagers be able to defeat this malignant spirit?

We had our theme music: Intro: Rise Up Dead Man, and plenty of ambience. 

What? You didn't know? Well, we can fix that issue: Join Undawnted's A Novelist Idea. Then you will be updated monthly on creative projects, inspiration, and release parties as well as many other activities. 

Last night, Wild West and the Pueblo Diablo Release Party commenced with a scavenger hunt for free stuff to celebrate the publication of this Long Form poem. 

If you love creativity, then you would get hooked on Undawnted. 

This article is your invitation to become a part of our growing community... Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe.

And, take the time to Believe in Magic this autumn

Team Undawnted 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Baptizing the Dead, the Literary Lyrical Long Form Poem, is Published!

Undawnted, and our Fearless Philes, had a wonderful time at the Baptizing the Dead release party last night. You didn't get the invite? Well, you can receive one for our next event by signing up with A Novelist Idea Newsletter...

Subscribers always get the goodie bag! 



What is this poem about? 

The Devil has come to town to baptize followers for the other team in order to steal their souls... do you know who your preacher is?

Even the Devil Can Quote Scripture


Critical Acclaim

What readers have to say about this poem?

"What happens when you give the Devil a run for his money!"

"Another great piece by our generation’s [Gen X] Genre Laureate."

"Ah such a talented woman I can only hope to be as good as you one day love your poems."

"Irreverent, but topical in our current cultural climate. Perfect."


Info Guide

Do you want to know more? Then visit Baptizing the Dead on Undawnted.  


Believe in Magic... Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads 



DL Mullan is an award-winning poet. With poems in numerous publications, including academic and commercial anthologies, Ms. Mullan is becoming Generation X's Genre Poet Laureate.

Want to read some free selections? Venture over to her page on My Poetry Forum.

The creative imagination stands the test of time. 

Learn. Grown. Master... with Undawnted.



Sunday, September 18, 2022

What is Your Favorite Autumn Haunt?

Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads has poetry and prose for every spine-tingling moment of this haunted time of the year, and our selections keep growing. 

From paranormal activity, vampires, supernatural manhunts, to werewolf mythology, Undawnted wants to be the place readers would like to be. 

What's your favorite autumn haunt? 

Let us know on our social media feeds... comment, like, subscribe. 

We want to haunt you...err, with our publications! 

Team Undawnted


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Believe in Magic with Undawnted's Imaginative Poetry and Prose

Autumn is a magical time of the year. 

Our temperatures moderate from the summer heat waves. The evenings turn crisp as we reach for our sweaters and hot cocoa. Ghosts and goblins haunt our steps... for candy! 

And, our ancestors await our recognition. 

Nights grow longer. Do you add more to your DVR? Or, would you like to curl up with something new? A book, perhaps? 

Poetry and prose are great ways to spend time with yourself. Inside your imagination, let the characters and stories swirl around and create images in your mind. What do you see there in your mind's eye? 

Reading is another great mechanism to expand your creativity by living in someone else's world. That energy can be used to fuel your own innovations.

What are your fiction favorites? Genre topics like vampires and werewolves?

Or, how about rhymes that are sublime to elevate the uneasy factor?

How about some satire? 


Take the time to Believe in Magic along with Undawnted. Autumn Cider begins this magical time of year of holidays, celebrations, and parties. We have those get togethers scheduled throughout the rest of the year.

Join our community by bookmarking this site, commenting on our social media and video posts, follow us on Twitter and Youtube, liking our posts, as well as subscribe to Undawnted's A Novelist Idea newsletter

You, too, can experience the wonder of the changing seasons.

Have a wonderful and magical day, 

Team Undawnted


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Summer Time Seasonal Reads 2022

When summer rolls around, we are ready to sit by the pool with an iced tea. A book is worth all the rays of the sun. Summer is about finding time for yourself, to relax. 

The days are longer. The nights are warm. Summer is the fantasy season of our lives.

Out by the water, what to do? Read with your sunglasses on, of course!  
Publications available for purchase through Lulu

Saint in the Big Easy

What happens when you discover the only person who can save you is you?  
A Writer's Guide to Writing
Push the envelope and become great.

Escape into Poetry with this dynamic chapbook about nature's volatility. 

The Rain: Monsoon in the Desert
Immerse yourself in the desert southwest in this folk narrative. 


Legacy Universe mythological short stories being released are:  

June 6th
The Story of Vigdis and Adalbrandir
What if you discovered the gods' secret? 

June 14th
The Story of Excalibur
Where did the sword come from? 



As well, A Novelist Idea has a new project and other community activities for our Fearless Philes. Become a member. Participant with others. Share and Like the content. The expansion of your imagination through creativity is based on your own contributions. The more you play; the more you win! 

Undawnted's Summer Time Seasonal Reads Program runs June 1st through August 31st

We hope you join us in our summer activities. 

Have a great and wonderful day. 


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Undawnted Press Release... Eclipse: Cloaked by Totality is Available for Purchase

 Undawnted's proprietor, DL Mullan, has officially released her fourth chapbook!

Eclipse: Cloaked by Totality is an amalgamation of poetry styles under the topic of an eclipse. With poems in the genres of science, mythology, and literature, there is something special for everyone who reads it. DL Mullan's gift is to make the intangible, tangible. A Ph.D. is not a requirement to read any of her poetry or prose writing. Readers can just enjoy.

From the chapbook's dedication page:

This total eclipse dives deep into the heart of the matter. Eclipse is a themed chapbook with mythological, meteorological, astrophysical, and literary aspects weaved throughout the poetry to create a one-of-a-kind reading experience.  

Some reader acclaim about various poems are:

"More like cloaked by powerful words!"
"Love this."

Find your totality with Eclipse.


 View some poetry samples via the Eclipse Prevue (Unnarrated Trailer):

It's easy to purchase from Lulu: Download your copy of Eclipse (PDF).  

And... leave a rating and review! Ms. Mullan loves to hear from her audience, such as acclaim for her poem, Plasma:

"This won First Place in my science competition. I didn't know poets could write this way. I'm in awe of your writing."

"Dude... this poem is awesome! 5 Stars. Just a masterpiece of language."

"What a combination, physics in a poem or should I say a poem regarding physics A very good and interesting poem that's why I gave it a 5-star rating."

*Special Thanks to Sonoran Dawn Studios for publishing another one of Ms. Mullan's creative productions. 


About Undawnted

DL Mullan's Avatar
A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Ms. Mullan decided to showcase her literary talents by publishing collections of her poems. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan has a number of poems published in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. She produces her own book cover designs for herself and others. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. Currently, she is embarking on becoming an established prose writer. Creative courage is contagious... become fearless with Undawnted. Find DL Mullan at

Monday, April 11, 2022

The Creative Mind in a World Gone Mad: How do We Take Back Our Imaginations?

Once I thought that the human imagination was boundless and beautiful overflowing with hope, in the years since, I have discovered that some of our mind's have ventured from the possible, probable, and poetic into a landscape of fear and dread. 

The creative mind's "what if" moment of variability had been intersected. When an elite few realized that their dystopian future would shrink the quantum possibilities into one narrow passage, a new era of manipulation began. Humans don't have informed consent; we have manufactured consent. 

The most steered aspects of our society have been the sciences and the arts. That cross-section of our culture has been handicapped, and our development stunted by this destructive agenda. Imagination? Creativity? ...where? 

Anyone can observe the unimaginative movies, predetermined book publications, and repetitive musical interludes. As a child of the 1980's, I am bored with this curated selection of negative, trash-filled redundancy.

In the past decade, I have become concerned by the lack of original thought in our society. Instead, I perceive a propagandist's point of view influencing us. Yes, even in the arts and sciences is this negative agenda pushing forward. Should I name the offenses, or, can you decipher these issues for yourself?

As an artist, poet, and writer, what should I make of this forced slant stepping on our abilities, skills, and lifestyles? Why am I not allowed to embrace my creative side and ask the questions that beg: What if? The moment that my imagination takes flight into the uncharted territories of the cosmos, I must censor myself. I must refrain from my innate calling as a creative spirit. 

Only when an agenda is corrupt and harmful must all other competition to it be silenced. No questions. No free-thought. No imagination. 

Why? Why do a few believe that they outweigh the many? What happened to the imagination? 

Here at Undawnted, imagination is fearless and will ask questions of the cultural captains: what happened that would allow you to believe you are more important in my creative life than I am? Why would you believe you are better than the rest of us? Why must we believe what you believe? Why must I attend, pray, and be a disciple at your church?

Are those not fair questions to ask? I feel that this elite mindset is of: do as you are told. Period. Another form of corporate toxicity demands more from me than it gives in return. 

That leads into: why is there a conservatorship being placed on the creative world? When did I sign that legal contract? Is it in the vague Terms of Service of the services you don't provide anymore when you turned your back on freedom of speech? Because I certainly have not been evaluated in a court of law as incompetent to stand trial.  

Why can I not tell people to research the findings of Dr. Naomi Wolf (Ph.D.), Dr. Robert Malone (M.D. and inventor of the MRNA technology), Dr. Peter McCullough (M.D.), VAERS reporting, or even Edward Dowd? Is the establishment afraid of real data?

When someone in a position of leadership be it government, corporate, education, or think tank does everything in his or her power to stifle creativity, shut down dissent, and make you censor yourself, then how can our culture have imagination? 

One way. One mind... sounds more like the Borg to me, than a democracy. 

When it comes down to it, we aren't being respected as adults. So if you are wondering why I speak out, this factor is high on the list. Are these governments, corporations, institutions, or think tanks respecting you if you have to censor yourself in order to appease their short-sided agenda? 

What is the Agenda? The World Economic Forums' Great Reset that plunges the world into an economic depression? Do we really want that nonsense? I for one did not elect Klaus Schwab into office. Did you?

So, creative community of artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians, do you need someone to make your decisions for you? Or, are you a capable, cogent adult that abides by the laws of the United States? 

Because "creative" does not have the word: we, in it; but the letters do spell: I. As well, "imagination" does not have the word: we, in it; but the letters do spell: I. Those words embody the artful presence of individuality. The arts cannot and should not be dictated by a collective. That is why imagination is fearless because this journey is for the courageous individual. 

Then why are we doing this? So, find your courage, individuate, and start asking questions. 

Creative courage is contagious!

Have a great and insightful day. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Additions and Updates to Our Poetry Sections

Undawnted has been doing some spring-cleaning, as it were, to our poetry line. 

We are in the process of adding chapbooks like Supernatural Archaeology, and some others whose titles are tentative, but soon to be released on this site. In the Long Form poetry section, we have some great ideas for each seasonal reads. We have begun the process with the release of our Long Form poem: Galactic Ride in March 2022, and the upcoming chapbook release of Eclipse in May 2022. More goodies will be uploaded soon to our Chapbook section. Our goal is to have a long-form poem and chapbook for every month of the year. 

After a large catalog of poetry has been published, then in November 2024, we will release: Oracle. This chapbook will celebrate 30 years of award- winning/level poetry from our own rhymer, DL Mullan.

She believes poetry is for everyone. Her poems are easy to read and digest. The meaning is what the reader brings to the words, but also Ms. Mullan conveys her own thoughts and feelings into the mix. 

In the coming weeks and months, you will see this section change with exciting and even more provocative writings. Ms. Mullan challenges herself on every level to bring her audience the best writing and culture of the age. From poetry, prose, and digital art, there is no comparison to her commitment to the tangible legacy she is creating before your very eyes.

You can have curated... or you can have creative. Undawnted- where the imagination is fearless


Have a great and wonderful day.



Thursday, March 24, 2022

On My Poetry Forum for Review: Shuffle the Devil

You know a great creative write when you have to Shuffle the Devil, right? 

This poem is a poignant, but humorous illustration. Shuffle the Devil will be placed in the upcoming chapbook called: Supernatural Archaeology.

If you like the paranormal aspects of life, then this poem will fit in your cosmology.
This poem is being moved to Undawnted's YouTube Channel.
Undawnted's YouTube Channel offers poetry shorts to full-fledged poetry feature films in our Poetry Slam section. This new playlist will give you more of the rhymes you crave.

Subscribe for more award-level poems written by DL Mullan.


Monday, March 21, 2022

The First Day of Spring on Undawnted for 2022 Means More of What You Love

It is time for warmer weather, fields of flowers blooming, and aachoo! allergies. 

Spring is also a time for renewal and beginning new projects. We are in the season to create our future. So we take this present and brainstorm. Where would you like to be by autumn? 

Undawnted will continue with creating and publishing more of our art, poetry, and prose in the form of ebooks, shirts, posters, and more. All the while, devising new and innovative ways to inspire our readers of A Novelist Newsletter

Undawnted on MPF
We will continue to offer sneak peeks and creations for public review via our Undawnted Youtube Channel. There we will introduce more people to our brand. Imagination cannot be fearless if you don't put yourself out there. 

Undawnted lives and breathes our creative spirit. 

Join us on Substack to enliven the energy inside you to be a participant in your own story. 

And don't forget to Like, Follow, and Subscribe to our other social media accounts for the latest updates. 

March 17th, Undawnted published the scifi/fantasy Long Form poem: Galactic Ride to rave reviews.

April and May will see additional publication releases. Are you ready for more creativity that pushes the boundaries of the norm? Why be normal? When you can be Undawnted.

Check out our Spring Dreams Seasonal Reads Program for what is available to inspire you to use your imagination fearlessly.


If you still want to participate in Sonoran Dawn Studios' Celtic Green Book Event, you are just in time! The date was pushed back to April 2nd. 

Have a great and wonderful spring dreams! 


Sonoran Dawn Studios' Celtic Green Book Event

Monday, March 14, 2022

On My Poetry Forum for Review: The Painted Veil

Delve deep into the atmosphere of the rhyme-filled poem: The Painted Veil.

This poem takes you to a dystopian paradise of a thought-controlled society. An antithetical piece for the upcoming chapbook called: Impetus
This poem is being moved to Undawnted's YouTube Channel.
If you like novels like 1984, Animal Farm, and The Dispossessed, then this poem will fit in your mental bookcase just as well. 
Undawnted's YouTube Channel offers poetry shorts to full-fledged poetry feature films in our Poetry Slam section. This new playlist will give you more of the rhymes you crave.

Subscribe for more award-level poems written by DL Mullan.


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

On My Poetry Forum for Review: Full Circle

The creative spirit arises when you are busy doing something else, but arise it did. 

Full Circle is a philosophical poem and is available for review.

What meaning do you get out of the prose poem?

This poem is being moved to Undawnted's YouTube Channel.
Full Circle is one of the poems in the Chapbook: Supernatural Archealogy

Supernatural Archaeology is the poetry of philosophy, mythology bordering on the supernatural and paranormal realms. 

"The superb imagery complements the thoughts and emotions expressed via your verses here."

"This is really different... the imagery is beautiful and surreal."

"A captivating creation."

Become supernatural.
Undawnted's YouTube Channel offers poetry shorts to full-fledged poetry feature films in our Poetry Slam section. This new playlist will give you more of the rhymes you crave.

Subscribe for more award-level poems written by DL Mullan.


Have a great and wonderful day.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

On Poem Hunter for Review: Desert

Another short, structured poem was added onto Undawnted's Poem Hunter page.

Desert is a Cinquain. Five lines to change your mood with a descriptive narrative. 

If you like this poem, then please bookmark: DL Mullan's Poem Hunter page.

We would appreciate our readers to take a moment and leave a comment, rating, and review. 

Ms. Mullan loves to hear from her audience. 


Have a great and rhyme-filled day.  


Friday, December 31, 2021

The End... Poems No Longer Available on My Poetry Forum, but a New Year of Authenticity Begins!

In the post: On My Poetry Forum Poems to be Retired for 2022, a list of eight poems that were ready for their time in a computer folder was announced. Now that time has come. These poems have been removed from public view:

  • Moon over Aphrodite
  • 9.12.01
  • Upon Reading Edgar Allan Poe
  • Step on All of Us
  • You
  • Desert Mesquite
  • Vanished  
  • Eggnog Dreams

More poems will be offered in the coming year. Choose your favorites wisely, as they too will be weighed and measured at the end of 2022.

If you would like to read and hear one of DL Mullan's poems, then please don't miss: Asymptote, available now.


Undawnted's YouTube Channel offers poetry shorts to full-fledged poetry feature films in our Poetry Slam section. This new playlist will give you more of the rhymes you crave.

Subscribe for more award-level poems written by DL Mullan.




As an added bonus, DL Mullan will be on Sonoran Dawn Studios' Happy New Year 2022: Stayin' Alive Party on Facebook.


Begins at 10pm AZ Time


Have a great and safe New Year's Eve.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

On Poem Hunter for Review: Asymptote

Undawnted's DL Mullan will publish her shorter albeit structured poetry on Poem Hunter, especially those poems used in her Special Engagement's Workshop series called Onomatopoetry. 

First up, Asymptote the science based poem. A workshop in the seasonal reads: Autumn Cider Genre Theater Workshop will be linked to this article to showcase how science and the poetic arts can be combined for an interesting prospective about the nature of our universe.   

So please, bookmark this new endeavor: DL Mullan's Poem Hunter page for quotes for wisdom and insight as well as her workshop poems. 

And take a moment to leave a comment, rating, and review. 

Ms. Mullan loves to hear from her readership. 


Have a great and rhyme-filled day.  


UPDATE: Workshops and Special Engagements have been moved to our Premium Content page.

Learn. Grow. Master... with Undawnted.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Onomatopoetry Workshop Added to Winter Frost: Holiday

Want to incorporate the holiday season and its spirit into your poetry?

The holidays are full of religious and secular meaning, symbolism, and stories of their own, so why not use these aspects as sources of inspiration for your own rhyming creations? 

For our Winter Frost Special Engagement series, Undawnted is bringing this poetry workshop to you. 

Learn to create holiday poems of your very own on the Onomatopoetry: Holiday Workshop page.

If you would like to learn more poetic forms, then visit Undawnted's Special Engagements: Onomatopoetry Workshops' page. 


Have a great and wonderful day.  

UPDATE: Poetry workshops have been moved to our Premium Content page.

Learn. Grow. Master... with Undawnted.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Onomatopoetry Workshop Added to Winter Frost: Haiku and its Variations

Want to learn how to write a Haiku? 

Here is your chance. You can write a traditional version or a variation on the old. It's your choice. 

Most writers know that Haikus are a 5-7-5 syllable stanza of three verses (17 syllables altogether) is the English language equivalent to this Japanese art form.Yet, most do not know there are rules to writing a traditional Haiku poem. 

Learn that form as well as more innovative ones on our Onomatopoetry: Haiku Workshop page

Haiku is a great way to express yourself in a minimalistic way. In case you are wondering, yes, you can:

3 Little Words


Sorry, beat you to it!

If you would like to learn more poetic forms, then visit Undawnted's Special Engagements: Onomatopoetry Workshops' page


Have a great and wonderful day. 

Subscribe to Undawntable Today!

Subscribe and receive news from Undawnted on a regular basis. Updates include: book release dates publication updates discounts contests/giveaways Join Undawnted's Creative Tribe.