Showing posts with label creative writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creative writing. Show all posts

Saturday, March 28, 2020

April Flowers Quarantine Special: Theater for Writers Workshops

Thanks to a virtual worldwide quarantine this spring, theaters have closed their doors in response. 

Some theaters have decided to do a show just for the audiences at home via the internet. One such theater group is the National Theater in London, England, UK. They have set up four shows for the month of April. 

As a lover, patron, and former thespian, Undawnted's proprietor, DL Mullan, will be participating in the online events. Sunday, Undawnted will be publishing the April schedule (a week earlier to accommodate the play schedule) for the quarantine special engagements that have been created just for you, her audience. Get your comfy chair piled with pillows and be ready to be dazzled by the world's best theatrical performers. 

Then Undawnted will have coffee and chat sessions set up via her Discord server space for all those who wish to discuss the play and how it pertains to the craft of writing: character development, plot, setting, and dialogue. 

A Special Engagement section will be set up for these writer's workshops. 

Stay tuned... more details forthcoming!

Have a great and wonderful day. 


*Update: all workshops and special engagements have now been concluded, and new projects are now under Undawnted's Substack.

A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. This year, DL Mullan has begun sharing her knowledge via A Novelist Idea Newsletter. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to her newsletter on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Becoming Fearless by Appropriate Preparation and Defeating Overreaction

This blog and my writing is about taking creativity to a whole new level with courage to be different. 

I am disabled due to illness. My body -thanks to others including my former employer- overexposed me to pesticides and black mold to the point where my body cannot end the cycle called: biotoxin illness on its own. Basically, my own body attacks and poisons itself. 

I have terrible inflammation. Inflammation that has injured my brain function. So being Undawnted, becoming Fearless was to help me overcome the challenges of an illness that at any moment could stop my heart, inflame my lungs, or shut down any one of my organs. I had to find the courage to move forward knowing I have no control to stop any of it. 

I have dizzy spells/vertigo now. My balance sucks. I cannot maintain equilibrium for too long when I stand or walk. So in mid-January I messed up my right foot in a most severe way. I am still wrapping my foot in an ace bandage while in bed to write this piece this morning. Then I caught a virus, which I have burned a fever on and off since February 22nd. It has been real fun around here not knowing how to feed or clean myself because Medicare affords me no medical help and my Medicare doctor does not take my real and treatable illness seriously so I have no home assistance, no oxygen, and no prescriptions for my hundreds of dollars in supplementation I take a month. I cannot take most prescription medications because my liver cannot handle them.  

So I have to live fearless or I would not be able to write, or well, do anything positive and proactive.

Insert recent current events, people have given into their darkest fears and have wallowed in it for all the world to see. Really? You need how much toilet paper? 

I have a biology minor and other sciences in my background and experience. For a virus, you don't need 35 years worth of toilet paper. You are allowing your fear to conquer you. 

I was doing some research about being creatively fearless when I ran into this 2015 Psychology Today article: 7 Ways 'Fearless' People Conquer Fear with the caveat: They overprepare but they don't overreact.

So what are you doing during this medical crisis? Have you succumbed to your flight or fight by actually fighting over toilet paper? 

If you want control over an uncontrolled situation, you must first conquer your own fear of the unknown. In the creative writing world, we brainstorm. We sit down and write out without editing ourselves what the topic means to us. If we are developing a character or a plot line, we list every aspect that comes to mind. That is what you can do about your fear. 

Writing exercise: write out your worst fears. Then compare your list to reality. Do they match up? Or, are you over-hyping your fears' importance? 

In reality, COVID-19 can be defeated if people would voluntarily shelter in place for 60 days around the world, all at the same time. That would mean criminals and other knuckle heads would have to take a two month vacation. World leaders would have to set the example by being the adults we need and not the selfish bastards they act like everyday. 

You know who I am talking about. 

No one is going to do that because the human race has allowed our society and culture as a whole to spiral down into the me, me, me state of psychological immaturity. 

So according to the Psychology Today article, how can our human family face the challenges that lie ahead?
  • Respect Fear
  • Understand the Mechanics of Fear Itself
  • Understand Your Own Fear Triggers
  • Build Confidence Where Fear Lies
  • Prepare Without Overreacting
  • Be Adults Despite What Fear Wants
  • Ask For Help If You Become Overwhelmed
Fear should never dictate your actions. 

That is how you become FEARLESS. 

Have a great and wonderful day.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Plans in the Works for Lectures, Poetry, and Writing Workshops

Do you need a new writing challenge? Or, do you just want to learn about different facets of human culture to enhance your writing skills?

Undawnted is the place for you this year. 2020 is go time. Take your writing to the next level with my Special Engagements writer's series:
  • Writer's Workshops
  • Onomatopoetry 
  • Lectures for Writer's Workshops
Lectures, poetry, and creative writing come to life with these various workshops. 

Each quarter as part of my Seasonal Reads program, there will be enough reading, writing, and application of knowledge for a 10-week mini-course.

In the coming years, more will be added until the workshops become their own mini-certificate programs. 

More reveals coming soon... 

Happy Celtic Heritage Month!


Please note: our poetry and prose writer's workshops have been moved to our Substack newsletter offerings:

Undawnted's A Novelist Idea Newsletter gives our members popup/release parties, contests/prizes, early access, projects, certificate programs, plus Subscribers receive discounts at our Special Editions Store. Be sure you are a Subscriber for these Member's Only benefits!

Our writing program has monthly projects with a certificate for participants at year's end. Projects like: the Hint of the Divine, in which participants learn the archetypes found in human culture, and storytelling. 
Bring depth to your writing.  

Learn. Grow. Master... with Undawnted.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Density Horizon Book Cover Design Update

This scifi/fantasy book series Density Horizon had a book design as a placeholder for awhile. 

With the creation of the art print, Ragnarok, this image was cultivated to also double as a book cover. Density Horizon is a mixture of the science fiction and fantasy themes we all love with the addition of some cosmic, esoteric, and ethereal motifs to bring this galaxy to life.

The universe is a mysterious place. For Kester din Valles, he knows all too well that the universe is just one aspect of the total mass of this reality.
When an alien life form breaches the interdimensional electromagnetic field, a doorway is opened between two realities. In his bid for an eternal corporeal life, Bailor endangers the existence of every dimension, universe, reality, and density. 
As the Density Horizon rupture grows so does the inability of scientists to contain their dire predictions. Kerster din Valles must work with courageous humans and aliens alike to force Bailor to return to his dimension and restore the galaxy he intruded upon back to its original state.

This series is due out beginning sometime in 2025. 

Monday, August 5, 2019

The Politics of the Creative Mind: Is Conformity Worth the Price of Admission?

In the United States of America, we have freedom of expression and speech. 

Well, we did until the political and social agendas changed toward censorship. Now someone can be censored off tech platforms, blocked by others on social media and even have their comments deleted from a forum because their speech was "rude" or uncomplimentary. None has disconcerted me more than in the creative art, craft, and writing fields. 

The tolerance level of social justice has become the intolerance that comes with a political movement called: censorship. You cannot hold this opinion because it doesn't validate someone's way of life, personal decisions, or just a fleeting emotion so you are not allowed your freedom of expression or speech. It might offend someone.

That is a corrupt system. A system that supports censorship does not tolerate anything or anyone outside a limited and cloistered psychological schema. First, you cannot say this word. Then you cannot express an idea. In the slow detachment of logic from the social constructions of dystopian control mechanisms, people learn to censor their own ideas and by default begin to control other people's behavior through peer pressure, bullying of the pecking order until the masses are so contorted that reality has bent into illusion. 

Those creative forces who are not under the mass socio-hypnosis are now the dissenting voices in a world gone mad. If you do not jump to key words and phrases of neurolinguistic programming, then you are seen as a threat. How dare people question the official story, someone's feelings, or another person's decisions even if those beliefs do not match up to reality, their feelings are detrimental and cause violent actions, or those decisions lead to permanent disability, scarring, or irreversible physical damage. 

If you see through the delusions of others and speak out, then you have no friends, no coworkers, no associations, and no way to defend yourself. The world implodes onto itself. The social credit score is thus born. 

You are now tied to other people's opinions about, of, and around you. She walked down that street in a miniskirt and got raped... she caused her own rape! That is the world we have come to in this reality side show: the conspiracy of dunces. 

In this world, the outlandish becomes the norm. You are six degrees from Kevin Bacon. So everything he does reflects on you! If he drinks organic, free trade coffee, then you are safe. If he believes a woman without evidence, then you are safe. If he supports mutilating children for transgenderism, then you are an acceptable person. Hell we have twelve years to turn around Climate Change, so you better give up your electricity or the Earth will melt! Once you do, you will be revered as a god/goddess of green environmentalism.

I just described bat shit crazy. 

I am six degrees away from Kevin Bacon. Actually, I have been less than six degrees from many in Hollywood. I can honestly tell you that their decisions in life do nothing for me. They live a separate life than me. That is the way it should be. We should live our own independent lives free from a social credit score. 

Free from censorship, but we have a group of Americans who have sold out to the ideas of social justice, which requires no evidence, no logic, and hypocritically, no justice at all. Americans do not get their day in court. People are smeared online, in the media, and in social circles when someone does not conform to the hive mind of social control. 

If you hunger for acceptance, want to conform, and need to control what others do and say, then you are not a creative person. You are a sellout. You sold your energy to become a mind slave to a dystopian future not even Orwell could devise. 

I know I am going to lose more "friends" over this essay because I am the dissenter. I am the logic. I am the person who researches what an idea is and follows that construct to its original source. I am often ridiculed, disrespected, attacked and threatened for voicing my informed, researched, and educated opinion. 

I am no degrees away from understanding the world around me.

And, that is a thought crime. 

If anything that has been said here today has offended you, then you have a belief system. Beliefs can be molded and changed over time. Cold hard facts cannot be changed, manipulated like in the case of statistics, but when you get right down to it: facts are facts. 

Facts are researchable. That leads to knowledge. Knowledge creates experience. And, experience becomes wisdom. 

Beliefs are driven by emotions. Emotions are malleable. Emotions are our own egos trying to defend the abstract, the unknowable, and the personal. Beliefs should never be substituted for facts, knowledge, experience, and of course, any form of wisdom. 

So who are you? What do you want? 

Do you want to live in a free society? A Constitutional Republic that protects freedoms, rights of the individual? 

Or, do you want to live in a concentration camp of your mind, plagued by beliefs and emotions changed by the dictator of the day? Because that is what mob rule, democracy is. What socialism and by extension Communism are.

Without freedom of speech and expression, there is no creative spirit. There are no masterpieces. There is no inspiration. 

So do you want to believe? Or, do you want to be free?

Until your next dose of reality: have a great and wonderful day.

This essay was syndicated by the Feral Human Project with permission of the author.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Against the Grain, I'm a Wrtier, the Universe Says So

Writing is a great creative outlet. So is doing my own book cover designs. I get the whole ambience and a sense of accomplishment. 

With everything going on and technology failures taking most of my creative originals into the creepy deep, I thought it was time just to do something else. I should have known I was not going to get off that easy. 

So I do this angel card reading with an intuitive. I patronize as many locals as I can and give props to people who help me. I am on Facebook Live with Bob the Psychic one morning and he gives me the news I dread to hear... Robert Jerome does these freebies on Tuesdays when he has a chance and I put in my name on the list to see if the universe has a message for me or not.

After I had already put my feet up and started binge watching shows because I retired myself from creative writing and design, I get this reading that I have gotten off my path about the time I gave it all up. Really? Now you tell me? I have been wondering for quite awhile what I should be doing with myself. 

I know I have many stories to tell and characters keep me company on days I am unable to expend energy to get out of bed, but now my little endeavor has been noticed by the omnipotent universe. 

Pop quiz, hot shot... you thought that writing would build a community you could enjoy but found out many writers are in political and social cliques while others just don't care and the rest like yourself dangle in the wind wondering where this camaraderie could be... what do you do? What... do you do?

Some of us thought that we should give the writing community a good try and if that try went nowhere then this meant that that avenue was not our path. WRONG.

The universe has decided as for now Undawnted is my place of creative writing residence. 

Against the grain, I am going to stick to it. I still have stories to write. The universe seems to be amused with that. 

It seems to be the only one.

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Donate. Only You can keep Undawnted Ad Free.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Effloresce This Holiday Weekend

Poems like Earth Changes I, II, and III as well as Arsonist, Perfect Storm, and Midnight in the Auditorium are all featured.

If you enjoy the poetry, please leave some positive written feedback on Effloresce's Lulu product page.

Escape into Poetry this holiday weekend! 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Return to Authorsden

With my illness and subsequent disability from it, I had to let go my association with Authorsden many years ago. My page remained up but I could go now further. 

I deleted the old and put up some new ones! I uploaded my three books: a novel, essay, and chapbook. 

I also published two new poems with more still to come.

Dawn L. Mullan on Authorsden.

I hope you stop by and leave a review!

Have a great and wonderful day~ 

Chapbook Page Updated

I took some time and divided up the chapbooks into their own singular pages. So I could add the book covers in a large form too!  

I have also uploaded two new chapbooks and pushed back a couple others. Now the time line makes a little more sense.

Reiteration received a polished book cover. The art is now dynamic. This chapbook will be my 30th year anniversary of being a published poet, but it will not happen until 2023. 

An extra few years means more poetry to be added! 

So have fun on the Chapbooks page of Poetry

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Love is in the Eye of the Beholder

When you have written a novel, editing the story into manageable parts can be a challenge. 

I am working on two different novels but I will only publish one this coming February. I haven't decided on which one yet... but I bet you have already guessed it these are loves stories. My stories have plenty of action and drama but Nocturnal Redemption and Gibbous are driven by the relationship of these people instead of a crisis like in book one of In the Name of Blood

One is pretty much done for a first book release and to finish the rest of the story episodically in a series instead of all at once. Trouble is the story is under 40K words. I like my novels around 45K words. 

Gibbous is done at 60K words but I want to expand the story so the adventure is smoother and the characters are perfected. 

After worrying all this time about releasing a novella instead of a novel, I remembered: I am the publisher! I can do whatever I want. Then all the stress and worry dissolved. 

I feel much better now.

...but you will have to wait to see which one I publish in February 2017. Is it the vampire, supernatural romance of Nocturnal Redemption? Or the werewolf saga of Gibbous?

Who wants to guess?

Have a great and wonderful day!  

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Paranormal Romance for the Election Hangover

This national election cycle left me dreadfully dreary. Votes are still being counted. In order to cure my election hangover of too much television news, brightly lit electoral college maps, and a host of very unhappy commentators on CBS and PBS, I began to edit and write. 

I have been working on getting two different types of paranormal romance novels ready for publication. Romance is a bit of a stretch since I am not a romance type writer. I write for plot and character, not to be provocative. 

We will go by the Merriam Webster definition of romance:
a medieval tale based on legend, chivalric love and adventure, or the supernatural (2) :  a prose narrative treating imaginary characters involved in events remote in time or place and usually heroic, adventurous, or mysterious (3) :  a love story especially in the form of a novel
That better suits the way I write: for love. I will leave the reader to fill in all the blanks!

How about you?

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sights and Smells of Autumn Writing

Cooler weather has come to the Sonoran Desert! Autumn has arrived. 

With the crescent moon in the sky and Mars glowing after sunset, this new season has wowed and wooed the observer. The smell of autumn fills the air with fire pits, mesquite, and marshmallows. 

Writers can use their senses to show the reader. In the above paragraph, the reader is taken on a journey through their senses and engage with the season. Autumn is alive on crisp, cool evenings. 

Reading and writing should never be a passive event. 

Get your autumn into action! Write for the five senses. Engage with the reader. 

And, rejoice in the return to pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes, and spices! 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Darker Breed of Poetry

Have you downloaded your copy of The Descent yet? 

The Halloween season is here.  Ghosts and goblins. Longer nights... and, haunted poetry.

Classics like Upon Reading Edgar Allan Poe and Death Replies to Emily Dickinson are among a collection of other fine poems. 

Have yourself a haunted day! 

Friday, September 16, 2016

The Descent: a darker breed of poetry is Now Available

The wait has ended! 

The dark, atmospheric poetry for the Halloween season has made its debut! The Descent has been released by Sonoran Dawn Studios

The PDF ebook is free until October 1, 2016 with a print version including bonus content available in the summer of 2017. 

Get your FREE copy while the offer lasts! 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Hot in the City Tonight

The last Friday in July is a cooker. 

Pressure cooker? The heat feels like it. In the pull of Mother Nature to bring in the Monsoon to the Sonoran Desert, she has been really cooking our biscuits. Fry me, isle five.

I mean, I am a desert rat, but from mid-June on the heat has been ridiculous. Then add the geoengineering on top of our already drought ridden region and bam! instant wildfire season. Just insane. 

So I am inside during the day and star gazing in the middle of the night. 

It's hot in the city on a Friday night. Nothing to watch on the television so I will again be without entertainment for the entire weekend. I will have to entertain myself. 

That means: more poetry and fiction novels on the way! First I will be sure to write up some nonfiction booklets and research essays. Got to keep the variety up. 

If I get bored, then I know my audience is too. We cannot have that! So I am dialing up the fearless imagination to the next level. 

Then I am going to take a nap... speaking of which. Off I go until this evening! 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

In the Name of Blood Mockup Complete

It feels good when a plan comes together. 

I loved the A-Team when I was growing up. I did not like missing an episode. So when it comes to writing my own adventures, I like doing it with the same energy and enthusiasm: daring escapes, gun fire, and C4 apparently. 

In the Name of Blood: Vampires are Relative is done for all intents and purposes at just under 42K words. By definition a manuscript over 40K words is a novel. I have one and possibly two more acts of the story to be written, edited, and published in the coming years.  

For now, I am at the aesthetic as well as spelling and grammar part of the timeline toward release. 

October 16th will be here soon enough. 

Then I will regroup with the characters to see what else they have to say for themselves. A vampire/cop mystery horror drama should have a lot to say. I will be sure to ask the characters what it is they have left for the world. 

Their take has to be entertaining at least. 

If you would like more information about In the Name of Blood, be sure to visit the novel's dedicated page.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Mother of All Reinvention

In the last few years, Undawnted has grown and matured. 

The website now focuses on poetry and writing while art, design, and publishing have been given their own homes online. That freedom has defined and extended my personal universe and Undawnted has reaped the benefits of that Big Bang. 

Soon, the poetry and writing that graced this blog and writing portfolios will be published in their own collections. Poetry has already been published in third party anthologies and other websites. So publishing our own chapbooks and novels is a natural progression. 

I hope you have enjoyed Undawnted's claim to fame. Stay tuned for more exciting developments. Here imagination is fearless. 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Inferno and Fleur Submitted

Two poems were submitted for consideration to an upcoming nature anthology.

Fleur and Inferno have not been published in any other format. I cannot wait to see if these two are accepted into this anthology. Very excited indeed. 

I love the feel of anticipation... how about you? 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Voices of the World

I have two more poems published in another anthology: Voices of the World

It is 190 pages of poetry for the word lover in you! 

Look for my submissions: Pretend and Broken... 

"Voices of the World is a poetry anthology that lets poets from all over the world shine and be heard. While being different, these poets are also the same as they share an immense passion for poetry, baring their souls with every creation. With their own unique voices and writing styles, each poet brings something different to Voices of the World, which makes for a unique collection of poetry that is sure to leave a lasting impression on readers everywhere."

What a great and wonderful opportunity to be in a collection with so much creative energy! Thank you so much for the honor!!!

So pick up your copy at Lulu

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Glenn Frye

I was out ill when I heard the news of Glenn Frye's passing. 

The one song I have always loved that Glenn Frye wrote and sang was Desperado. So here's to you: 

I hope you and David Bowie are having one epic jam session.

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