Genre poetry, especially The Descent's: darker breed of poetry, is often overlooked by poetry lovers. This Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads staple here on Undawnted is a great way to vibe with the change of seasons.
On Writing to be Read's Treasuring Poetry column by Robbie Cheadle, she not only delves into my Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, paranormal inspired chapbook, but she enjoyed it as well.
My Long Form Poetry will be published in an upcoming collection, but most individual poems are available in my Special Editions Store.
Thanks again, Robbie Cheadle, for your kindness and review of my poetry.
DL Mullan has been writing award-level poetry for thirty years. Recently, she has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies.
As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs and video presentations, as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet.
Join her Undawntable Newsletter for everything Undawnted. Be sure to enroll in her Substack writing program, RhymeScribe, which focuses on the form and function of poetry. Become a YouTube subscriber for her Poetry Slam updates.