Showing posts with label fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fantasy. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Undawnted Presents: A WordCrafter Blog Tour, My Backyard Friends, Meet Charlie Chickadee & Review of "Charlie Chickadee"

Flowery background. Digital copies of Heather Hummingbird, Timothy Turtle and Charlie Chickadee, and the My Backyard Friends logo in foreground on right. On left WordCrafter logo in foreground. 
Text: WordCrafter Book Blog Tours Presents The My Backyard Friends Kid's Book Series, written by Kaye Lynne Booth, Illustrated by Robbie Cheadle


Charlie is a young chickadee who finds himself homeless and alone when he gets separated from his parents during an invasion by violet-green swallows. On his own he finds a new friend in Nicholas Nuthatch, who teaches him about the other birds in his neighborhood and he learns how to survive on his own, and uses his own ingenuity to build a new nest for himself.


Mini-Interview with Charlie Chickadee
[Interview with Charlie Chickadee]

Flowery landscape background. Digital copy of "Charlie Chickadee" and My Backyard Friends logo in foreground.
Text: Charlie Chickadee Gets a New Home,  Meet Charlie Chickadee, Early the next morning, Father began teaching Charlie to fly.  By that afternoon, Charlie could venture out of the nest to a branch on the tree next door. Then, after resting a few moments, he learned to take off and fly back. Charlie was proud of himself. He practiced every day, until soon he could venture out on his own for short distances. Mother teared up, saying her baby bird was growing up. Father put his wing  around him. "I am proud of you, Son. You're making progress."

How did it feel to fly around for the first time?

I felt really proud of myself, especially when my mother fussed over me about it. I usually hate it when she fusses, preening my feathers and making a big deal, but that day, I didn’t mind so much. Of course, now I fly all the time, as a matter of getting from one place to another, but that first time was pretty special.

What was it like having invaders chase you out of your home?

I was scared. I didn’t know what to do. But I did what my mother said, and pecked out a new hole to escape through, but then, when the hole gave way, I was lost in the detritus under the tree.

How did it feel when your parents left you alone?

That was kind of scary, too. I knew they had to flee to get away from the swallows, and I never doubted that they would return for me. The question was what to do until they returned. I was out in the forest alone and it was cold and getting dark, and the swallows were still swarming , you can above me. The first night, I was scared to come out of hiding. But, the next morning, hunger drew me out and I learned to fend for myself a little.

What did it feel like to make your first friend?

You’re talking about Nick? I mean Nicholas Nuthatch, right? Yeah, Nick turned out to be a really good friend. In fact, he’s my best friend, even though he’s older than me. But at first, my mother and father had warned me about talking with strange birds who I didn’t know, so I wasn’t sure if I could trust him. But he was really nice, and he showed me around my neighborhood and kind of looked out for me. And besides, since I’d never been out of the nest before, that strange bird thing covered just about everybody. Nick turned out to be a cool guy and now days, we hang out together a lot.


My Review

My Backyard Friends, Charlie Chickadee edition, is a cute read for adults and children alike. Charlie goes on his own adventure when his home is attacked by other birds. He is separated from his parents, but along the way he meets interesting animals. 

Beautiful and insightful, this book guides readers on a path toward wisdom only found with a wildness full of backyard friends. 

Be sure to Pre-Order your copy below.


Fun Facts About Chickadees

  • Chickadees are known to hide food, and they have good memories to remember where they hid it even days later.
  • Chickadees have the unique ability to lower their body temperature during colder nighttime temperatures, in a torpor state, similar to that of hummingbirds.
  • They are curious, and often friendly. It is said they can be trained to eat out of a person’s hand. (I put birdseed in the brim of a sombrero one day and sat very still and they lit on the hat and ate the seed from it, but I don’t know if I’d call it training. I do consider them to be very brave, though.
  • In addition to their distinctive chick-a-dee-dee-dee, from which they get their name, this small birds have a variety of whistles and trills, and they are considered to be songbirds.
  • Chickadees are partial to sunflower seeds. They are one of their favorite foods. They also eat a variety of other seeds, nuts and insects.
  • Chickadees mate for life.
  • Chickadees build cozy, well insulated nests from leaves, grasses, moss, bark, lichen and/or feathers.


Pre-order the My Backyard Friends books here:

Heather Hummingbird Makes a New Friend (Ages 3-5):

Timothy Turtle Discovers Jellybeans (Ages 3-5):

Charlie Chickadee Gets a New Home (Ages 6-8):

About Kaye Lynne Booth

Author Kaye Lynne Booth with a dogKaye Lynne Booth is a freelance writer, editor, multi-genre author and independent publisher. She holds dual MFA in Creative Writing – Genre Fiction and Screenwriting, and an M.A. in Publishing. To earn her publishing degree, she worked under the mentoring of International Bestselling author, Kevin J. Anderson on the Gilded Glass: Twisted Myths & Shattered Fairy Tales editorial team from Western State Colorado University and WordFire Press and she compiled and edited Weird Tales: The Best of the Early Years 1926-27, under Jonathan Maberry.

About Robbie Cheadle

South African author and illustrator, Robbie Cheadle, has written and illustrated sixteen children’s books, illustrated a further three children’s books, and written and illustrated three poetry books. Her work has also appeared in poetry and short story anthologies.

Robbie also has two novels and a collection of short stories published under the name of Roberta Eaton Cheadle and has horror, paranormal, and fantasy short stories featured in several anthologies under this name.

Find out more about Robbie Cheadle on her blog here:


Undawnted's DL Mullan can be booked for your online Blog Tour, Book Event, Book Review (w/ARC), Interview, Writing Conference, or Genre Convention. Ms. Mullan has years of experience in public speaking, readings, presentations, events, and tours.

Book a quality author and presenter with Undawnted: Bookings online form.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Undawnted Presents: A WordCrafter Blog Tour, My Backyard Friends, Meet Timothy Turtle & Review of "Timothy Turtle"

Flowery background. Digital copies of Heather Hummingbird, Timothy Turtle and Charlie Chickadee, and the My Backyard Friends logo in foreground on right. On left WordCrafter logo in foreground. 
Text: WordCrafter Book Blog Tours Presents The My Backyard Friends Kid's Book Series, written by Kaye Lynne Booth, Illustrated by Robbie Cheadle


Timothy Turtle is like every other young turtle, except for one thing. Timothy has a sweet tooth. One day, on his way to the raspberry patch, his discovers some small colored eggs which Katy Cat says are jellybeans. He tastes them and finds them sweet and delicious, so he eats them all up. But Timothy quickly learns that you can get too much of a good thing and when you do, it may not be such a good thing.


Mini-Interview with Timothy Turtle
[Interview with Timothy Turtle]

What is it like talking to a cat?

I’m not sure what you mean. Katy has lived in the house near the pond for all as long as I can remember. I knew her when she was a kitten and I was a hatchling. Why wouldn’t I talk to her?

What is it like talking to a beaver?

Becky is kind of hard to talk to sometimes, because she is so busy and she’s always in a hurry. I mean, you can talk to her if you can get her to stop long enough to have a conversation. But she’ll always take time to help out a friend if she can, and she took the time to help me. I was really in a pickle.

What was your favorite tasting jellybean? Was it different from your favorite color?

They were all really sweet and juicy. I couldn’t decide on a favorite. And the colors were all pretty, too, but honestly, I hope I never see another jellybean. My mom says it’s because I had too much of a good thing.

Will you ever eat another weird thing again?

I think I’ll stick to snails and bugs. And I’ll eat raspberries if I want something sweet. But really, no jellybeans.


My Review

My Backyard Friends, Timothy Turtle learns a good lesson about moderation. Having too much of a good thing, like jellybeans!, can have unpleasant consequences. With the help of other animals, he understands that candy can make you sick!

Beautiful and insightful, this book guides readers on a path toward wisdom only found with a wildness full of backyard friends. 

Be sure to Pre-Order your copy below.


Fun Facts About Turtles  

  • A turtle’s shell is actually part of its skeleton. (This fact actually makes a part of Timothy’s story an impossibility, but I think it helps make the story more fun to include a little fantasy.)Turtles are one of the oldest reptile groups, dating back millions of years, even before dinosaurs. Timothy is a freshwater turtle.
  • Some freshwater turtle species can live for over 50 years.
  • Freshwater turtles play a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem by controlling insect populations.
  • Freshwater turtles have a unique ability to absorb oxygen through their skin while underwater.
  • Freshwater turtles are known for their diverse shell patterns and colors.
  • Freshwater turtles submerge themselves under water to eat with a diet of duckweed, young crayfish, algae, dragonfly larvae, water cress, water lilies, cattails, insects, frogs, and tadpoles. They also eat berries or other fruit when an opportunity presents itself.


Pre-order the My Backyard Friends books here:

Heather Hummingbird Makes a New Friend (Ages 3-5):

Timothy Turtle Discovers Jellybeans (Ages 3-5):

Charlie Chickadee Gets a New Home (Ages 6-8):

About Kaye Lynne Booth

Author Kaye Lynne Booth with a dogKaye Lynne Booth is a freelance writer, editor, multi-genre author and independent publisher. She holds dual MFA in Creative Writing – Genre Fiction and Screenwriting, and an M.A. in Publishing. To earn her publishing degree, she worked under the mentoring of International Bestselling author, Kevin J. Anderson on the Gilded Glass: Twisted Myths & Shattered Fairy Tales editorial team from Western State Colorado University and WordFire Press and she compiled and edited Weird Tales: The Best of the Early Years 1926-27, under Jonathan Maberry.

About Robbie Cheadle

South African author and illustrator, Robbie Cheadle, has written and illustrated sixteen children’s books, illustrated a further three children’s books, and written and illustrated three poetry books. Her work has also appeared in poetry and short story anthologies.

Robbie also has two novels and a collection of short stories published under the name of Roberta Eaton Cheadle and has horror, paranormal, and fantasy short stories featured in several anthologies under this name.

Find out more about Robbie Cheadle on her blog here:


Undawnted's DL Mullan can be booked for your online Blog Tour, Book Event, Book Review (w/ARC), Interview, Writing Conference, or Genre Convention. Ms. Mullan has years of experience in public speaking, readings, presentations, events, and tours.

Book a quality author and presenter with Undawnted: Bookings online form

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Autumn Cider 2023's Harvest is about Transforming into the Unknown

As part of Undawnted's seasonal reads programming series, the Hero's Journey is traced through the quarters.

For Autumn Cider, the path leads us to transformation. We are led from the comfortable, mortal world and into the precarious, supernatural realm. What we know becomes the unknown. In this newfound reality, we venture into the underworld for our final challenge that gives us the elixir to set the wrongs right again. 
What will you learn on this quest? Who will you become? Transform into the person you can be by discovering the hero within with Undawnted. 

Enjoy our stories from poetry to prose, such as:

You are invited on this journey with us. 

Join Undawnted this season as we walk with the ancestors beyond the veil. 


For more information, browse Undawnted, but to be updated about future events, publication releases, and videos, then sign up for A Novelist Idea Newsletter and our YouTube Channel
Thank you for taking the time to support this independent creator. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Press Release: Realms of Possibility Published by Readers Magnet

A huge shout-out to Chloe Lopez and Readers Magnet for posting the article, the Realms of Possibility, about my multi-genre, multi-book Legacy Universe

Who doesn't love speaking about the speculative side of fiction? Or, science, fantasy, and horror? Any writer who writes in these genres understands their complexities and symbolism. 

In the Realms of Possibility, I discuss the Saint Trilogy, The Reality Hackers, and the Hode (Robin Hood) Trilogy. These stories maybe geared toward the paranormal aspects and supernatural forces within the framework of scifi, fantasy, and horror, but also check the romance box. What is a story without love? 

But do not fret, there are plenty of vampires, werewolves, and witches waiting in the wings of these novels. Mythology in the Legacy Universe is an important foundation to the entire book series. 

Immerse yourself in a universe built to engage the reader in the realms of possibility...

Remember to download the free Legacy Universe badges, bookmarks and postcards (on the individual book pages).  

Have a great and wonderful day!


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Ms. Mullan showcases her literary talents by publishing her creative writing. She has short stories and poems published in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. In addition, she writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan produces her own book cover designs for herself and others. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet.

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series.

With her education and experience in writing, DL Mullan shares her knowledge via her newsletters. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to one of her newsletters on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Reality Hackers Novelette Set for Release

On May 23rd, 2023, the extended version of The Reality Hackers will be published through Sonoran Dawn Studios, via Lulu. 

What if the quantum universe resides in our minds? That our consciousness is the means for reality? ...then what would happen if someone toyed with the multiverse, universe of your mind? Justin Chisum finds out, doesn't like what he sees, and tries to correct the paradox, but will his actions cost him his existence?  

Critical Acclaim includes: 

"...Reality Hackers is a great story." 

"...Quite original."

"'The Reality Hackers' sounds truly frightening!" 

"Definitely thought-provoking."  

"[DL Mullan]’s story sounds frightening...! I enjoyed learning about its inspiration. Scary and weird facts mixed in there."

"This story struck me as being very scary cutting edge science fiction, the kind that makes one ponder the 'what ifs'. I'm sure readers will enjoy it immensely."  

For more information about this scifi classic in the making, be sure to visit: The Reality Hackers.

Like, subscribe, and comment on Undawnted's social media pages to see more of what you love.


Want an invitation to Undawnted special events? Then sign up for: A Novelist Idea today!


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet.

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series

With her education and experience in writing, DL Mullan shares her knowledge via her newsletters. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to her newsletter on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Rounding Out Spring Dreams 2023 with Legends and Lore

This season, Undawnted has added a few new embellishments to our Spring Dreams lineup.

With combining our seasons with the Hero's Journey, we are tailoring each quarter with a different motif:

Spring Dreams brings science fiction, fantasy, and legends/folklore to life! It is Act I of the Hero's Journey: Beginning of the Adventure. Answer this Call to Action, and become the characters and be your own hero with Undawnted.

This definition will give our audience the action and adventure that comes with swashbuckling hero's such as Robin Hood, of our ground-breaking Hode series. Undawnted brings legends and folklore alive.

After a long, cold winter, readers want to jump into the warm weather, and have their trusted fan favorites to guide them onto their first steps of their journey. Undawnted has also curated future projects to help with our Spring Dreams. Anything to help shed our winter coats and cabin fever.

Additions to our schedule include:

  • Metamorphose 
    • Seasons change, we have to change with them.
  • Stonehenge
    • An ancient monument that ripples through time is full of lore.
  • Whiskey Jack
    • A humorous take about Jackalope with an addiction problem.

What is on your list of Spring Dreams

Undawnted's unique take on the seasons and our combination of creative writing, the Hero's journey, and so much more! 

Let the energy guide you to Be Your Own Hero! 



A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Ms. Mullan decided to showcase her literary talents by publishing collections of her poems. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art.

Ms. Mullan has a number of poems published in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. She produces her own book cover designs for herself and others. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. 

Currently, she is embarking on a successful prose career. Join our community of creators... become a Fearless Phile.

Be a part of Undawnted's growing community!  

Join A Novelist Idea on Undawnted's Private Substack.  



Monday, September 19, 2022

WordCrafter Blog Tour! Refracted Reflections: Twisted Tales of Duality & Deception

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

In community college, I played the Mirror in the dramatic re-imaging of The Emperor has No Clothes. This anthology of short stories has a kinship with that play, as the image of the mirror takes on an important role straight into our imaginations. 

What do you see when you look into the mirror? You? The past? The present? How about a future waiting to unfold? Or, do you see the sinister? Bloody Mary, perhaps? Or, shadows that move when you don't? 

Refracted Reflections: Twisted Tales of Duality and Deception delves into those deep dark crevices of our shadow psyche. From inducing possession, committing murder/suicide or as cursed objects, mirrors have a unique hold on our imaginations. The short stories contained within the pages of this anthology will do just the same to its readers. 

The Cost of Magic By Keith Hoskins tells the tale of vengeance. In this short story, mirrors are used as magical tools, but there was a penalty for using such a device. Magical mirrors extracted a price to those individuals who are gifted with knowledge through its spell work. Can magic be a means to an end?

The Elevator Ritual By Shelly Jasperson will send tingles down your spine as her character grapples with the suicide of a stranger, and the death of her sister in the haunted images of an elevator's mirrors. Would you survive the spirit in your reflection?

The Tinker’s Gift By Valerie B. Williams has a mirror that eases people beyond the veil by showing them their heart's desire: their beloved. Could a solider's last glimpse end a curse and bring balance back to the world? 

Refracted Reflections has a mirror image worth shivering for... Happy Autumn Haunts!


One reveals truths, while the other bends light into varying shapes of deception.

Does a small camp mirror reveal hope… or death?

Is the warrior in the mirror a monster… or a protector?

Does a glimpse in the  mirror reveal a young woman’s true self… or what someone else has shaped her into?

Does the mysterious portal to the future reflect what could be… or what must be left behind?

Are the dancers reflected in the water’s depth things of beauty… or evil?

This unique and imaginative collection of nine mind tantalizing fantasy and science fiction stories will appeal to readers who enjoy thought provoking tales with hidden meanings resting deep below the surface. These stories will keep you pondering long into the night.

If you liked Gilded Glass or Once Upon an Ever After, you’ll love Refracted Reflections.


Digital Giveaway

For a chance to win a free digital copy of Refracted Reflections, just leave a comment to show you were here. Follow the tour and comment at each stop for more chances to win. Three copies will be given away in a random drawing.


About The Book

Each of the stories included in Refracted Reflections feature a mirror or reflection in some significant way. The reflections given are sometimes surprising, often fooling those who gaze upon them, because things aren’t often as they seem.

I have included two of my own stories, “The Devil Made Her Do It”, which is a reprinted story about a woman blinded by love and deceived by a man who just might be the devil, which first appeared in Relationship Add Vice, from Zombie Pirates Publishing; and an original fairy tale, The Not So Perfect Prince, about a prince who is so full of himself that he can’t see who he truly is.

But mine are only two among nine outstanding stories by eight talented authors, and we’ll be introducing five of the contributing authors on this tour: Valerie B. Williams, Roberta Eaton Cheadle, Ligia de Wit, Elisabeth Caldwell, and of course me, Kaye Lynne Booth.

Writing to be Read Refracted Reflections Blog Tour -->


Undawnted's DL Mullan, can be booked for your online Blog Tour, Book Event, Book Review (w/ARC), Interview, Writing Conference, or Genre Convention. Ms. Mullan has years of experience in public speaking, readings, presentations, events, and tours.

Book a quality author and presenter with Undawnted: Bookings online form


Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Scifi, Fantasy Poem Galactic Ride is Published and Now Available on Lulu

Galactic Ride is published on Celtic Heritage Day, no less. It is time to celebrate! 

I would like to thank my fellow poets on My Poetry Forum for helping me with ideas and revisions to take a short form poem and create an epic science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural Long Form poem out of it.

This poem is quite the accomplishment. I hope everyone who reads its 99 lines will appreciate the subtle motifs and great rhyme scheme. 

Genre poetry is in an arena all by itself.  You do not have to be a fan of science fiction, fantasy, or the supernatural to enjoy this piece. These readers were surprised:

"Awesome... just can't say enough about your poem." 

"A Sci-Fi/Fantasy poem. Unusual, to me anyway, and an interesting change of pace..."  
"...reminded me of the psychedelic era." 

To learn more about Galactic Ride, please visit its dedicate page here on Undawnted.

Thank you for the support. 

Have a great and wonderful day.


Remember to join Undawnted's DL Mullan for Sonoran Dawn Studios' Celtic Green Book Event on April 2nd, 2022 for a chance to win this publication!

Join Us April 2nd (new date)! Sign up now...

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Mirror, Mirror Submission: The Reality Hackers for a Fairy Tale Short Story Competition Completed

How would you write your own fairy tale? 

That is what one anthology asked writers to write about and DL Mullan obliged. A 5000 word limit and an imaginative narrative to create. As of September 20th, the author of Undawnted submitted her version of a fairy tale called: The Reality Hackers. 

Mirror, Mirror on the wall who is the most cunning of them all? 

We won't know until acceptance/rejection letters go out in the November/December time frame. 

Hopefully, this time traveling, scifi, fantasy, romance will gain a place in this unique anthology. We will let you know.

What is your version of reality? And, what would you be willing to do to keep it? 

Have a great and wonderful day.


The Reality Hackers Novelette is now available! 


Want to bring more reality into your life? 

Visit Undawnted's Zazzle store!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Fearless Workshop: Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy

Ever wonder how to write in a different genre? Here is a lecture on the ins and outs of scifi/fantasy. 

Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy
Welcome to my first (very blurry - it should be fixed for the next upload) lecture of my BYU 2020 creative writing class. As you probably surmised from the title of the video, I focus on writing science fiction and fantasy. This class was more of an introduction for the rest of the term but I do discuss a few important things: creating writing habits, a bit about discovery/architect writing, and how writing groups should work.


*Update: all workshops and special engagements have now been concluded, and new projects are now under Undawnted's Substack.

A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. This year, DL Mullan has begun sharing her knowledge via A Novelist Idea Newsletter. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to her newsletter on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Density Horizon Book Cover Design Update

This scifi/fantasy book series Density Horizon had a book design as a placeholder for awhile. 

With the creation of the art print, Ragnarok, this image was cultivated to also double as a book cover. Density Horizon is a mixture of the science fiction and fantasy themes we all love with the addition of some cosmic, esoteric, and ethereal motifs to bring this galaxy to life.

The universe is a mysterious place. For Kester din Valles, he knows all too well that the universe is just one aspect of the total mass of this reality.
When an alien life form breaches the interdimensional electromagnetic field, a doorway is opened between two realities. In his bid for an eternal corporeal life, Bailor endangers the existence of every dimension, universe, reality, and density. 
As the Density Horizon rupture grows so does the inability of scientists to contain their dire predictions. Kerster din Valles must work with courageous humans and aliens alike to force Bailor to return to his dimension and restore the galaxy he intruded upon back to its original state.

This series is due out beginning sometime in 2025. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Your Rose Colored Glasses Ain't Helpin' Me

It's funny when you are in need how people react to you. 

Some people act like they want to help by asking you 21 questions and then decide you didn't answer them correctly. How did my disability fail to meet your help requirements? 

Some people act like you are having the time of  your life on disability. Near death experiences on a weekly basis, hallicuinations on a daily basis, and money on a monthly basis is how much fun again? 

Some people accuse you of not being ill... Well, you look fine. I saw you walk to your front door. You just need to take a shower and get some exercise... Yeah, that exercise almost ended me two Sundays ago when I tried to do yard work to save money. Are we supposed to be judging a book by its cover? 

Some people believe you qualify for all sort of government handouts and assistance. No, actually I do not qualify for any resources I have paid into over the years. No food stamps. No long term care. No home assistance. No medical (my doctor told me to see a naturopath; those doctors are not covered by Medicare). No lawn help. No grocery assistance. No churches help. No meals on wheels or other help because of my food and chemical allergies; once i enumerate them, I get hung up on. No driving assistance because I cannot be around smokers or fragrances; the religious organization wanted a letter from my doctor to verify my illness.

There comes a time when a person just gets fed up being called a liar. 

I went on a Facebook group that is supposed to help people, but you have to have a working phone with a camera and cell service. I haven't had cell service in quite awhile because I have been too sick to travel. In order to get help with food, I had to take a picture of my refrigerator with a note I would write with the date. Say what? So all those photos I see are staged? There is no way in hell that is proof of anything but that you have an expensive cellular phone and service.  

My digital cameras sit unused because I haven't been able to afford batteries. My flashlight is not doing so well either. I don't trust it to go into a dark room anymore. I have one working light bulb on a stick lamp I put around the back of the house to see at night. 

So if I borrowed a camera, then I will be accused of having enough money for a fancy phone and service like I was on the Kettle Fire Bone Broth post a few months back when I asked them for some coupons and any programs they might have for disabled people like me. I was reamed by this woman (not associated with the company). 

I have also been accused of being "entitled" to the social programs I have paid for over the years on Twitter. Somehow I do not deserve somneone's time and effort. What has happened to our world? America has turned into the rose colored glasses squad of infinite denial. 

If you complain that the reality you live is different from the one people associate with, you are ungrateful, entitled, bitter, and have "attitude." For telling the truth of my situation? Wowzers. 

I was also told that because I live in Arizona, I qualify for food stamps like it is automatic for a housebound person such as myself. That is so untrue. I was informed by the same Facebook group that $100 was too high for me to receive any grocery help for the month. Food stamps for one adult in Arizona is $200 a month. So I was expected to live off less than $15 a week for some fantasy. 

I had already said to delete my post once I was told there were no resources for me there, yet some of the membership kept goading me to turn in a fake picture. I cried and sobbed most of the night and this morning over how people are so disconnected from reality that they refused to hear what I was telling them: I and my friends have tried to get me services; I am refused because I cannot travel,  talk on the phone, or win phone lotteries (for utility help). 

Take off the glasses... these programs are for able bodied people! Disabled people can only qualify if they cater to the able bodied programs' requirements. Isn't that a form of discrimination? Doesn't the ADA require companies to give a reasonable accommodation? Only if you have a good lawyer.

I also heard: nothing you said has anything to do with us. Really? Then why are you so adamant in proving me a liar? No consistent help for over 12 years. I am not a liar. And, your refusal to listen to me for help just proved my point to me all over again.

...But you can buy used clothing and laundry machines... with a collapsed immune system for which I cannot be around Febreeze, toxic laundry products, or bleaches? Right. Here is the real list: I can use only one kind of dish washing liquid, hard soap, shampoo, and only mineral based, unscented laundry/dishwasher tabs. That is it. 

Stick a fork in me, I'm done. 

I don't fit within a neat set of perimeters so therefore I am dismissed as unworthy for the time and effort, but doesn't that say more about the state of your soul than it does about the state of my reality? 

I challenge anyone to live the way I have to for six months. You won't last. My family didn't. My friends didn't. Being the girl in the bubble is more restrictive than you may romanticize it is.

So the next time you are terribly ill from the flu that you cannot think, have patience, work, drive, walk to the bathroom, cook yourself a meal, get your mail, or even breathe out your nose, remember, you are still having a better day than I have had in fifteen years.

Compassion is not something that should have to be taught. Yes, certain people like to take advantage, but when you meet someone who is truly in need... your natural instincts should kick in. Unless you are still wearing those silly glasses of condescending piety. 

You should probably take those off now.

Have a great and wonderful day.

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Monday, February 11, 2019

Desert Mesquite

Desert Mesquite
Undawnted (c)DL Mullan 2019

This poem has been published on My Poetry Forum for reviews, but now is no longer available for perusal. See articles below.

Thank you.



The definitive ride on rhymes is the upcoming Chapbook: Oracle.

Oracle : an authoritative or wise expression or answer 
"This is first for me. I have never read genre poetry before. I love it. Hugely imaginative and utterly unique..."

"Nice one here! Drag it out a bit more next time. I like the style."

"Superb piece of writing..."

"Beautifully expressed. It comes as no surprise that in a world structure as this one finds oneself in a complex emotional equation as this, until it runs its course and takes a turn at some point."

Visit Oracle on Undawnted.


Have you submitted a microfiction or poem yet? Message Sonoran Dawn on Facebook and inquire, there might be still some room for a few more artisans!

Have a great and wonderful day. 


Undawnted's YouTube Channel offers poetry shorts to full-fledged poetry feature films in our Poetry Slam section. This new playlist will give you more of the rhymes you crave.

Subscribe for more award-level poems written by DL Mullan.

Friday, February 27, 2015

RIP Mr Spock

It seems legends are becoming myth.

Another old Hollywood actor passed away today. A man who had been in film and television since 1951 then went on to become a science fiction icon: Leonard Nimoy as Star Trek's Mr. Spock. The character reflect our humanity back at us. 

Sometimes too well. 

Like Robin Williams before him, he will be missed. Hollywood is losing its icons as surely as it produces the next generation of them. Today, we sit and read over the accomplishments of the son of Ukrainian immigrants.

Since James Doohan passed away ten years ago, I guess Scottie really did beam him up...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Family, Friends, and Other Fantasy Creatures

Have you ever wanted to be someone else?

I find that I have those thoughts occur more often these days. Since I live virtually in a bubble for my own health and protection, I like to fantasize about going to the movies, theater, or anywhere... that isn't here.

Could you imagine living without much or any human contact? I have some friends who call but it isn't the same as sitting down and talking with someone over tea and crumpets. Okay, so I don't have tea or even any funny shaped finger sandwiches, but you get the point. 

I often dream of having people who weren't scared to be my friends. Who would help when I needed it without strings attached or complaint. Who wanted to be around me without chemicals or poisons on their person. 

But who am I kidding?

If my own family would not make the sacrifices I have to now on a daily basis, thanks in part to their unthinking and unfeeling actions about a leaky kitchen faucet that created the black mold that almost killed me (after an irresponsible employer and illegal pesticides and fungus/mold in the buildings/air ducts that nearly killed me approximately eighteen months earlier), why would anyone else on this planet make any concessions to be my cell mate? Even for an hour?

It is a sad and terrible realization to know that you are in it for the long haul... and in it alone.

I'm glad that I was made an introvert. I can stand lengths of time in silence, but I am still a human girl. I like to imagine me in ball gowns, party dresses, curled hair, perfect make up, and high heeled shoes. 

That is just a fantasy of what could have been. 

If only people would stop and think about how their actions or even inactions could affect other people. I guess that is another fantasy of mine: people who take responsibility.

I was erroneously under the impression that if you do wrong to someone you make it up to that person better than how you harmed them. Another fantasy...

And, that family or friends would take a minute to walk in my shoes before they ignore what they have done to me and still feel they are allowed to call me names.

After all I did to keep the family together... why would you treat me this way? Make me sick? Threaten me? Isolate me? Refuse medical treatment for me? Steal from me? Hit me? Bully me? Yell and scream at me? Refuse me basic care? Then abandon me for dead when you illicit the negative reaction you wanted after years of this torture to justify your getaway? Give me a break.

Even though I was very sick and fragile during the neglect, abuse, and torture, the brain has a way of saving it for later. So I remember what happened to me. All of it.

The night terrors continue... like the one that woke me with a blood curdling scream this morning.

I maybe alone, but I rather entertain what could have been then to see or hear from family or friends ever again who don't know the value of a person.

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