Showing posts with label mystery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mystery. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2016

In the Name of Blood Mockup Complete

It feels good when a plan comes together. 

I loved the A-Team when I was growing up. I did not like missing an episode. So when it comes to writing my own adventures, I like doing it with the same energy and enthusiasm: daring escapes, gun fire, and C4 apparently. 

In the Name of Blood: Vampires are Relative is done for all intents and purposes at just under 42K words. By definition a manuscript over 40K words is a novel. I have one and possibly two more acts of the story to be written, edited, and published in the coming years.  

For now, I am at the aesthetic as well as spelling and grammar part of the timeline toward release. 

October 16th will be here soon enough. 

Then I will regroup with the characters to see what else they have to say for themselves. A vampire/cop mystery horror drama should have a lot to say. I will be sure to ask the characters what it is they have left for the world. 

Their take has to be entertaining at least. 

If you would like more information about In the Name of Blood, be sure to visit the novel's dedicated page.

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