Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Monday, July 3, 2017

Interview with Writer, Poet, and Cover Designer, Dawn Leslie Mullan is a Big Hit!

Ever wondered about what makes DL Mullan tick? Here's your chance to see the artist and author behind the blog in this revealing interview:

And take a few minutes to vote for her cover art piece that was Nominated for a Book Cover Event at Summer Loving Book Cover EVENT 2017 on Facebook.

The Author, Kaye Lynne Booth, who is also the interviewer above could use your VOTE. 

This amazing opportunity would help promote Delilah if the author receives enough votes to make it to the 3rd Round. 

  • So click the link: Summer Loving Book Cover EVENT 2017
  • Follow the Rules
  • Become a Fan of 2 authors at once! 
What a deal!  

We would both really appreciate your support.

Thank you.


Undawnted's A Novelist Idea Newsletter gives our members popup/release parties, contests/prizes, early access, projects, certificate programs, plus Subscribers receive discounts at our Special Editions Store. Be sure you are a Subscriber for these Member's Only benefits!

Our writing program has monthly projects with a certificate for participants at year's end. Projects like: the Hint of the Divine, in which participants learn the archetypes found in human culture, and storytelling. 
Bring depth to your writing.  

Learn. Grow. Master... with Undawnted.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Corporate Philosophy has Tainted the Writing Community

Nominated for a 2017 Book Cover Award
I write here on Undawnted as well as manage, create, and direct over at Sonoran Dawn Studios, my design slash publishing house. Well, the book cover art I created for another author's book was nominated for a Book Event held by another promotional company.

The winning author gets one of three prizes. The book cover artist just gets the street cred. Hey, I could live with that. 

So I went on my Facebook writer's groups only to be turned away. No self promotion. No this rule. No that rule. How can anyone get anything done? 

I found one group that appeared to be okay with me asking some questions like: what do I do to help out my author? where do I begin? what is this event thing anyway?

I never got a response. Actually, I believe the desperate plea was deleted by the Admin. Nice.

So my thought was: has the corporate philosophy of me, Me, ME! gotten in the way of doing the right thing for another person? 

You do realize that this Western Category cover is not in competition with your vampire, romance, religious, or whatever book you have written, right? 

In today's world, piety and grace are left for preacher politicians to tell us how to live according to their interpretation of a dusty tome, but anyone else of that sect or another have forgotten their empathy.

Is this the legacy independent writers would like to leave about themselves and their craft? 

Has the corporate dog-eat-dog world been so pervasive in our culture that we as human beings cannot interact with each other except to step all over everyone else?

That is a sad state of affairs indeed. 

I choose not to be so callous or antipathic. I will do what I must, learn what I need, and help where I can. Although I am disappointed with the lack of basic human decency, the corporate dystopic behavior has bled over into our crafts, creativity, and camaraderie. 

What does that say about us? 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

...if it's in your bylaws!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Marketing: The Language of Symbols

I have been assisting others lately develop their marketing strategies from blogs, websites to book covers. In reality, what I am doing is helping develop an author's language of symbols. The letters and words I am typing now are in fact symbols.

Did you know the letter "a" is the symbol for an ox? 

Humans are hardwired to understand and translate the abstract language of symbols to convey information in a short amount of time. It is an efficient system, but also one that can be used for negative purposes. Go to any corporations website and translate their symbols, or marketing logos. What does that corporation tell you without saying a word? Then you will understand the language of silent hypocrisy.

As artists and writers, we use symbols to tell stories. When it comes to brand creation, most artists and writers cannot translate themselves into a marketing strategy. That is where I usually find myself: in between the creator and true genesis. 

So how do artists and writers step out of the shadows to show their readership/audience in symbols what they and their products are all about? 

Writing about Marketing today! 
The Undawnted logo is a great example. It has a Saturn motif. Saturn is the old bearded man that likes structure. Yet, if one takes a closer look, I have shadows in the eye of the storm. I like the paranormal so I threw that symbolism in there, but I also like science and science fiction. So the swirl is indicative of a galaxy spinning around a galactic center of beings and perhaps an Einstein Rosenbridge. The rings could be of a Saturn like planet, but in this case, the rings symbolize the expansion of creativity and consciousness across the universe. 

So look how much I said in that logo for Undawnted: Imagination is Fearless, after all. 

There are some unwritten rules about blogs and websites that many artists and authors shove to the side, so I will help translate those items:
  • keep it simple
  • only have 2 to 3 clicks to anywhere on your site
  • declutter, you don't have to put everything in the menus when a link will do
  • white space is golden
  • be conservative
When I explain these items, I get blown off. If I go to sites of artists and authors with their Twitter and social media feeds on the side, that is too much input for me. As your audience, I am looking for YOU... not your feeds. I could care less. 

I want access to your writings or your art pieces. And, I want them as soon as I click onto your site. So take down all the noise and replace the noise with a link. 

A blog/website comes down to what you want me to know... in the first five seconds I am there. Are you trying sell me your Twitter feed or your book/art? 

Symbolism takes a hen peck approach. If your main focus is to sell me your works, then don't sell me the secondaries of Twitter and social media. Prioritize. 

If you write and sell writing services... get two different blogs or sites. You can interweave and link to create a support mechanism for both your inventions. I began with art and writing on this site. When I focused on what Undawnted was all about, I moved the art off and created: Sonoran Dawn Studios. Bingo! 

Now if someone needs design and publishing services, that person goes to 

If someone wants to read something unique from every topic under the sun, that person comes to Undawnted. 


Always keep it simple. You don't want your blog, website, or logo to look like a Jackson Pollock painting. You want to look like Da Vinci: with style, grace, and purpose. 

I hope I have explained this topic well. 

When you endeavor on a path of marketing, be sure to visit other artists and authors' websites. See what they have done to market themselves to a wider audience. Have a list of what you like and what you don't like. 

Then sketch out what you want then find someone like me to help you translate your world to the universe of readers and connoisseurs of your unique art form. 

If you can do it yourself, even better. I encourage artists and writers to learn other modalities so they are less inclined to pay for services they don't need or want. Services should be there to enhance what you already have, not leave you penniless. 

So do some basic research. Learn what a great marketing strategy is. Ask for help. Get only the services you require. 

Sounds easy, but takes a lot of work!

Have a great and wonderful day!!!  

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Phases of the Moon

Inspired by the Equinox/Solstice Book Series, the Phases of the Moon book will combine prose, poetry, art and photography centered on our singular satellite. 

This book was added to my Short Stories section

Hear Beethoven as you read: Moonlight Sonata and wait for the moon to rise in your imagination. 


Short Stories Section Update: Season Side Up! Series

I had this idea pop into my head. A brilliant idea, I may add. This idea was to fashion a series of books about the seasons. 

Now that concept is nothing new, so I have to put a twist on the idea to make it mine. I will combine poetry, maybe some original digital art, and of course package the books up for entertainment. 

Kind of like a diary but without the teenage angst! 

When I get more into writing these little gems, I will let you know what direction I am heading in for sure. 

Right now, I am just so excited about these books, especially the book cover art. Isn't this one fabulous? You can view the rest of the book series on the Short Stories section.

Divine inspiration. The muse descended and she brought chocolate! Good, Muse. Keep the creativity flowing! 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ekphrasis as a New Source of Inspiration

Poetry has a new section: Ekpharsis. The term means: "a literary description of or commentary on a visual work of art," but Undawnted has taken the creativity one step further. 

I have included chapbooks for original poetry inspired by not only masterpieces from artists like van Gogh, Renoir, Manet, and Monet, but also masters in poetry like Poe and Dickinson. Space photography has been included in this series as well. 

As I write, I will list the contents of the poetry books on the selected pages. Once I have enough to warrant publication, I will let you know. 

I hope you enjoy this creativity as well as let it inspire your own creations.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Chapbook Page Updated

I took some time and divided up the chapbooks into their own singular pages. So I could add the book covers in a large form too!  

I have also uploaded two new chapbooks and pushed back a couple others. Now the time line makes a little more sense.

Reiteration received a polished book cover. The art is now dynamic. This chapbook will be my 30th year anniversary of being a published poet, but it will not happen until 2023. 

An extra few years means more poetry to be added! 

So have fun on the Chapbooks page of Poetry

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Expanding My Universe

I have gone into the realm of writing and writer's groups on social media.

I post art, poetry, and some commentary. I have shared contact information and grown my readership. I am glad I made the jump into this new and exciting world. 

I hope I learn a lot from the vast knowledge of so many creative minds. 

So if you are on social media and see one of my posts... stop by and say hello! 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Copyright Overload

I was researching information for a daily minder I created for my personal use. 

Holy moly, people. Some bloggers and webmasters take their writings a little too seriously. I ran into locations that forbade me from even copying and pasting for my own personal use, not to mention websites that disabled right-click as well. 

Excuse you? 

I just did another search and found someone with the same information but was not threatening me over it. I only wanted astrological signs. That was from a Ph.D. too! 

People should realize what the copyright laws are and are not. Copyright laws should never limit information. Especially, no one has the right to limit common information. Common information is data in the public domain. 

What can people see, feel, touch, and taste? The stars, planets, moon, sun are public. Constellations are public. Colors and their meanings are public, Flowers, trees, and other foliage are public. Herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, meats are public, The different animals are public. Anything paid for with tax money like government studies, photos are public. 

When I write an essay, I use the educational and informational aspects of copyright to cite each of my sources. What I have been running into are people who do not allow others to use their work in a legal and educational manner. 

To me that is affront to the nature of knowledge. If you do not want the public to readily access your intellectual property like poetry, fiction stories, or researched essays, then put those works into books, booklets, and add an ISBN and copyright license to your pieces. It is that simple. 

When people threaten others to read but not touch their websites and blogs, I leave and never return.  That is carrying copyright to a dangerous and albeit ineffectual level. You have knowledge? Then share it! 

But if you are sharing public knowledge without any intellectual creativity that would make that information your own property and telling people its not theirs to take.. well, I have news for you: it's not yours to begin with either! 

If you cannot share like good girls and boys, then why do you have a website or blog? Intellectual property cannot be claimed on public knowledge or information. Creativity can be.

For others who believe everything on a website or blog is free for the taking, not so fast. Everything created and written is under copyright protection. If you want to use something, ask permission first if you are not going to cite the information under MLA or APA styles. As well, research public domain for copyright and royalty free images, photos, and information. 

As for common knowledge, I guess humanity needs to have a talk about what is considered fair use and what is considered intellectual property since some people think whatever is published on the internet is theirs for the taking as well as the converse where some people feel that everything they publish online is so sacred that no one is allowed to use it. 

We need to restore a common sense balance in order to advance human creative and intellectual potential.

Thank you!

Have a great and wonderful day.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

In the Name of Blood Mockup Complete

It feels good when a plan comes together. 

I loved the A-Team when I was growing up. I did not like missing an episode. So when it comes to writing my own adventures, I like doing it with the same energy and enthusiasm: daring escapes, gun fire, and C4 apparently. 

In the Name of Blood: Vampires are Relative is done for all intents and purposes at just under 42K words. By definition a manuscript over 40K words is a novel. I have one and possibly two more acts of the story to be written, edited, and published in the coming years.  

For now, I am at the aesthetic as well as spelling and grammar part of the timeline toward release. 

October 16th will be here soon enough. 

Then I will regroup with the characters to see what else they have to say for themselves. A vampire/cop mystery horror drama should have a lot to say. I will be sure to ask the characters what it is they have left for the world. 

Their take has to be entertaining at least. 

If you would like more information about In the Name of Blood, be sure to visit the novel's dedicated page.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Mother of All Reinvention

In the last few years, Undawnted has grown and matured. 

The website now focuses on poetry and writing while art, design, and publishing have been given their own homes online. That freedom has defined and extended my personal universe and Undawnted has reaped the benefits of that Big Bang. 

Soon, the poetry and writing that graced this blog and writing portfolios will be published in their own collections. Poetry has already been published in third party anthologies and other websites. So publishing our own chapbooks and novels is a natural progression. 

I hope you have enjoyed Undawnted's claim to fame. Stay tuned for more exciting developments. Here imagination is fearless. 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Another Poetry Submission Accepted

An untitled three line poem has been accepted for print publication.

As soon as the poem has been added to the online magazine, I will be sure to post the link here! 

Another exciting conclusion to a burgeoning writing career. I hope everyone who creates submits their art, poetry, and writing to sites. There is nothing more inspirational as seeing your own work out in the world. 

If you do not get published, that is okay. That means more studying, editing, and crafting are needed. One day all that hard work will pay off. So keep trying! 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Have Anthology Will Submit

I am in a submission mood. 

If you have a poetry anthology that needs some more poetry, then post your submission guidelines url on my Facebook page: Dawn Leslie Mullan

And, remember to Like my page! You get updates from every blog/website that I write for! So that's journalism, news, art, poetry and creative writing. What a deal! 

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Busy Little Bee

Well I don't know how I am going to top yesterday's blog post: marijuana is a hot topic! Smoking hot topic? 

I was busy again... building a new website: Visual Studios Productions. Now you can see the artistic arm of this organization as I plow ahead. Nothing lost here. 

Also we have all our book/booklet projects green lighted. That is very exciting. I have to finish up two different books this month. One for a June 20 publication date and one for July 19. (see our Schedule page.)

It is nice to finally get some writing into the public sphere again. I am as eager to open a dialogue on fronts that are taboo and/or button pushers. I believe that if we get passed talking points and religion, we can sit down and make calm, rational decisions about the topics of the day. 

So I hope my take on subjects helps move our individual and national conversation forward. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Menu Updates

Well I have been at it again with updates. 

Today, I am stuck inside because of the windy conditions outside with some blowing dust and haze. So to make sure Undawnted compliments my repository site: Sonoan Dawn Studios, I am making upgrades, updates, and links. 

The other sister sites are next! 

Soon all the sites will be uniform and I can go back to my repository building.  I hope all will be done by the end of this summer. I have paperwork to go through and make sure I have my data and dates correctly done.

So have fun mulling around the new features. More creativity to come. I have loads of neat ideas planned. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thank you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Public Domain from the New York Public Library

Artist and history buffs rejoice 180,000 new exhibits are now available in the public domain.

That means everyone has the freedom to enjoy and reuse these materials in almost limitless ways. The Library now makes it possible to download such items in the highest resolution available directly from the Digital Collections website.

No permission required. No restrictions on use.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Artwork: Fleur

Original digital art piece, Fleur, or flower.

New Year's Resolution... cough, cough

During the first of the year the air quality in Phoenix, AZ was so bad, I not only got one but two sinus infections.


I am recovering soon with the hopes of fundraising for my ISBN needs. So stay tuned. More poetry and art is on the way!

Have a great and wonderful day!

Friday, December 25, 2015

T Minus 7 Days Until New Logo Reveal

This year, the New Year's opener will be the unveiling of Undawnted's new logo, design, and tag line. 

We are still deciding on our annual Tag Line. We are down to three contenders. We will be holding them to a vote early next week, so choose wisely!

Our redesign and logo are mystical and scifi at the same time. We are pleased with its creation. You never know, we may keep it around for awhile.

There will be a Sneak Peak at the redesign on New Year's Eve, so don't miss it.
"If life is like a handful of candy, then your confections should reflect the sweetness of your life."
~~DL Mullan

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