Once upon a time, in a place when i was healthy, I had a website dedicated to all my shite...
I tried getting my information together: biographies, bibliographies, vitaes, and other business like data onto Undawnted, and it didn't feel right. So I sat down to plot out a new strategy.
I have multiple interests that i would like to see take off in the near future: designs, art and writing, and well marketing and selling books, prints, designs, media, and apparel. I did not want several different storefronts. I wanted just one.
So that is what I am working on. I want to make my old site new again with an updated feel and energy.
I was born in the Sonoran Desert... so that is what inspired:
Sonoran Dawn Studios! The outlet for products I want to sell. In time, maybe sell other people's items too that are fantastic and creative! I really do want to edit and sell books by new authors someday...
We will see what transpires!
So I am here. I am just trying to do too many projects at once, like always, and that means more naps!
Have a great and wonderful day!