Showing posts with label artwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artwork. Show all posts

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Thank You: Sonoran Dawn's Celtic Green Book Event

Undawnted had a wonderful time this morning at the Celtic Green Book Event for April 2, 2022.

We will see you all at the next one set for July 2022.



 Have a great and wonderful day!



Monday, December 29, 2014

You Reap What You Sow in Seeds

Plant a seed and begin a garden. "Seeds" represents all that we grow in our hearts, minds, and souls. The various colors of the seeds on this plant's branches are showing the different stages of development.

We make plans. Long term plans. Short terms plans. Plans that life throws at us. Each came from a different seed we planted. 

The next time you want something, plant a seed. If you water your intention enough, it will grow.

Thank you.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

How Faces is the Subconscious Consciousness of Your Unconscious Life

Have you every had one of those nightmares you do not really remember but a weird image sets your mind in motion like trying to remember a vague memory? That is "Faces." An indescript manifestation that haunts your waking psyche.

There are holes where eyes should be. Lines where mouths should be. No shape where a head should be.

You would expect such a scene to be on a paranormal investigative program and not in your mind. So what are our nightmares? And why have they followed me into the conscious realm? 

We may never know. 

Thank you.

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