Showing posts with label mullan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mullan. Show all posts

Monday, December 31, 2018

Confessions in the Cold: A Writer's Thoughts for the Culmination of Another Year Past

It is December 31, 2018. 

I never in my wildest imagination believed I would still be alive. There are so many challenges to my disabling illness that one misstep and I would suffer a gruesome fate. This year I have escaped it.

My art and writing get me through some terrible times. I have been betrayed at every level one can ever feel, but a handful of people have shown me the rewards of friendship. 2018 has been the year of tremendous losses and inches of gains. The kitties help me with some of the emotional rough spots. That is why the postings have been so sporadic. 

If I don't know where my next meal is coming from, then I am unable to do much creative work. I will put together some digital art in order to keep the worry and hunger pains at bay. Yet, here I sit without a working washer and dryer as well as the heater went out at 29 degrees this morning. 

You think you have problems? 

That is why I do the support, donate campaigns. I have shirts, mugs, journals, books, chapbooks, but it seems that creativity is not enough to cover even one bill in a year. With the lowest internet service I can get without sacrificing my needs, I am out over $1000 per annum. That does not count my three domain names and GoDaddy overcharging me. 

So I sit here in the dark. All night actually. It's me and the laptop. The kitties come when they get a chill, warm up, and then go play bug hunters! That is a job the cats can keep. I don't want it! I can only afford to turn lights on when I am up and around. Well, when I can. When the joints get cold, there is no walking around. That is with the heating pad. 

I need a miracle. I need a Fairy God Mother/Father. Just send a gazillion dollar check every month. Thank you. 

But, that is not how the world works. When I teach people how the world works in my articles and research on the VDP Gazette, let's just say that I don't have many friends after that. I don't buy into the Social Justice Warrior act, so that pretty much leaves me without confidantes. 

Sorry, I just won't lie to people. 

You will see my stances here too on Undawnted because I believe in justice. Not Just Us. Not Social Justice Warrior. Justice. The justice that takes a wide lense to a situation sees all the nuts and bolts, weighs the facts and figures, and examines the human aspects. You know what we used to call: Truth, Justice, and the American way... Thanks, Superman. 

America has gotten away from Justice. Instead we have people having tantrums over topics, there is no research, no logic. Only name calling and divisiveness if you do not agree with this rose colored glasses world view. 

Half the time I read these explosive posts calling me hater, bigot, and other colorful metaphors, I am hungry in the food sense. I do not need the emotional force feeding of ego based mind control victims. Let me double over in pain in peace already. I am never going to agree with two year olds trapped in an adult body. 

It is never going to happen. 

I am a JFK/Reagan Democrat. In today's post-modern apocalypse, it means that I have been erroneously skewed into the fake news alternative right category of politics. Just put my image on a milk carton already. Missing: Liberal Democrat who believes in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Or is that put me right next to an artist's rendition of the elusive Big Foot? 

I am MIA and mythical all at the same time. 

Well good. I am a student of Joseph Campbell anyway. I might as well live up to his expectations that we are all on our own version of the heroic journey. Where's my light sword again? 

But I feel more like: Hello, my name is Galahad, may I take your order?

So my stories are not about the next societal fad. No SJW tantrums here. Someone wrote of me that I am a disabled woman without any illusions. Yet, I write fiction. I guess I have the best of both worlds...

Now if I could only get my cats to open their own cans of cat food, I would be getting somewhere!

If you would like to see more of my writings in the forms of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, then please write a comment or two on my Facebook or Minds pages, Tweet me, or Gab at me. 

Best of all, purchase something on Lulu or Zazzle regularly. If you can spare it, then a donation to my Paypal (dlmullan AT yahoo DOT com) would go a long way in helping me stay focused with a full belly or paid internet service on a monthly basis. 

People don't believe how difficult it is living on the austerity measure called Disability until you are faced with a lifetime of it.  

In the light of everything that I have been through over the last year, I am still a grateful person. I am grateful for all of my readers. I am grateful I have survived one more year. 

Help me make it through 2019... you won't be disappointed!  

Thank you so very, very much!

Remember, your generosity keeps Undawnted Advertisement Free!

Friday, December 14, 2018

End of the Year Cleanup, Anyone got Spare Change?

New Cover Art 2019
Don't you wish you could have an online blog garage sale?

I am not getting to this. I am not going to do that. I have too much stuff clogging up the system. My virtual closet and under the bed boxes are all filled up. Maybe someone else can use it?

Unfortunately, that is not how it works. So I have been cleaning up my links and reverting to draft areas of my writing path that are on hold until I see if that is where I would like to go in the future.

I want a lean and productive site. What I am working on. What I want to work on.

I feel like a little kid cleaning her room and deciding which toys to keep and what needs go to charity. I am having to make some tough decisions, but good ones to propel me forward. I cannot be bogged down with what could be. I only want what is going to have the most positive and impactful effect. 

My readers and fans have already seen some of the new cover art I have done for 2019. Wait until I get everything said and done. Then I am going have a great New Years... because there will be nothing else to do!

What do you do on your blog or website at the end of the year? 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Cover Art Update for The Rain Long Poem Publication

The monsoon season may be behind us, but never forgotten.

The Rain is a long form poem about the Sonoran Desert's monsoon. Instead of the original raindrops  abstract cover art piece, Undawnted changed to a more identifiable weather related image, cacti and all.

What do you think? 

If you have not read this piece yet, what are you waiting for? Poetry makes a great gift. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Small Business Saturday

Support authors and artists alike by buying their wares for the holidays!

Why not buy some:
If you simply want to give, please send needed donations to Paypal via: dlmullan AT yahoo DOT com.

Thank you!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ekphrasis as a New Source of Inspiration

Poetry has a new section: Ekpharsis. The term means: "a literary description of or commentary on a visual work of art," but Undawnted has taken the creativity one step further. 

I have included chapbooks for original poetry inspired by not only masterpieces from artists like van Gogh, Renoir, Manet, and Monet, but also masters in poetry like Poe and Dickinson. Space photography has been included in this series as well. 

As I write, I will list the contents of the poetry books on the selected pages. Once I have enough to warrant publication, I will let you know. 

I hope you enjoy this creativity as well as let it inspire your own creations.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Autumn Brings a Chill

A cooler night and morning are on their way. Autumn is that time of year when the light equal the darkness, sweaters are needed for that evening walk, and the leaves turn beautiful colors across the higher terrains. 

The warm sultriness of the monsoon has faded. Insects have begun their transition into the slumber of hibernation. Winter is on her way, but not until autumn has his way. 

Eventually, leaves will crinkle and fall. In the end, so will we all. Evening is upon us.  We will watch as the nights grow longer and the stars glisten evermore above. 

Autumn brings a chill so light a lantern to guide us on our way. 

What do you love about the change of seasons? 

Have a great and wonderful day.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Have Anthology Will Submit

I am in a submission mood. 

If you have a poetry anthology that needs some more poetry, then post your submission guidelines url on my Facebook page: Dawn Leslie Mullan

And, remember to Like my page! You get updates from every blog/website that I write for! So that's journalism, news, art, poetry and creative writing. What a deal! 

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Busy Little Bee

Well I don't know how I am going to top yesterday's blog post: marijuana is a hot topic! Smoking hot topic? 

I was busy again... building a new website: Visual Studios Productions. Now you can see the artistic arm of this organization as I plow ahead. Nothing lost here. 

Also we have all our book/booklet projects green lighted. That is very exciting. I have to finish up two different books this month. One for a June 20 publication date and one for July 19. (see our Schedule page.)

It is nice to finally get some writing into the public sphere again. I am as eager to open a dialogue on fronts that are taboo and/or button pushers. I believe that if we get passed talking points and religion, we can sit down and make calm, rational decisions about the topics of the day. 

So I hope my take on subjects helps move our individual and national conversation forward. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring Emerges...

All the times we scoff at the ritual of Groundhog Day, and this year the little bugger was right.

Spring emerged early here in the Sonora Desert. Trees and wild flowers are in bloom. The temperatures have been warm during the afternoons and cool in the early morning hours.  Just perfect. 

Birds are singing and nesting. Bugs are zooming around the yards. The desert is alive. 

And, so are people's allergies. Mornings are not complete without a series of sneezes. Achoo! 

I wish these picturesque moments could last. Cloudless, blue skies, cool gentle breezes, and a warm sun to make everything grow. All the ingredients to inspire a poem or two.

Have a great and wonderful day!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome, Again

This date is the official start to Undawnted.

I am a creative thinker: artist, poet, writer. I am set to publish original chapbooks, novels, and the lot. I hope you will join me on my quest to discover how imagination is fearless. 

"Undawnted is where imagination is unpredictable, insatiable, and undeniablely ...unleashed."

Let's start this adventure, again ;)

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mind, Body, and Soul

My old art and poetry blog/website is now going under rapid changes.

Mind, Body, and Soul is a place where someone who is sick with Environmental Illness will find books, research, and much, much more.

Have a great and wonderful day!

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