Showing posts with label production. Show all posts
Showing posts with label production. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Licensing in the Digital Age: Royalty Free Versus Copyright Free

As a creator, I want to produce as much of my own content as I can. There are instances where that idea becomes impossible. Instrumentals is one of those current challenges.

I can write, craft, and publish my cover art, stories, and websites, but sometimes even a creator needs a helping hand. Since I would like to produce meaningful and engaging book trailers and presentations for my Undawnted Channel on YouTube (Please subscribe!), I have endeavored to use other musician's instrumentals to assist me. 

I have read numerous license agreements, and have purchased some music that you have already heard. Still, the royalty and copyright issues are murky at best. You can use X song if you follow these guidelines, royalty free. Yes, but I can use them for my commercial, known as a book trailer? 

The next challenge is: who is being paid for the music? The three songs I have bought so far were paid to one person, not the artist who created the song. So, I went on a fact finding mission to cut out the middleman. I emailed a couple of musicians on a site to see what royalty free means to them, and do I need to buy a lifetime license from them? Important questions. 

In the coming years, I may have to sit down and write a few songs on the computer. Yes, I have written songs in the past. With a grandfather who was a piano tuner and mover, as well as a jazz pianist, music runs in my veins. I spent a year in competitive orchestra and two years in band, playing the violin. When a string instrument was unfavorable to playing in a high school marching band, I opted for four years of choir.

Until my health supports more activity besides editing, reading, and writing, I will continue to be bounced around, uncertain as to how I can use "royalty free music." I rather purchase from the creator to ensure a legal license than using middlemen. I hope that the prices are within my budget. 

I do not want to cheat anyone, but I also like to eat. 

What it comes down to is the fine print. What does it actually say versus how I am interpreting it? 

Legalese, anyone? 

Have a great and wonderful day.


Subscribe to the
Undawnted Channel on YouTube. 

With mini trailers, book prevues, and presentations, there is more to come this season. We offer our Silent Movie section, if you don't want to be disturbed at work or home. There is a growing collection of videos with music, as well as music and narration.

Choose your entertainment... with Undawnted.



Thursday, June 9, 2016

Busy Little Bee

Well I don't know how I am going to top yesterday's blog post: marijuana is a hot topic! Smoking hot topic? 

I was busy again... building a new website: Visual Studios Productions. Now you can see the artistic arm of this organization as I plow ahead. Nothing lost here. 

Also we have all our book/booklet projects green lighted. That is very exciting. I have to finish up two different books this month. One for a June 20 publication date and one for July 19. (see our Schedule page.)

It is nice to finally get some writing into the public sphere again. I am as eager to open a dialogue on fronts that are taboo and/or button pushers. I believe that if we get passed talking points and religion, we can sit down and make calm, rational decisions about the topics of the day. 

So I hope my take on subjects helps move our individual and national conversation forward. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Making the Old New Again

Once upon a time, in a place when i was healthy, I had a website dedicated to all my shite...

I tried getting my information together: biographies, bibliographies, vitaes, and other business like data onto Undawnted, and it didn't feel right. So I sat down to plot out a new strategy.

I have multiple interests that i would like to see take off in the near future: designs, art and writing, and well marketing and selling books, prints, designs, media, and apparel. I did not want several different storefronts. I wanted just one. 

So that is what I am working on. I want to make my old site new again with an updated feel and energy.

I was born in the Sonoran Desert... so that is what inspired: Sonoran Dawn Studios! The outlet for products I want to sell. In time, maybe sell other people's items too that are fantastic and creative! I really do want to edit and sell books by new authors someday...

We will see what transpires! 

So I am here. I am just trying to do too many projects at once, like always, and that means more naps! 

Have a great and wonderful day!

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