I was researching information for a daily minder I created for my personal use.
Holy moly, people. Some bloggers and webmasters take their writings a little too seriously. I ran into locations that forbade me from even copying and pasting for my own personal use, not to mention websites that disabled right-click as well.
Excuse you?
I just did another search and found someone with the same information but was not threatening me over it. I only wanted astrological signs. That was from a Ph.D. too!
People should realize what the copyright laws are and are not. Copyright laws should never limit information. Especially, no one has the right to limit common information. Common information is data in the public domain.
What can people see, feel, touch, and taste? The stars, planets, moon, sun are public. Constellations are public. Colors and their meanings are public, Flowers, trees, and other foliage are public. Herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, meats are public, The different animals are public. Anything paid for with tax money like government studies, photos are public.
When I write an essay, I use the educational and informational aspects of copyright to cite each of my sources. What I have been running into are people who do not allow others to use their work in a legal and educational manner.
To me that is affront to the nature of knowledge. If you do not want the public to readily access your intellectual property like poetry, fiction stories, or researched essays, then put those works into books, booklets, and add an ISBN and copyright license to your pieces. It is that simple.
When people threaten others to read but not touch their websites and blogs, I leave and never return. That is carrying copyright to a dangerous and albeit ineffectual level. You have knowledge? Then share it!
But if you are sharing public knowledge without any intellectual creativity that would make that information your own property and telling people its not theirs to take.. well, I have news for you: it's not yours to begin with either!
If you cannot share like good girls and boys, then why do you have a website or blog? Intellectual property cannot be claimed on public knowledge or information. Creativity can be.
For others who believe everything on a website or blog is free for the taking, not so fast. Everything created and written is under copyright protection. If you want to use something, ask permission first if you are not going to cite the information under MLA or APA styles. As well, research public domain for copyright and royalty free images, photos, and information.
As for common knowledge, I guess humanity needs to have a talk about what is considered fair use and what is considered intellectual property since some people think whatever is published on the internet is theirs for the taking as well as the converse where some people feel that everything they publish online is so sacred that no one is allowed to use it.
We need to restore a common sense balance in order to advance human creative and intellectual potential.
Thank you!
Have a great and wonderful day.