Showing posts with label sustainability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sustainability. Show all posts

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dawn in the Sky with Diamonds

I'm switching my time again.

Up at night, down by noonish. It's summer in the desert and I don't want to be caught trapped in the house all day because it's too hot to go outside. Or, in fact, do anything even inside. 

I'm on a time of use plan with my electric company. (Thanks to the lies of Sustainability and Agenda 21, I can barely afford air conditioning.)

In the summers, the higher electrical use is during the afternoons. So if I turn the thermostat up during the day, I can sleep through the heat. At night, I can be out in 90 to 70 degree weather for a few more months. Then the monsoon will arrive and bring in the humidity. 

No one is safe from the heat after that until Halloween.

Don't worry, I usually turn myself around in August and September. It's a slow transition. So I make it as smoothly as possible. 

Since I was imprisoned in my home and bedroom for so long thanks to my illness and abusive caretakers, I don't like going one day without standing outside, or seeing the moon, stars, or planets.

I guess that is why I am so set against geoengineering, except for the basic ludicrousness of it, I am trapped inside while non-elected entities poison the sky and hide the sapphire blue sky, the twinkle of diamonds from far away galaxies. It's just not their right. It's mine to live a good life.

Another reason to report and document what is happening to our lovely Earth: Geoengineering Daily Report, April 24.

I hope you join me in posting pictures to Skyder Alert and writing government officials to stop the madness. 

The Earth is not a military laboratory. It's our home. Shouldn't we be more diligent than poisoning everything and everyone?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Information is Nice, If It Doesn't Rot Your Brain

Information is a curse. It's like truth. First you seek it and then it pisses you off. 

I was reading about how this guy went mountain climbing and now the glacier had receded and soon it would be gone... Dude, that's what glaciers do. Take a geology course or two.  Then you will understand why I hate the lies of Global Warming/Climate Change.

Once you learn the truth about how these fake so-called human caused disasters are being used to social engineering people's behavior and fund United Nations initiatives like Common Core and Sustainability, you cannot unlearn the information. 

You just sit and stew. 

So I wrote the guy's editor. I doubt if the information will get anywhere. I swear, people do not go out and do their own research. They believe whatever dunce head is on television. Or in his case, whomever he talked to in the pseudo science lab department of the local nuttery.

That is why I am glad I got rid of cable. For one, I couldn't afford it any longer. Two, I have more time to do things I want to do... like take naps, play with the kitties, and write letters to the editor, apparently. 

OMFG, I really did come unglued, but I remained professional in my correspondence, well, to the best of my ability anyway.

Some people's children! 

Speaking of other people's kids, the kitties are all asleep. I too am ready for bed. All my energy got expended pissed off and writing that online magazine.

I better rest up. I have a busy day doing dishes and laundry tomorrow... and some outdoor stuff while it is warm in the afternoon. 

Nighty night, fellow thought criminals! ;)

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