Showing posts with label The Rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Rain. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2023

Have You Ever Danced in The Rain?

Summer Time Seasonal Reads is proud to introduce, The Rain, to new readers. 

This Long Form Poem describes life in the desert southwest during monsoon season. As the Sonoran Desert braces for another season of torrential rains, blowing dust, and microbursts, humans and creatures alike do anything to find shelter.

"A long meditative poem
that soothes the soul."

"You can hear the rain as you read along."

The Rain is an epic poem that follows the friendship of a woman and a grasshopper, who lives in her yard. 


Long Form Poetry

There are times when one page cannot express the creative thought with enough precision that a poet needs to explore the idea further. Poets are then obliged to write until the story is complete, while adhering to their rhyme-scheme. Long Form Poems like the Iliad have been a favorite for centuries, and here are Undawnted's versions to entice the mind and tickle the senses.
Find your favorite in Undawnted's Long Form poetry section.  


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Rain: Monsoon in the Desert's Release Party

Undawnted’s Long Form poetry re-releases its epic narrative, The Rain: Monsoon in the Desert

The Rain is an epic poem. As the Sonoran Desert braces for another season of torrential rains, blowing dust, and microbursts, humans and creatures alike do anything to find shelter. 
An unlikely friendship forms between a woman and grasshopper. 
It's a poem like no other. 

The Release Party on Substack...

Subscribe to A Novelist Idea and enjoy projects, but also release parties, scavenger hunts, and more. Subscribers always get the goodie bag… as a thank you for your subscription. 

Oh, did I mention the prizes for winners of the scavenger hunt? 

Join today!




Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Summer is Heating Up on Undawnted

Triple digits in the Sonoran Desert with the monsoon bringing wind, dust, and precipitation to the arid landscape. Yep! It's summer! 

Summer is 93 days long in the Northern Hemisphere. With autumn twelve weeks away, Undawnted is set to release new publications as well as update past ones. 

Undawnted's Youtube Summer Time Banner

On the slate for our new releases include:

And while you are here, be sure to follow, like, and subscribe to Undawnted's social media for the latest news, videos, and promotions. 

If you would like to participate in creative projects, release parties, and other events, please subscribe to A Novelist Idea Newsletter

Have a great and wonderful summer!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Join The Monsoon Rain

Sonoran Dawn Studios' Sonoran Monsoon: Earth Changes Book and Cover Art Event has used my artwork and poetry as inspiration. 

Check out the online event on their Facebook page. Everyone is welcome to join as a host (artist, musician, or author), please use the sign up sheet to book your time slot. 

If you just enjoy reading, please be to stop by and get to know the authors and artists. Each has an hour to show you their wares. 

Have fun and make a purchase. Your support keeps independent authors and artists creating beautiful words and images for you.

Have a great and wonderful day!


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Cover Art Update for The Rain Long Poem Publication

The monsoon season may be behind us, but never forgotten.

The Rain is a long form poem about the Sonoran Desert's monsoon. Instead of the original raindrops  abstract cover art piece, Undawnted changed to a more identifiable weather related image, cacti and all.

What do you think? 

If you have not read this piece yet, what are you waiting for? Poetry makes a great gift. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Summer Reads... 2017

Visit our Summer Reads sections for some great links to my Author's Picks.

We have a growing inventory of reading material in Ebook PDF form in a variety of subjects as well as in fiction and poetry. If you would like to see more, please visit Sonoran Dawn Studios' Author Spotlights.

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