Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Focusing on the Writing

Undawnted has made a couple of changes.

This site will house our book covers, storyboards and designs, as well as writing portfolios. Digital art and commercial book covers for sale will be published at our Sonoran Dawn Studios. We love writing and world building so Undawnted will focus on these areas.

Since topics have been delegated around, Undawnted will do blog updates related to this site and our new mission to focus on writing on Tuesdays, Wesdnesdays, and Thursdays. Holidays and special events not withstanding, of course.

More exciting announcements are coming in the future, so please visit often! As well as make sure to Like our Facebook page and visit Sonoran Dawn Studios.  Thank you!

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Making the Old New Again

Once upon a time, in a place when i was healthy, I had a website dedicated to all my shite...

I tried getting my information together: biographies, bibliographies, vitaes, and other business like data onto Undawnted, and it didn't feel right. So I sat down to plot out a new strategy.

I have multiple interests that i would like to see take off in the near future: designs, art and writing, and well marketing and selling books, prints, designs, media, and apparel. I did not want several different storefronts. I wanted just one. 

So that is what I am working on. I want to make my old site new again with an updated feel and energy.

I was born in the Sonoran Desert... so that is what inspired: Sonoran Dawn Studios! The outlet for products I want to sell. In time, maybe sell other people's items too that are fantastic and creative! I really do want to edit and sell books by new authors someday...

We will see what transpires! 

So I am here. I am just trying to do too many projects at once, like always, and that means more naps! 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Thanks for the Support!

It is great to know my blog is reaching so many people from different places around the globe:

Thanks so very much! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Updates to the Site

After having my migraines, it appears I had a bit of insomnia, so I updated some items here on the blog. 

Our Online Chapbooks page now has chapbook images and poems designated to each book.

The section of fiction, Drabbles, Microfiction, and Novelettes, was added with an sample drabble. 

I am hoping to add more images so those individuals who save their favorites to Pinterest can do so in the future. 

I hope you enjoy the updates! 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

EU, I Could Give a Rat's A$$

So I get back only to find the EU, European Union, making me comply with their laws:

If you want to know about cookies on this site, ask Blogger. I have no idea. I don't know the laws over there and I don't want to know. It's bad enough over here with all the nonsense laws being passed for corporate control. 

If you are in the EU, you better get your government under control.

As for Americans, this example is what people are talking about World Government. 

Get Involved. Reject Corporateacracy. Break up Mass Monopolies.

 Thank you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mind, Body, and Soul

My old art and poetry blog/website is now going under rapid changes.

Mind, Body, and Soul is a place where someone who is sick with Environmental Illness will find books, research, and much, much more.

Have a great and wonderful day!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Jumping through Hoops

I love when you have your life set up and then someone updates your browser.

I had everything set up: information fill in the box, so I did not have to remember and type all the time. Then Firefox updated and the add-on I used was no longer useable. I lost password access to many different places including this blog.


You can fill in the blanks from there. 

So I had to send information to my email, then my phone to verify that is it indeed me. 

I am happy to say that all my memory is not all fuzzy. I had a decent recall for items long forgotten. I know am going to reimage my old blog. I think I know the perfect creative measure. I will return and give you the blog name and url. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Good Day

Today was hectic. 

Manageable in some parts, unmanageable in others, this day was a cornucopia of ups and downs. When I settle in for the evening, I usually chat someone up on Facebook. Well, someone told me I was the good part of their day. 

That is a wonderful feeling. 

I don't know if anyone has ever conveyed that to me before. People do not say things like that in today's society. You're are just supposed to guess.

Do you like me? Or am I annoying you? I guess I will stick around until you throw something at me...

What a way to live.

 And, here you thought I wasn't going to be buttoned down since I rearranged Undawnted... yeah, no. I cannot help but to be me. Cats, and all. 

Have a great and wonderful day!


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

New Look; New Outlook

I wanted to design a blog/website that was more like me: cutting edge and creative.

With brain inflammation/injury, sometimes accessing that part of the mind is a challenge. Lately, I seem to have found it again. I like being creative.

I hope you enjoy the art and writing too.

Insights are us? Maybe not yet, but it will come.

Run. ;)

Have a great and wonderful day.

Monday, May 26, 2014


I love it when there's a glitch and then you get dropped. Awesome. And, it wasn't even my glitch!

Oh, well, so we are back to updating the blog/website. Watch our dust.

Have a great and wonderful day!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Voice for Your Generation

I've been writing for my local newspaper and my own blog for a little while now. 

I have learned to balance the needs of the community with my own. What I cannot cover, I make sure to link to independent news episodes in order to keep everyone current. Or, if I need some time off because my brain is fried or I am: a video it is!

On a personal blog, it's not that easy. I have to write something, right? Something!

I got to thinking: where are the voices of my generation? Where the hell are all the Gen Xers anyway? Did they all succumb to corporate and family life? What happened to our rebellious spirit?

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one out here. That thought led me to the epiphany: I have become the voice I've been searching for. An odd statement for sure, but a true one.

It's not an ego statement. I am doing that job here and with the Gazette. I finally found my voice. 

It shouldn't be a voice for a generation; it should be voices. Where is your voice on the current state of affairs in politics, government, medicine, health, food/water/air safety? Where are you?

You don't have to be Generation X to get a blog, website, youtube channel or the like. 

Just start saying something. Anything. Be the voice you have been waiting for. It feels good to make a difference in the world.

So what topic makes you verbal? Speak out. Live out loud. It's not too late to become that person your teenage self always wanted you to be. An idealist. A commentator. A rebel. 

A role model.

Be the change you want to see in the world and the world will change to meet you. I've had it happen to me. Stories gravitate to me. When you are on your right path, everything falls into place.

Now to finish my fiction and nonfiction books... then we'll be getting somewhere there too!

Sick, well, or in between, you can make this world a better place. Trust me. The universe is on your side when your heart is pure and you love what you're doing. 

So go out and be: A Voice for Your Generation.

Have a great and wonderful weekend!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Construction! Watch for Falling Stuff

I am revamping a few items on my blog and website. The blog will still be active.

I hope I have everything running smoothly again by the end of the weekend!

Thank you!!!

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