Showing posts with label paranormal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paranormal. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

WordCrafter Lingering Spirit Whispers Paranormal Anthology Set Blog Tour: Undawnted Interviews Kaye Lynne Booth

About the Anthology Set

Lingering Spirit Whispers Paranormal Anthology Set, which is released today, December 1st, 2021 from WordCrafter and is available for purchase.

This anthology set is a bundle including Whispers of the Past, Spirits of the West, and Where Spirits Linger. All three anthologies combined into one convenient paranormal set for lovers of ghost stories.

Amazon Books





Author Interview: Kaye Lynne Booth
"Woman in the Water" (Whispers of the Past), "Don't Eat the Pickled Eggs" (Spirits of the West), "The People Upstairs" (Where Spirits Linger)

Where does your inspiration for writing stories stem from?

The inspiration for “The Woman in the Water” (Whispers of the Past) came as I was sitting in front of a roaring waterfall one afternoon. The whole story just unfolded in my mind with the real life setting as the background. I went home and typed it out on my keyboard until the whole tale was down.

The inspiration for “Don’t Eat the Pickled Eggs” came from a paranormal experience of a woman that I knew. Her boss had passed on and she believed that he came to her one night. This created the beginning for the tale of Lillie Belle, a saloon bookkeeper who experiences a visit from her saloon keeper and friend before she is aware that he is gone, and it’s up to her to solve his murder.

The idea for “The People Upstairs” rolled around in the back of my brain since I was a young girl, living at my grandmother’s home. Her housekeeper was an old woman who lived alone in a big house, but she only used three rooms, closing off the rest of the house, and she made some very strange claims, including one that there were people living on the second floor of her home. These ideas led to conversations with my mother and grandmother, and folks around town said that she was crazy. But she always had time to talk with me, even when she was working, and I considered her my friend. After she died, I missed her and I always wondered if maybe the things she said were true, if maybe she wasn’t crazy after all. “The People Upstairs” is the resulting story.

Were you always interested in becoming a writer? Or did this craft come to you later than your formative years?

I have been a writer since 1996, the year I sold my first poem. I floundered around trying to figure out what I was doing and the proper way to go about it. That didn’t come until much later, 2012, when I enrolled in Western State Colorado University to earn my M.F.A. in Creative Writing.

Writing is a passion for me. It helps me focus and helps me to keep my sanity. I think all people have a need to express themselves, but they do it in different ways. My self-expression just comes out in the written word.

Writing in the horror genre, specifically the subcategories of the supernatural and paranormal, is specialized. How is this genre different from others you have written in? I think you have to work harder to gain reader buy-in with fantastical genres. When I wrote my western novel, Delilah, I had to work to make readers buy-in to my tough, gritty female protagonist, but I don’t think that is nearly as big a challenge as trying to make readers believe the unbeleiveable.

Are you interested in writing the grotesque or psychological variations of horror?

I wrote a flash fiction piece, “The Haunting of Carol’s Woods” which was featured in Nightmareland, Book 3 of Dan Alatorre’s Box Under the Bed series. That one was inspired by a dream that I had and it was kind of creepy. But I’m not particularly interested in writing like Clive Barker or even Peter Straub.

Do you draw on any experiences you may have had in your life in order to write your stories?

Absolutely. Doesn’t every author? There is good sense in the old adage “Write what you know”. I’m a believer in ghosts and have had several personal experiences, maybe that’s why I like to write ghost stories.

What is the most horrific story you have read in a book/seen on the screen that stayed with you for years? Ever since I was a young girl I’ve been drawn to the horror genre. As a teen, my favorite author was Stephen King and I gobbled up everything I could get my hands on that he wrote, but I also liked John Saul, and Anne Rice. Stories such as those are sure to warp your mind just a little.

When I was fifteen I was babysitting and I found a copy of The Shining. After the kids were in bed, I picked it up and started reading. I found I couldn’t put and kept reading well into the night. At four a.m., when I started to nod off, I was too scared to go to sleep, so I called and woke my mother and made her talk to me until my nerves were calm once more. After I hung up with her I couldn’t resist finishing the rest of the book. I had to know what happened.

Whispers by Dean Koontz gave me a good case of the creeps and stuck in my brain after I learned that the ‘whispers’ were cock roaches. It sends shiver down my spine, even now.

There was a short story in a horror anthology that I read when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, about a baby that was possessed and killed its mother. Understandably, that one stayed with me for a long time and really creeped me out, but I can’t even remember the name of the book or the title of the story now.

Did that influence your writing in any manner?

Horror is difficult for me to write. My brain is not that warped. I guess I am no Stephen King. Lol. But I do enjoy creating tone and setting for my paranormal stories, which are just a milder form of horror.

What haunted location would you like to visit and write in? Would you write about the place and its history? Or would you write a story inspired by the paranormal energy felt there? I have visited many haunted locations. In fact, the submission guidelines for Where Spirits Linger was a paranormal story that revolves around a setting.

I’ve made several visits to a haunted hotel in Cripple Creek over the past year, The Hotel St. Nicholas. There may be a story brewing revolving that setting, but I think it would be set in the past, when it was the only hospital for the then booming mining town. The history will definitely play a vital role in the tale that develops, but I think paranormal vibes could steer the story in a particular direction. So, I guess the answer is both.


Thank you, Kaye Lynne Booth for your great answers about the writing craft and this anthology set. If you would like to know more about Ms. Booth, please see her biography and links below: 

Author Bio

Kaye Lynne Booth lives, works, and plays in the mountains of Colorado. With a dual emphasis M.F.A. in Creative Writing, writing is more than a passion. It's a way of life. She’s a multi-genre author, who finds inspiration from the nature around her, and her love of the old west, and other odd and quirky things which might surprise you. She has short stories featured in the following anthologies: The Collapsar Directive (“If You’re Happy and You Know It”); Relationship Add Vice (“The Devil Made Her Do It”); Nightmareland (“The Haunting in Carol’s Woods”); Whispers of the Past (“The Woman in the Water”); and Spirits of the West (“Don’t Eat the Pickled Eggs”). Her western, Delilah, her paranormal mystery novella and her short story collection, Last Call, are all available in both digital and print editions. In her spare time, she keeps up her author’s blog, Writing to be Read, where she posts reflections on her own writing, author interviews and book reviews, along with writing tips and inspirational posts from fellow writers. She’s also the founder of WordCrafter. In addition to creating her own imprint in WordCrafter Press, she offers quality author services, such as editing, social media & book promotion, and online writing courses through WordCrafter

Author Links

If you like this interview, then read the others in the Lingering Spirit Whispers series: 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

One Last Look at The Descent: a darker breed of poetry

All Hallow's Eve has come and gone for 2021, but the darkness still lingers in our hearts. 

If you ever need to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight, then be sure to bookmark DL Mullan's poetry list (is no longer) available on My Poetry Forum. Four poems from her horror-themed genre chapbook, The Descent reside there in their crypt: 

  • Breathe
  • Identity
  • The Collection
  • Upon Reading Edgar Allan Poe 

Be sure to leave a review. 

And, how do you like the new cover design? 

Have a great and spooky day. 


Undawnted's YouTube Channel offers poetry shorts to full-fledged poetry feature films in our Poetry Slam section. This new playlist will give you more of the rhymes you crave.

Subscribe for more award-level poems written by DL Mullan.



Monday, November 1, 2021

Legacy: Paranormal Law Enforcement Division

Undawnted has created its own fictional universe with a common foundation: Legacy. Legacy is a multi- generational, millennium secret organization. A series of novels will exist inside this universe.

You can join the universe by keeping up on the original stories that live inside Legacy. From short stories, novellas, and full-length novels, Legacy is from the unique creative mind of Undawnted's own, DL Mullan.

Marvel has S.H.I.E.L.D.

Undawnted has Legacy

Join the universe of possibilites. 


Undawnted has created its own fictional universe with a common foundation: Legacy. Legacy is a multi- generational, millennium secret organization. A series of novels will exist inside this universe. 

Legacy is a global crime-fighting unit dedicated to defending humanity against the  negative effects of supernatural forces. A paranormal law enforcement division, through specified taskforces within Legacy, sends special agents to investigate and halt activities against the mortal realm. All the while, the organization keeps humanity ignorant of its existence and the unseen forces behind the everyday curtain of normalcy.

When ghouls, goblins, magicians, sorcerers, werewolves, and the plethora of undead become rogue actors, who are you going to call? 
The Special Agents with the Legacy Taskforce.

Visit Undawnted's Supernatural Superhero Series and become a part of the universe:

Legacy Taskforce
Legacy Universe/Badges

Sunday, October 24, 2021

On My Poetry for Review: Vanished

Vanished is an autumn/Halloween themed poem. The poem makes us think about those of us who are lost.

This poem is in the same dark energy as our already published blockbuster chapbook: The Descent. Vanished is currently on My Poetry Forum for review. Read it for yourself and leave a comment. 

If you would like to read other poems by DL Mullan, be sure to check out the forum for more of her selections under Undawnted

This chapbook houses "a darker breed of poetry." Plus new poetry that has yet to be seen by the general public.

"As a genre poet myself, I have to tell you how much I enjoyed this."

"The poem [Breathe} is as scrumptious and sensual as it is dark and deep."

"This is first for me. I have never read genre poetry before. I love it. Hugely imaginative and utterly unique..." 

Visit The Descent on Undawnted.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

31 Days of Halloween, Breathe: A Darker Breed of Poetry

To continue our Halloween theme, My Poetry Forum is hosting some of my poems from the horror chapbook, The Descent: a darker breed of poetry.

This chapbook houses "a darker breed of poetry." Plus new poetry that has yet to be seen by the general public.

"As a genre poet myself, I have to tell you how much I enjoyed this."

"The poem [Breathe} is as scrumptious and sensual as it is dark and deep."

"This is first for me. I have never read genre poetry before. I love it. Hugely imaginative and utterly unique..." 

Breathe is the selection for this evening. I hope you enjoy this subtle but dark piece of creative writing. 

Please remember to leave me feedback in the form of a review. If you liked the poem a lot, then please nominate the poem. It helps in the rankings. 

Have a great and scary day!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

WordCrafter Blog Tour: Where Spirits Linger Review

Out of the corner of your eye you see a shadow move, a presence in the distance. 

Is someone trying to get your attention or hide from you? Ghost stories are as old as human civilization itself. The paranormal intrigues us, shapes our view of the after life, and haunts our dreams. 

The anthology, Where Spirits Linger gives us a taste of the various ways we mere mortals can experience the spirit world. In the six short stories, the reader is transported in time and space into these realms of impossibility. So real in fact that the improbable comes across as probable. 

The People Up Stairs by Kaye Lynne Booth takes on a journey with Cassie. Cassie from an eight year old to a nineteen year old tells her story in diary form about the apparitions living on the second floor of Edna's house. A mystery wrapped in a conundrum. Is Cassie's fate sealed by her acceptance of  the spirits from beyond? 

Listen to the Instructions by Roberta Eaton Cheadle is a tale of twisted fate. If you carried out the will of the deceased, then your life will be tame. But, if you were only in the game for self-indulgence, then your life would exist in misery. Which would you choose? Listen to a ghost? Or listen to yourself? Your life may depend on it. 

The Chosen Few by Enid Holden is a short story from the spirits' point of view. These ghosts control their surroundings and the people who dare live in their dwelling of choice. Would you live in this haunted place? If you knew, the spirits created your experience for their own entertainment? 

The Final Portrait by S.L. Kretschmer asks the reader to understand a spirit. A painting showed how someone died, but would you, if asked by a ghost, to paint them as they were? What would you do? Honor a final request? Or, depart without a second thought? How the living see the dead can leave a lasting impression in this world, and the next 

David’s Revenge by Stevie Turner is a story about plotting. If you died tomorrow, how would you set up everyone in your life? Would you leave them in peace? Or, would you make suspicion the focus? David died and he had everyone on the hook. He even manipulated the police and psychic medium to do his bidding. Is this how you would spend your time before you left your body for good? 

Olde Tyme Village by Christa Planko is about Steve and an old estate belonging to his family. A chance visit that led to many more questions than answers. Could Steve return the property to its former glory? Or was the estate too haunted to become anything more than a ghost asylum? Will the reader ever know? 

Where Spirits Linger gives the audience the ups and downs of different hauntings. From the tame to the problematic, this anthology has a story for everyone's paranormal tastes.  Why not, take a bite?

If you would like to know more, then please stop by Kaye Lynne Booth's websites:


Buy here: Amazon.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads 2019

Welcome to our seasonal reading program!

It's September... you know what time it is? Autumn Cider!

As the evenings turn cool, fire pits are decorated with people cooking marshmallows and wearing sweaters.

The holidays are close at hand. First, we get to enjoy the descending darkness into longer nights. We get costumes and candy... and fireside stories from beyond.

How do you get your fall fill? Well, read, of course!

Check out our Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads program on our menu and featured novels, chapbooks, and more!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Blood Novel Review and Ruth Miranda Interview

If you are into unique writing styles, avant garde with an emphasis on the psychology of individual characters, then Ruth Miranda may be the writer for you.

A fresh perspective on the paranormal genre is hard to discover these days but Blood by Ruth Miranda is up there with the likes of Jim Butcher.

When you think of Ruth Miranda; think the style and composition of George Eliot.

Sometimes the refreshing is found in the unexpected. 

How did you get into writing?

MIRANDA: I started writing short stories as soon as I learned to string sentences together, so I've pretty much written since I was seven, eight years old. I write out of necessity to put down the stories in my head, am constantly making up stories there.

Were you always the creative sort?

MIRANDA: I've always been into stringing words together, but was hopeless at any other form of creative work, can't sing, can't draw, can't play any musical instruments. I did dance ballet for a while and wasn't too bad.

Why the topic of pretenaturals? Did you make up the term?

MIRANDA: I've always liked the idea of creatures living amongst us that are not like us, humans. That they differ from us in their genetics, their capabilities, but are as prone as we are to all that makes us who and what we are as individuals and persons. I don't think I invented the term, though, I think I've seen it around for a while.

Since the paranormal realm and its creatures are metaphors for the human condition, what does your writing say about being human?

MIRANDA: I don't use paranormal and creatures as metaphors, I use them as I may use a character of chinese descent, or african, or suomi. It's just another race, in my books. Of course, they do have powers humans don't, but I've never thought of using vampires for metaphors, for example.

BLOOD by Ruth Miranda is an intriguing coming of age story for Caius part Fey and all immortal. He struggles with events in his life that have left him mourning the loss of his fiancé and confused about his natural paranormal abilities. On the search to discover his past, Caius enters a world unlike his own: the world of vampires, witches, and Fey.

Ms. Miranda brings a new kind of reality into creation. In the same vein as Jim Butcher, Blood opens the reader into her fertile imagination. Dialogue moves the plot and characters along a path filled with suspense and intrigue. What will happen if Caius discovers his true identity? Will he confront his father? Save his brother, Marcus?

Blood is not your typical novel. Descriptive words sketch out characters and setting like a work of art. Enjoy this masterful piece of paranormal fantasy and paint your way through the chapters by the number.

For more information and publications by this writer, please visit her Amazon author's page: Ruth Miranda

If you would like to be featured on Undawnted with an author interview and/or review, please see our Bookings page

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Winter is Not Winter without a Good Read

So you say you are bored. You don't know what to do with yourself... Welcome to the solution. 

Undawnted is the online locale for the artist and author: DL Mullan. Here you will discover fiction, nonfiction, and poetry that is unbound. 

No hype. No conspiracy theories. No propaganda. 

Just entertainment that informs and educates while being inventive, unassuming, and unleashed. The imagination should flow freely as it does at Undawnted. The characters come alive and drive the plots and mood. Articles and essays think of better ways to resolve life's challenges while also providing a platform for better living and healthy eating. Rhymes and rhythms grace the pages of chapbooks full of imagery and emotion.

Visit Undawnted's Seasonal Reads: Winter Frost for reads to warm you up! 

If you have a thirst for life as well as knowledge, follow Undawnted on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter

Buy eBooks (PDFs) from Sonoran Dawn Studios

Support an artist and author and creative spirit today!

Thank you and have a great and wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Nocturnal Redemption Moves Into the Final Edits Phase

The final push until the January 31st release has begun!

Nocturnal Redemption:

When Ryan is attacked by werewolves, she is rescued by the hidden Regent of the Vampire Nation, Jeremy Hampton. This event sets a domino effect in motion that Chloe could not foresee. The future of the vampires lies on a knife’s edge: matters of the heart.

Could the love that betrayed the gypsy witches into cursing the vampires three hundred years ago be the one thing to end their immortal suffering and bring peace between these two ancient factions?

Love is always In the Eye of the Beholder.

Visit the Nocturnal Redemption page for more great information! 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Crossing Kaitlin

The cumbersome title of Knight's Way Crossing has been revised to Crossing Kaitlin

Along with a new book cover. 

About Crossing Kaitlin: 

"Kaitlin Lane has a problem. Everything about her is fake. Her name is borrowed. Her life belongs to someone else. The one gift that is hers is to speak to the dead.
Don't get excited; she's not."
For more information, see the Crossing Kaitlin page

Friday, July 14, 2017

Updated Synopsis for Nocturnal Redemption

I have been creating promotional pieces for my various publications. Since I want to release Nocturnal Redemption as soon as the novel is ready, I revised the old synopsis in lieu of a more accurate teaser. 

If you would like to read about this paranormal adventure/romance, then please visit the dedicated page for Nocturnal Redemption

The promos will be added to the page once the novel has been published. 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Love is in the Eye of the Beholder

When you have written a novel, editing the story into manageable parts can be a challenge. 

I am working on two different novels but I will only publish one this coming February. I haven't decided on which one yet... but I bet you have already guessed it these are loves stories. My stories have plenty of action and drama but Nocturnal Redemption and Gibbous are driven by the relationship of these people instead of a crisis like in book one of In the Name of Blood

One is pretty much done for a first book release and to finish the rest of the story episodically in a series instead of all at once. Trouble is the story is under 40K words. I like my novels around 45K words. 

Gibbous is done at 60K words but I want to expand the story so the adventure is smoother and the characters are perfected. 

After worrying all this time about releasing a novella instead of a novel, I remembered: I am the publisher! I can do whatever I want. Then all the stress and worry dissolved. 

I feel much better now.

...but you will have to wait to see which one I publish in February 2017. Is it the vampire, supernatural romance of Nocturnal Redemption? Or the werewolf saga of Gibbous?

Who wants to guess?

Have a great and wonderful day!  

Monday, November 14, 2016

Religion is Like Owning a Haunted House is Available

This essay is a satirical and metaphoric look at religion in our society.

We all have them. The haunted house we inherited from our parents and their parents before them. To some people religion is the haunted house that keeps them from knowing or understanding the spiritual side of life. 

In this unique perspective, the author offers an explanation of why humanity owns these haunted houses... with a satirical twist. 

Is your religion haunting you? 

Download your copy from the Sonoran Dawn - Nonfiction store. It is a free download for a limited time, so if you do: please leave a great review! 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

On the Horizon of a Black Moon

Black Moons are the equivalent to a Blue Moon for New Moons. 

Confused? Don't be. Blue Moons are two Full Moons in a month or four in a seasonal cycle. Black Moons are two New Moons in the same vein. 

So how can we use these natural cycles in our stories? For supernatural or paranormal subplots? Since I will be working on a werewolf novel next, the mythology surrounding the moon has become late night reading. 

I have read about the phases, names, and astrologies of the moon from Celtic to Chinese. The moon as the Earth's only satellite has captured the human imagination for thousands of years. The only avenue left is to create a new mythos for a story that is not complacent, derivative, or juvenile. 

When my characters come alive in my head, I bet they will have a lot to say, but for now it's research time. Pass the gmo free bean chips! 

Have a great and wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Heat is On in the Sonoran Desert

120 this coming week. 

For good measure, I am getting all my chores done this week. I am going to be hiding out writing in the darkness of my room. 

It only seems fair. We had a beautiful and cool month of May. Now the Monsoon needs to be pulled into our deserts for July and August. In order for that to be done, the desert floor needs to be hot, hot, hot! So a small period of extreme heat followed by humidity and rain. 

I will see you in October... I am crawling under my rock until then! 

To name a few, I hope you return to read more about these topics, and even some poetry and fiction. 

So buckle up... and get into the air conditioning! It's going to be hot this summer on the writing front.

Have a great and wonderful day!!! 


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Check Out Our New Nonfiction Page

Do you like science or history or literature or the paranormal? 

Our Nonfiction page has something for everyone! Undawnted is excited to present these categories from which I will be publishing booklets and books under these topics. 

With a new publication nearly every month of the year, Undawnted is going to replace our old Writing Portfolio with these PDFs and/or EPUBs. 

We already have made good by publishing the essay about Environmental Illness called Gaslighting and the Environmental Illness Patient in a series dedicated to helping the chronically ill with their newfound circumstances. 

I hope you enjoy all the hard work to make these new possibilities, well, possible! 


Upcoming this month!  Uncommon Knowledge.

We get all spooky for this autumn with Haunted Arizona
Don't forget our chapbook: The Descent too!  

Check out our Schedule page for more publications slated for release this 2016 Calendar season... 

Have a great and wonderful day!!! 

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Logo for a New Year

A little science fiction and a little paranormal, the new logo really illustrates how imagination at Undawnted is truly fearless. 

Enjoy the New Year and visit often. 

Undawnted is becoming more fearless.

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