12 Angry Dead

When the souls of the wronged rise to avenge their premature deaths, is there anyone who can stand against them? 
Marilla Gibbs, an heiress and a director of the Prescortt, Arizona historical museum, is a descendant of Aida Worthington, a victim of one of these unjust homicides. The mid-1800s was a tumultuous time, especially with figures like Josiah King, who took lives with impunity. 
In the afterlife, his victims came together to form a jury. On All Hallows Eve, when the veil separating the living from the dead is at its thinnest, Aida and eleven other spirits took control of their descendants to confront their killer, who is now a seven-year-old boy.
With the aid of her assistant, Shaun, and Justin, the child's father, Marilla seeks to outmaneuver the twelve angry dead. Yet, will their combined efforts be sufficient to redirect the course from vengeance to authentic justice? 
The trio soon realizes that no one can escape a past life.


Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads 
Short Story -Accepted into The Hanging Tree Anthology
The Hanging Tree Anthology publishing date: September 2024.
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Autumn Cider Seasonal Reads
Original publishing date: October 2025.
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The Hanging Tree - Release Party Archive 
Release Party Archive- 12 Angry Dead

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You can't outrun a past life.

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Critical Acclaim from Readers:  

Reader Review
...4.0 out of 5 stars- "This collection of dark fiction asks the question, “What happens when there are no happy endings?” and answers it with tales that will linger longer than the shadows cast by the cursed tree at the center of them.

The anthology uses a clever concept to link the stories and introduce them to the reader—a sentient tree. All these works are centered around the “hanging tree” and the vile emotions and memories it has absorbed through the ages. Each installment is the tree’s attempt to better bear the vile feeling of fury and the desperate need for revenge each hanged soul experienced, emotions that often linger long after the bodies have died and withered"
Hauntingly Ever After, Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2024.

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