Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Healthy Home Project is Well on its Way

Sonoran Dawn Studios published two recipes from the Healthy Home Project. 

These were the projects released this month: 

Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe
Homemade Mopping Solution Recipe
Home Freshening Spray Recipe

Everyone deserves a clean and healthy life. This project endeavors to make every house a home.

I hope you enjoy these recipes.

For more information about upcoming publications, please see Sonoran Dawn Studios.

Thank you for visiting Undawnted. Our essays and booklets are listed in the Nonfiction section. 

Have a great and wonderful day! 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Melted Chocolate Dreams

Chocolate, how could you do it?

You broke my heart. I loved you. I worshiped you. I enjoyed you. 

How did you repay me? You repaid me with GMO crappy, store bought cocoa. How could you? 

So in my efforts to make sure my diet is clean and healthy, I am switching anything I find that is not healthy over to the better quality version. Chocolate is no different.

GMO free chocolate that I buy is through an online source. So of course, I had to have some shipped with my regular items on one of the hottest weeks of the summer. By the time I opened my package, the chocolate was liquid. 

I could swish the chocolate back and forth in its little baggie. I laid the bag flat on the highest shelf in the refrigerator to see if I could make a chocolate bar out of the melted chips. A few hours later and I have a candy bar. Yay, me! 

Even though you broke my heart with your corrupted DNA, I still love you, chocolate. I am hooked. Now I have a new version to love you by. A version that will not lead to illness or inflammation.

Love me, leave me... or just buy GMO free!

Have a great and wonderful day!!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Imperfection is the New Perfection

Perfection, everyone seeks it. No one attains it. Not really.

I tried to be perfect once and almost caught that tiger's tail. I tried to be everything to everyone all the time. I would go home and sit with my computers emotionally exhausted. I would try once again to be an artist, poet, speaker, and writer that was perfect. 

Now that I can't remember what day it is and that I have been betrayed by practically everyone in my past, I don't care about perfect anymore. I am more into living in the moment. The here and now and happiness is better than any perfection I could ever have found. 

Why be something you are not? Peer pressure? Social psychology? 

Or, waste of time?

Trust me, it's a total waste. Why waste covering up the jewel of who you are on swines who can never appreciate it? Be a diamond in the rough that is shining yourself up for a better future. 

I'm glad I am not trying to be perfect anymore. Hell my illness won't allow it anyway. The best I could ever hope for is to be happy, healthy, and successful. 

If I was a perfection freak, I would be getting my kitties groomed instead of letting them play in the bathtub. What is the allure of an empty bathtub? I'll never know. 

As to the people from my past who have stuck by me learning and growing into the person I am today, and believe me, it wasn't pretty, I really appreciate and adore all of you.

Have a great and wonderful day!

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