Showing posts with label short fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label short fiction. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Summer Time of a Writer's Life

After a health scare that landed me in the emergency room, I have been convalescing by catching up on some creative endeavors: digital art and short story writing. That nasty stomach flu that put Oprah Winfrey in the hospital did me in as well. IV fluids, two rounds of antibiotics, and almost eight weeks later... I feel like my old disabled-by-illness self again. 

There is nothing like being ill, then catching a virus that sets off dehydration and a painful infection to make a sickie feel right at home with their disability! All joking aside, the last month and a half has been unfun to say the least, but I am back now... 60% of me anyway. Until my mold illness is cured, I will always be 60% or less of an able-bodied person. 

Thems the breaks. 

As I gathered my strength, I have focused on my creative to-do list. I have written and submitted two short stories that I hope you will enjoy. First is: Kurst. The second is: 12 Angry Dead. Each are under 6550 words. If accepted, then these two will be given the extended version treatment and will become Novelettes or Novelas.

Kurst: Karen Kurst inherits her grandmother's cabin in Salt Pines, Arizona. She learns that all is not what it seems in the quaint mountain village. A creature lurks in the woods. This cross between a cryptid, Sasquatch, and a Skinwalker can only be caged by a magical spell written by her ancestor, Ralph Wallen. With the help of the local indigenous sheriff, Karen sets her sights on ending the family curse. 

But will she have to give up her own life in order to save her newfound community? 


12 Angry Dead is a story that I have wanted to write for years. With the original story combined with the guidelines of The Hanging Tree anthology, this narrative blossomed into a true tale of vengeance versus justice. It is also a paranormal, supernatural re-imaging of the film: 12 Angry Men.

I hope you enjoy these short fiction selections available this year through WordCrafter Press's anthologies: Dark Fiction and The Hanging Tree. 

Have a great rest of your day. 


You're invited to Undawnted's newsletter, Undawntable, for our Release Party for The Story of Excalibur. Join our substack. It's free. We have parties, contests, and prizes. This month DL Mullan presented to her creative community an exclusive Undawntable Members Only version of Legendary: Summer Time, the public version will drop in August 2024. This Special Edition gave her readers free access to prose and poetry. 

Parties and freebies? Merch! What isn't there to love about Undawntable? 

Become a member today! 

Undawntable the Official Newsletter of Undawnted

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Novelette Review: The Town Santa Forgot from Writing to Be Read

Writing to Be Read's Kaye Lynne Booth published her review of The Town Santa Forgot

"Not to give too much away, but The Town [Santa Forgot] : A tale that will tickle the whole family’s fancies. The perfect holiday gift, but would be fun to read year round. As with most Christmas stories, this one is filled with love and hope." 

This Yuletide Carol is a history-mystery tale with added supernatural occurrences and a love-lost romance. Move over holiday romcoms, The Town Santa Forgot has arrived!

For the rest of the review and quill rating, visit Writing to Be Read


The Town Santa Forgot is available as an eBook at AmazonBarnes&Noble, AppleBooks, Smashwords, and other fine retailers.   

Grab your copy today! 


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet.

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series.

For news and updates, subscribe to the Undawntable Newsletter

Monday, June 5, 2023

Summer Time Seasonal Reads for 2023

When summer rolls around, we are ready to sit by the pool with an iced tea.
A book is worth all the rays of the sun.
Summer is about finding time for yourself, to relax.
The days are longer. The nights are warm.
Summer is the fantasy season of our lives.

Out by the water, what to do? Read with your sunglasses on, of course!


Here is Undawnted's Summer Time fiction story recommendations:

Saint in the Big Easy
What happens when you discover the only person who can save you is you?   

Saint in Communion
Communion is more than a destination: it's a Saint's only refuge. 

Saint in the Devil You Know 
When clergy and demons work for the same team, it's always the devil you know.  

Short Stories 
The Story of Excalibur
Where did the sword come from? 

Lyrical Prose
The Jonah Collector -New Release Coming Soon! 
Don't be the weakest link.

...and the collection grows every year! 

Catch a fantastic ride this Summer Time with Undawnted. 


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet.

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series.

With her education and experience in writing, DL Mullan shares her knowledge via her newsletters. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to one of her newsletters on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.



Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Hot Off the Press! Midnight Roost Cover Reveal

Greetings, Fearless Philes!

Today, Kaye Lynne Booth of Writing to be Read revealed the book cover I designed for Midnight Roost horror anthology, which will also have my short story, Mangled in the pages. The anthology will be released in October 2023.

Just in time for your Halloween parties and campfire storytelling adventures!

For those readers new to Undawnted, my name is DL Mullan. I create art, poetry, and prose. All the art, images, and book covers on Undawnted's website, I produce myself. 

If you like what I do, then please bookmark, like, subscribe, comment, buy and review. My newsletter, social media, and other links are in the menu (right side of page). 

Undawnted will begin our Summer Time Seasonal Reads program at midnight tonight! Don't miss another release/popup party, Movie Night with the Novelist, or monthly creative project on A Novelist Idea newsletter. Subscribe to my Creative Tribe to be the first to view my book trailers and other videos on Undawnted's YouTube Channel

What are you waiting for? 

Undawnted lets imagination become unpredictable, insatiable, and undeniably... unleashed.


This year's program is the: Hint of the Divine, in which participants learn the archetypes found in human culture, and storytelling.

Bring depth to your writing.

Join our Creative Tribe

Learn. Grow. Master... with Undawnted.


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Undawnted's Special Editions Now Boasts a Vault

Undawnted's Special Edition Books page has grown. 

As more poetry and short fiction are created, Undawnted will be producing creative writing collections for our readership. 
From our Seasonal Reads program to poetry and short fiction, these creative pieces are curated into assembled publications for anyone's growing library of literature. 

We have added:

We hope that all of them become your favorite! 

Team Undawnted 

Monday, September 19, 2022

WordCrafter Blog Tour! Refracted Reflections: Twisted Tales of Duality & Deception

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

In community college, I played the Mirror in the dramatic re-imaging of The Emperor has No Clothes. This anthology of short stories has a kinship with that play, as the image of the mirror takes on an important role straight into our imaginations. 

What do you see when you look into the mirror? You? The past? The present? How about a future waiting to unfold? Or, do you see the sinister? Bloody Mary, perhaps? Or, shadows that move when you don't? 

Refracted Reflections: Twisted Tales of Duality and Deception delves into those deep dark crevices of our shadow psyche. From inducing possession, committing murder/suicide or as cursed objects, mirrors have a unique hold on our imaginations. The short stories contained within the pages of this anthology will do just the same to its readers. 

The Cost of Magic By Keith Hoskins tells the tale of vengeance. In this short story, mirrors are used as magical tools, but there was a penalty for using such a device. Magical mirrors extracted a price to those individuals who are gifted with knowledge through its spell work. Can magic be a means to an end?

The Elevator Ritual By Shelly Jasperson will send tingles down your spine as her character grapples with the suicide of a stranger, and the death of her sister in the haunted images of an elevator's mirrors. Would you survive the spirit in your reflection?

The Tinker’s Gift By Valerie B. Williams has a mirror that eases people beyond the veil by showing them their heart's desire: their beloved. Could a solider's last glimpse end a curse and bring balance back to the world? 

Refracted Reflections has a mirror image worth shivering for... Happy Autumn Haunts!


One reveals truths, while the other bends light into varying shapes of deception.

Does a small camp mirror reveal hope… or death?

Is the warrior in the mirror a monster… or a protector?

Does a glimpse in the  mirror reveal a young woman’s true self… or what someone else has shaped her into?

Does the mysterious portal to the future reflect what could be… or what must be left behind?

Are the dancers reflected in the water’s depth things of beauty… or evil?

This unique and imaginative collection of nine mind tantalizing fantasy and science fiction stories will appeal to readers who enjoy thought provoking tales with hidden meanings resting deep below the surface. These stories will keep you pondering long into the night.

If you liked Gilded Glass or Once Upon an Ever After, you’ll love Refracted Reflections.


Digital Giveaway

For a chance to win a free digital copy of Refracted Reflections, just leave a comment to show you were here. Follow the tour and comment at each stop for more chances to win. Three copies will be given away in a random drawing.


About The Book

Each of the stories included in Refracted Reflections feature a mirror or reflection in some significant way. The reflections given are sometimes surprising, often fooling those who gaze upon them, because things aren’t often as they seem.

I have included two of my own stories, “The Devil Made Her Do It”, which is a reprinted story about a woman blinded by love and deceived by a man who just might be the devil, which first appeared in Relationship Add Vice, from Zombie Pirates Publishing; and an original fairy tale, The Not So Perfect Prince, about a prince who is so full of himself that he can’t see who he truly is.

But mine are only two among nine outstanding stories by eight talented authors, and we’ll be introducing five of the contributing authors on this tour: Valerie B. Williams, Roberta Eaton Cheadle, Ligia de Wit, Elisabeth Caldwell, and of course me, Kaye Lynne Booth.

Writing to be Read Refracted Reflections Blog Tour -->


Undawnted's DL Mullan, can be booked for your online Blog Tour, Book Event, Book Review (w/ARC), Interview, Writing Conference, or Genre Convention. Ms. Mullan has years of experience in public speaking, readings, presentations, events, and tours.

Book a quality author and presenter with Undawnted: Bookings online form


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Saint's Arrival in July

As apart of Undawnted's Summer Time reading program, Saint will be available in July 27, 2018.

This novelette combines adventure and supernatural elements for a unique story you will find nowhere else.

So buy your copy as soon as the book comes out!

Have a great and wonderful day!

Sunday, January 21, 2018


Saint has been added to the Novella/Novelette section of Short Fiction


"After a relationship breakup, Eavanlee Zilpha Lewis finds herself wandering in the Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans. In the evening, she makes a wish on Marie Laveau's tomb. Will she, will she not... find love?

Little did Eavanlee (ˈē-vən-) know that her answer lies in the adventure of the heart and soul. A dark, mysterious stranger leads her on a journey past her preconceived notions and straight into the heart of the matter.

Eavanlee did not need the help of spirits, she was born a Saint.

What happens when you discover the only person who can save you is you?"

Have a great and wonderful day!

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Short Fiction Section Update

I have added and removed items from the Short Fiction section to make a more complete listing:

Stories under 40,000 words.

Short Stories 
Stories under 7500 words.

Micro/Flash Fiction 
Collections of oddities and creative anthologies.

Plays and scripts were subtracted and will be added on later when projects are completed. 

Have a great and wonderful day!

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