Showing posts with label robin hood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label robin hood. Show all posts

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Mangled Cover Reveal

From the creative mind that gave readers: The Reality Hackers, comes a tale unlike any other written this century... 

With that said, the story needed an equally mystifying cover art. It took some time to find that perfect balance, but the universe of possibilities came together. Now, Undawnted is revealing the new book cover for the novelette version of the story, publishing in April of next year.

This creative write infuses the horror and science fiction genres and takes them into a futurist cascade of events that will leave the reader asking themselves what they would do in a similar position. 

New technologies like algorithms, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality are only the beginning of the changes to be seen in the world. 
But are these changes friend or foe? Mangled contemplates some of the questions surrounding humanity's future. 

Mangled follows a military Specialist named, Sarah Mitchell: 

To see the full cover, visit Mangle's dedicated page on Undawnted

The short story publishing in WordCrafter's Midnight Roost horror anthology, Mangled, on October 17, 2023, will also be published as a novelette in April 2024 through Sonoran Dawn Studios. 


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. 

 DL Mullan is sharing her knowledge via A Novelist Idea Newsletter. If you too want to become a Fearless Phile, then subscribe to her newsletter on Substack.

Her innovative style teaches writers how to reach their creative potential, and write more effectively.

Learn. Grow. Master… with Undawnted.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Rounding Out Spring Dreams 2023 with Legends and Lore

This season, Undawnted has added a few new embellishments to our Spring Dreams lineup.

With combining our seasons with the Hero's Journey, we are tailoring each quarter with a different motif:

Spring Dreams brings science fiction, fantasy, and legends/folklore to life! It is Act I of the Hero's Journey: Beginning of the Adventure. Answer this Call to Action, and become the characters and be your own hero with Undawnted.

This definition will give our audience the action and adventure that comes with swashbuckling hero's such as Robin Hood, of our ground-breaking Hode series. Undawnted brings legends and folklore alive.

After a long, cold winter, readers want to jump into the warm weather, and have their trusted fan favorites to guide them onto their first steps of their journey. Undawnted has also curated future projects to help with our Spring Dreams. Anything to help shed our winter coats and cabin fever.

Additions to our schedule include:

  • Metamorphose 
    • Seasons change, we have to change with them.
  • Stonehenge
    • An ancient monument that ripples through time is full of lore.
  • Whiskey Jack
    • A humorous take about Jackalope with an addiction problem.

What is on your list of Spring Dreams

Undawnted's unique take on the seasons and our combination of creative writing, the Hero's journey, and so much more! 

Let the energy guide you to Be Your Own Hero! 



A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Ms. Mullan decided to showcase her literary talents by publishing collections of her poems. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art.

Ms. Mullan has a number of poems published in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. She produces her own book cover designs for herself and others. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet. 

Currently, she is embarking on a successful prose career. Join our community of creators... become a Fearless Phile.

Be a part of Undawnted's growing community!  

Join A Novelist Idea on Undawnted's Private Substack.  



Sunday, March 1, 2020

Spring Dreams has Sprung for 2020

New and exciting publications, workshops, and more are on the way this spring.

Chapbooks like: Galactic Ride and Eclipse: Cloaked in Totality will see their debuts.  

As well as, Onomatopoetry workshop: Spring Dreams Cinquain Workshop, learn this American art form.

Remember to enjoy my fiction and poetry selections all year long. 

Get your allergy medication ready... Spring has sprung into action.

Have a great and wonderful day.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Ogham, Ancient Celtic Language, and Roben Hode

Ah, research. 

Writing is about reading, investigation, and fact finding expeditions. The internet has given writers a one stop shop to look up history, science, and even science fiction. When writing a historical character, a write needs as much in depth knowledge of that era as possible. 

In the case of Hode, Roben is a modern version of the mythical persona. So the legend is more of a set of guidelines than rules. However, supporting characters like Marian can have ties to the past as much or more than a modern retelling's protagonist. Marian in the first novel states she has family ties to the old Celtic ways of magick as a priestess. These characters usually have tattoos or brands, one of which Roben notices on Marian. 

So what does a writer do for the second novel? Well she researches the Ogham. Ogham is a series of lines that equate to the phonetic alphabet. We write in English which is denoted in Latin characters to convey our message. Lines like Runes and the Ogham did the same thing when reading and writing was less necessary or available to the public. 

But I like taking the concept to the next level. I not only translated my character's information to Ogham, I looked up the Ancient Celtic word for the item I wanted translated.

So in modern vernacular, Blood is fuil in Gaelic. Fuil is this set of marks in the Ogham: 

Will this be of use in the next novel, I hope so. Research takes hours and sometimes days/weeks to complete on something as simple as an ancient word and its non-Latin transliteration. 

Luckily research into the past can be done online instead of in a room full of musty, dusty tomes. 

 What research have you conducted to create depth in your character's backstory or plot point?


Friday, May 4, 2018

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Hode is Available on iTunes

Hode: The Legend Lives Again has more outlets for fans and readers alike!

iTunes gives people choices. "This book can be downloaded and read in iBooks on your Mac or iOS device."

Never be without Roben Hode. 

Download your epub copy today!  

DL Mullan is Now Availalble on Books2Read

Need an EPub instead of a PDF? 

DL Mullan's books are available for download on Books2Read

Stop by. Buy an EBook. And, remember to leave a Great Review!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Hode: The Legend Lives Again has been Published!

Fans and Readers!

Great news. Hode: The Legend Lives Again is available on Lulu. To celebrate its release, my publisher Sonoran Dawn Studios is offering the PDF for FREE.

It's a Limited Time offer.

Get your copy of this exciting update to the old classic now!

Become a Fan. Leave great feedback! 

Monday, February 5, 2018

Artwork for the Hode Series Updated

The three book series for the new Robin Hood modern retelling called Hode has had its cover art updated. The bow is now pulled back into a firing position instead of remaining static.

Thank you, high school physical education class for a section on archery. The tactile information helped write scenes in this series. So support kinetic learning in your school system.

Hode: The Legend Lives Again is the first book in the series and will be out March 31st, 2018. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Roben Hode Adventure to be Released March 31st

I never thought a book could flow onto the page as quickly as this story did.

Hode: The Legend Lives Again is the origin story for this new book series. Meet his Merry Band of Men, and Will Scarlet:

“We must be true, loyal… Equal partners. Do you pledge to do right by each other and this world?”
“With an honorable leader.” Marian smiled. “A White King to guide us. As Marian James, I pledge. ”
“A Black Knight to keep us safe.” Dale nodded to the verbal contract. “As Dale Allan, I pledge.”
“Grey Magus to see beyond the mundane.” Tuck agreed also. “As Friar Tuck, I pledge.”
Robert looked to the sullen cryptoanarchist. “Well? What say you, Will Scarlet?
“As Will Scarlet…” He flipped Robert off.

Read about this new mythical hero on March 31, 2018 when Hode: The Legend Lives Again is released as a PDF EBook on Lulu via Sonoran Dawn Studio's Fiction Spotlight.

Have a heroic day!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January Resolutions

It is the New Year. Have you made your resolutions yet? 

Undawnted has the same forward looking outlook, but with a twist: I am making my resolutions seasonal reads! 

Right now, I am busy creating, writing, and editing upcoming releases. I am working on Hode and Nocturnal Redemption as well as some poetry chapbooks. 

If you would like to see my progress, then visit my Seasonal Reads section on the menu.

What resolutions have you made?

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Hode: The Legend Lives Again

Writing an updated version of the Robin Hood Story has been epic. 

No. Seriously. I shot out a novella in record time. I guess the universe had something to say! 

...about Robin Hood.

Don't miss a minute of this evolving novel. Visit Hode: The Legend Lives Again, which has been added to the Long Fiction section of Undawnted.
Convicted of a crime he did not commit, Robert Laurence spends ten years imprisoned and tortured in a military black site. Freed by a secret organization, he now dedicates his life to the pursuit of justice... Don't call it karma; you can call him:  Hode.
 Everyone needs a mythical hero to save the day. Let Roben Hode be yours.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Reimagining Robin Hood for the 21st Century

That is a tall order!

I have always wanted to write a Robin Hood inspired story. There are a few revisions I would like to make to the old, tried and true mythologies of our modern age. Robin Hood is just one of them. 

I want to do some reimaging to the likes of Dorian Gray, The Raven, Pride and Prejudice, and Taming The Shrew to keep me busy for the next decade. 

This year the muse descended on Robin Hood. I have to take modern themes and ideas to formulate a new and exciting version no one has ever seen before.

So what is out there?

I do love the Kevin Costner version from the early 1990's. Funny how I took a noncredit script writing course through a community college at the same time that the film was released. The Hollywood screenwriter helped my classmates and I breakdown the scenes, characters, and story lines. I learned so much about storytelling during those six weeks than in any creative writing class I have ever taken.

So do not pass on noncredit courses! You might be happily surprised the knowledge you receive. 

When I was sketching out some dialogue for my take on the classic tale, the main character pretty much told me his story. Scene after scene, I could tell that this type of Robin Hood was going to be a mesh-mash of elements from the original story and a few others from external sources. 

I cannot wait to get it all finished. 

I hope I can keep up the momentum and get this origin story edited for an autumn release. 

As long as the characters keep writing the story themselves, I do not see why not. Stranger things have happened.   

Have a great and wonderful day.

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