Showing posts with label book review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book review. Show all posts

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Novelette Review: The Town Santa Forgot from Writing to Be Read

Writing to Be Read's Kaye Lynne Booth published her review of The Town Santa Forgot

"Not to give too much away, but The Town [Santa Forgot] : A tale that will tickle the whole family’s fancies. The perfect holiday gift, but would be fun to read year round. As with most Christmas stories, this one is filled with love and hope." 

This Yuletide Carol is a history-mystery tale with added supernatural occurrences and a love-lost romance. Move over holiday romcoms, The Town Santa Forgot has arrived!

For the rest of the review and quill rating, visit Writing to Be Read


The Town Santa Forgot is available as an eBook at AmazonBarnes&Noble, AppleBooks, Smashwords, and other fine retailers.   

Grab your copy today! 


A writer at heart, Undawnted's own creative spark, DL Mullan, began writing short stories and poetry before adolescence. Over the years, Ms. Mullan has showcased her literary talents by self-publishing several collections of her poetry. She also writes novels, designs apparel, and creates digital art. Ms. Mullan‘s creative writing is available in digital and print collections, from academia to commercial anthologies. As an independent publisher, she produces her own book cover designs as well as maintains her own websites. She is an award-winning digital artist and poet.

Currently, she has embarked on writing her multi-book Legacy Universe, Supernatural Superhero Series.

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Monday, October 3, 2022

Undawnted Presents: WordCrafter Blog Tour, Haunted Halloween Holiday by Robbie Cheadle

Count Sugular is delighted when the Sugarpop Bats invite his family to a Halloween party at the Haunted House. He and his wife, Witch Honey, decide to hire a caravan and enjoy a weekend away with their family.

Includes some fun limericks to introduce the various characters.
Some writers write for the "moral of the story." In your children's books, do you write for the imaginative aspects of the narrative, or do you also prescribe to having a teachable moment in your books? If so, how and why?

Thank you, Dawn, for this interesting question. My books do all have elements that can be picked out as teaching points. I think that all stories have these elements as they all rely on certain human behaviours and characteristics to bring the plot to a successful conclusion.

My characters meet new people and form friendships and working relationships with them. They identify issues, solve problems, and find ways around obstacles in their path. They learn to be patient and understanding as well as determined and resolved, depending on the circumstances.

My plots, however, to not revolve around morals or ethics. The settings and storylines in Michael and my children’s books are fantasy adventures.

In Haunted Halloween Holiday, Count Sugular and his family are invited to a Halloween party and take the opportunity to turn it into a family holiday. At the party, they meet up with old friends, dance and have fun, and see some beautiful artwork.

Everyone at the party is different and has a unique skill set. Some bake, some cook, some make music, and others are artists, but they are all appreciated for their talents, and they all contribute towards making the party a big success.

It is all about teamwork and acceptance as well as not pigeonholing people. Trolls can learn to cook and can open a restaurant if they work hard at it and are determined. People who are sad and depressed can find ways of seeing the brighter side of life and sharing their talents with the world.

I deliberately chose to write fantasy books and I want the books to be fun and engaging and expand the imaginations of the readers.

The illustrations in Haunted Halloween Holiday are all made from Fondant, biscuits, sweets, and cake. I have found that my illustrations encourage creativity in children. Some children want to replicate what I have done, others attempt to make the characters from other mediums like play doh and even mud.

It is amazing how innovative and creative children can be from all sorts of different backgrounds and economic circumstances.

What is a lesson from your childhood that comes out in your writing, as a conscious or unconscious theme? When did you notice this trend?

I was a lonely child. I moved schools fourteen times over my twelve-year school career and only two of those moves were during my high school years. During my primary school years, I sometimes moved schools twice in one academic year. My shortest stay at a school was six weeks.

Moving schools was not easy for me. It was new environments, new peers, and new teachers all the time. The schools don’t teach the syllabus consistently so I would miss sections and repeat sections following a move.

I didn’t form close friendships and I was a lonely child, playing mainly with my three younger sisters.

To this day, I don’t have close female friendships. I don’t think I ever learned how to deepen friendships with people. I have always viewed all my relationships outside of my direct family as transitional. I have closer friends in my on-line world than in my physical world. I can take on-line friends with me wherever I go and reach them often and timeously.

I think my childhood loneliness and anxiety to fit in comes through in Michael and my stories. They all have a strong focus on acceptance of difference, teamwork, being helpful and supportive, and friendship. I have taught my sons to be kind to others, to invite them into their friendship groups and offer them support when they can see a need.

Thank you, Dawn, for the great questions and for hosting my book tour today.




Another wonderful installment of Robbie Cheadle's children's book series. This time, it's autumn for her sugarland family! The sinister season is not complete without a Haunted Halloween Holiday.

In this story, everyone in the community works together for a common goal: well, a party of course! Join in with her culinary characters as they win over your heart, and appetite, with their rhymes and times. Because people who play together stay friends forever!

If you like family friendly content, then her children's series is for you. It is a family affair as Robbie and her son, Michael, write these fantastical stories for other children to enjoy. 

Be sure to purchase your own copy!  

To Enter the Giveaway... go to Writing to be Read and leave a Comment.  

For a chance to win one of three US$10 Amazon vouchers or one of three paperback copies of Haunted Halloween Holiday just leave a comment to show you were here.

Follow the tour and comment at each stop for more chances to win.

The prizes will be given away in a random drawing.


Robbie Cheadle is a South African children’s author and poet with ten children’s books and two poetry books.

The eight Sir Chocolate children’s picture books, co-authored by Robbie and Michael Cheadle, are written in sweet, short rhymes which are easy for young children to follow and are illustrated with pictures of delicious cakes and cake decorations. Each book also includes simple recipes or biscuit art directions which children can make under adult supervision.

Robbie has also published two books for older children which incorporate recipes that are relevant to the storylines.

Robbie has two adult novels in the paranormal historical and supernatural fantasy genres published under the name Roberta Eaton Cheadle. She also has short stories, in the horror and paranormal genre, and poems included in several anthologies.

Robbie Cheadle contributes two monthly posts to, namely, Growing Bookworms, a series providing advice to caregivers on how to encourage children to read and write, and Treasuring Poetry, a series aimed at introducing poetry lovers to new poets and poetry books.

In addition, Roberta Eaton Cheadle contributes one monthly post to called Dark Origins: African Myths and Legends which shares information about the cultures, myths and legends of the indigenous people of southern Africa.



Monday, September 19, 2022

WordCrafter Blog Tour! Refracted Reflections: Twisted Tales of Duality & Deception

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

In community college, I played the Mirror in the dramatic re-imaging of The Emperor has No Clothes. This anthology of short stories has a kinship with that play, as the image of the mirror takes on an important role straight into our imaginations. 

What do you see when you look into the mirror? You? The past? The present? How about a future waiting to unfold? Or, do you see the sinister? Bloody Mary, perhaps? Or, shadows that move when you don't? 

Refracted Reflections: Twisted Tales of Duality and Deception delves into those deep dark crevices of our shadow psyche. From inducing possession, committing murder/suicide or as cursed objects, mirrors have a unique hold on our imaginations. The short stories contained within the pages of this anthology will do just the same to its readers. 

The Cost of Magic By Keith Hoskins tells the tale of vengeance. In this short story, mirrors are used as magical tools, but there was a penalty for using such a device. Magical mirrors extracted a price to those individuals who are gifted with knowledge through its spell work. Can magic be a means to an end?

The Elevator Ritual By Shelly Jasperson will send tingles down your spine as her character grapples with the suicide of a stranger, and the death of her sister in the haunted images of an elevator's mirrors. Would you survive the spirit in your reflection?

The Tinker’s Gift By Valerie B. Williams has a mirror that eases people beyond the veil by showing them their heart's desire: their beloved. Could a solider's last glimpse end a curse and bring balance back to the world? 

Refracted Reflections has a mirror image worth shivering for... Happy Autumn Haunts!


One reveals truths, while the other bends light into varying shapes of deception.

Does a small camp mirror reveal hope… or death?

Is the warrior in the mirror a monster… or a protector?

Does a glimpse in the  mirror reveal a young woman’s true self… or what someone else has shaped her into?

Does the mysterious portal to the future reflect what could be… or what must be left behind?

Are the dancers reflected in the water’s depth things of beauty… or evil?

This unique and imaginative collection of nine mind tantalizing fantasy and science fiction stories will appeal to readers who enjoy thought provoking tales with hidden meanings resting deep below the surface. These stories will keep you pondering long into the night.

If you liked Gilded Glass or Once Upon an Ever After, you’ll love Refracted Reflections.


Digital Giveaway

For a chance to win a free digital copy of Refracted Reflections, just leave a comment to show you were here. Follow the tour and comment at each stop for more chances to win. Three copies will be given away in a random drawing.


About The Book

Each of the stories included in Refracted Reflections feature a mirror or reflection in some significant way. The reflections given are sometimes surprising, often fooling those who gaze upon them, because things aren’t often as they seem.

I have included two of my own stories, “The Devil Made Her Do It”, which is a reprinted story about a woman blinded by love and deceived by a man who just might be the devil, which first appeared in Relationship Add Vice, from Zombie Pirates Publishing; and an original fairy tale, The Not So Perfect Prince, about a prince who is so full of himself that he can’t see who he truly is.

But mine are only two among nine outstanding stories by eight talented authors, and we’ll be introducing five of the contributing authors on this tour: Valerie B. Williams, Roberta Eaton Cheadle, Ligia de Wit, Elisabeth Caldwell, and of course me, Kaye Lynne Booth.

Writing to be Read Refracted Reflections Blog Tour -->


Undawnted's DL Mullan, can be booked for your online Blog Tour, Book Event, Book Review (w/ARC), Interview, Writing Conference, or Genre Convention. Ms. Mullan has years of experience in public speaking, readings, presentations, events, and tours.

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